Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The island or that the island exerts an evil influence on them Essay Example for Free
The island or that the island exerts an evil influence on them Essay Which do you think is more true, that the boys bring evil to the island or that the island exerts an evil influence on them? PLAN: Fear of the unknown, evil exerted upon them, the fear of the unknown makes them believe in the beast, the evil was always in them and because of the circumstances on the island, it takes form as the beast. Lord of the Flies, a William Golding classic, filled to the brim with a meaningful and descriptive story of boys who become stranded on a desert island. Their survival becomes and endless battle among nature, savagery, and The Beast, a fantasy nightmare that manifests itself to become the boys biggest fear. Upon arrival on the island, their confrontation with their situation was blunt, although they did try to appoint a chief, some disagreed with the overall result; and the freckles on Jacks face disappeared under blush of mortification pg. 30. The truth has suddenly been put this boy into his place, who thought he is the most popular on the island, the fact now shows that he isnt. This is a fear, a fear of interrogation, a threat of overpowering and control, and it is this fear that brings the evil to the island. Jacks need to be in control turns him and his followers into savages, and so brings the downfall of their civilisation. After the landing of the dead parachutist, the fear of the unknown begins. They believe that the dead parachutist is The Beast but become too afraid to go and see if it is really a beast; We saw the beast- plain! pg. 122 Sam and Eric both claimed to have seen The Beast, but hadnt confirmed anything. By finishing each others sentences here they show the fear in their voices. This fear is added to the anonymity of The Beast and interpritated as something to be afraid of, and to some, something that can and must be destroyed. The savagery begins. From this savagery comes the hunting of The Beast. Jack demands that they should fight against The Beast putting the idea of an actual beast into the young boys minds, creating an even bigger fear, a fear of the unknown. The more that they think about this beast the more afraid they become, and the more afraid they become the more they think about the beast. Its a vicious cycle with destroyed the entire civilisation on the island. The boys dont kill The Beast because they fail to realise that The Beast is something that they created within themselves, an evil that has been portrayed from the minds of innocent boys, and twisted by the deception of false truth. The island has made the unknown into a nightmare that the boys cant fight.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Comparing Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground :: comparison compare contrast essays
Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground   Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground   Fyodor Dostoyevsky's stories are stories of a sort of rebirth. He weaves a tale of severe human suffering and how each character attempts to escape from this misery. In the novel Crime and Punishment, he tells the story of Raskolnikov, a former student who murders an old pawnbroker as an attempt to prove a theory. In Notes from the Underground, we are given a chance to explore Dostoyevsky's opinion of human beings.             Dostoyevsky's characters are very similar, as is his stories. He puts a strong stress on the estrangement and isolation his characters feel. His characters are both brilliant and "sick" as mentioned in each novel, poisoned by their intelligence. In Notes from the Underground, the character, who is never given a name, writes his journal from solitude. He is spoiled by his intelligence, giving him a fierce conceit with which he lashes out at the world and justifies the malicious things he does. At the same time, though, he speaks of the doubt he feels at the value of human thought and purpose and later, of human life. He believes that intelligence, to be constantly questioning and "faithless(ly) drifting" between ideas, is a curse. To be damned to see everything, clearly as a window (and that includes things that aren't meant to be seen, such as the corruption in the world) or constantly seeking the meaning of things elusive. Dostoyevsky thought that humans are evil, destructive and irrational.             In Crime and Punishment, we see Raskolnikov caught between reason and will, the human needs for personal freedom and the need to submit to authority. He spends most of the first two parts stuck between wanting to act and wanting to observe. After he acts and murders the old woman, he spends much time contemplating confession. Raskolnikov seems trapped in his world although there is really nothing holding him back; he chooses not to flee and not to confess, but still acts as though he's suffocation (perhaps guilt?)In both novels defeat seems inevitable. Both characters believe that normal man is stupid, unsatisfied and confused. Perhaps they are right, but both characters fail to see the positive aspects of humans; the closest was the scene between the narrator of Notes from the Underground and Liza. In this scene he almost lets the human side show, rather than the insecure, closed off person he normally is.
Monday, January 13, 2020
A Crime of Insanity
It’s just another day of class, at least which is what is going through your head. You think schools are a safe place, not a place where you can get shot or killed at. What is going through your mind when you’re their sitting in class? Nothing other than what is going on. But it was all different for these students that day. On December 14, 1994, 26 year old Ralph Tortirici walked into a history class at State University of New York. Underneath his clothes he had a hunting knife and a Remmington 270 hunting rifle with which he took the classroom hostage. One of the hostages said he told everyone to stand up and get to the side of the classroom. Tortirici also told the professor to leave the classroom. He wanted everyone to know he was serious by firing off a round from his rifle and used a fire hose to tie the doors shut. Tortorici told the hostages in the classroom he had a computer chip in his brain and penis and wanted to see the president. If everyone cooperated nobody would get hurt, but 19 year old, Jason McEnaney, rushed the gunman and it discharged. McEnaney was seriously injured, shot in the leg and groin. Once arrested, Tortorici repeatedly said, â€Å"I did what I had to do. †They took Tortorici to Albany Medical Center to be treated for a knife injury he got during a struggle with the students. He also tested positive for cocaine. Afterwards he was released into police custody and taken to the Albany Court jail and charged with multiple counts of kidnapping, aggravated assault, and attempted murder. His lawyer claimed not guilty by reason on insanity. Larry Rosen, presiding judge, had to decide if he was even competent to stand his own trial. His brother Matthew Tortorici said Ralph suffered from delusions for many years. His delusions led to a conspiracy theory that he told his father and Matthew that the cops were out to get him. Ralph was born with a defective urethra and went through a series of operations to fix it. After a while he became convinced that during one of the operations the government had put a tracking device in his body. When Tortorici was 24 years old he went to the University Health Center and complained that a microchip was put in his penis. When X-rays were found negative he was convinced that the doctors were in on the plot. Tortorici turned to drugs thinking they could help him escape and it made his mother concerned. One day she called the medical center concerned that her son was suicidal and that he locked himself in the restroom and was smoking crack. They evaluated Tortorici and he was diagnosed with cocaine intoxication, suicidal ideation, and depression. That is when 10 months later he took the students hostage and since he thought the government put a microchip in his brain he wanted attention and for it to stop. The prosecutors could not find a psychiatrist expert who would testify, no one wanted their name associated with Ralph Tortorici. They wanted to plead the case out and get him sent to a secure psychiatric hospital. Two days into the jury selection Cheryl Coleman found Dr. Lawrence Seigle to become the expert. She started getting onto the Dr about him being a Jew and how she should know him and what he is going through. This was the first time Cheryl Coleman came face to face with Ralph. Ralph claimed that the government had developed sound waves and mind waves to control people’s minds and he was part of an experimental project. He was the Anti-Christ and the trail was his graduating party. If you are not there mentally, it is not fair for you to stand trial. The judge moved forward with the trial without wanting to have another competency hearing. Had the judge held off, and in that time, the prosecutor had no evidence and could have found evidence. Coleman was uncomfortable because a prosecutor’s job is not only to win cases, but to make sure justice is done. On January 3 Tortorici announced he wouldn’t be present for his trial, that he would wait it out in a holding cell in the basement. He thought the court was not just to decide and that the government was behind it and that there were airwaves in the court and everyone knew what was going on and in on it. Ralphs lawyer thought he could win without him being there. Lawyers don’t think if you are right or wrong, they think of winning a trial. Jason McEnaney was the student who rushed Ralph and was shot. One of the jurors passed out when McEnaney was testifying in details about his injuries. Defense had many witnesses and four experts who testified that he was legally insane at the time of the crime he committed. The fact he laid out all the bullets saying he had enough to kill a lot of people. The fact he had the doors tied. The fact he knew the cops were going to be called. The jury never set eyes on him; Ralph was carrying out a mission. Defenses say this case is a case of simple mental illness. He was operating under a delusion from the voices in his head. Sure, he committed these crimes, but he was legally insane. The prosecutors closing sentence closed with a rush of emotion directed at the victim. â€Å"You’re not taking me seriously, Bam! †He knew what he was doing. Eight days of testimony with 31 witness’s, case was handed to jury. By law the judge couldn’t say what would happen if found innocent from insanity. He would spend the same time in prison as in a mental hospital. A month later Tortorici returned to the courtroom to be sentenced, this time he actually entered the courtroom. Before sentence the judge allowed Ralph to speak. He embarrassed himself by the things he said. Tortorici was sentenced 20 to 47 years in prison and sent to Sullivan Correctional Facility in his own cell in the mental facility. Only in prison for 3 weeks, he tried hanging himself in his cell by his bed sheet. Three years passed and an appeal was filed and denied. Tortorici was shuttled between prisons and psychiatric facilities. His family would say he was doing, but he wasn’t. Three weeks later on August 10, 1999, Ralph Tortorici was found dead hanging from his bed sheet in his cell. Prosecutor Cheryl Coleman questioned herself when she found out the news on Tortoricis death. She had convicted him and she was feeling guilty and responsible. She had lost a child herself and felt the pain Ralph’s mother and family must have felt. Was justice done? In my opinion I think Ralph Tortorici should have got help and been sent to an insane asylum under surveillance.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Policy And Procedures For Implementation Of Selected...
SCOPE: a. The policy applies to the MVAMC and related associated with families associated with Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOCs) and all security information that collected, transmitted, used, processed, stored, or disposed of by or under the direction of the staff or its contractors. b. This document is intended to address the establishment of policy and procedures for implementation of selected security controls and control enhancement in the MP, PE or SC family. Policy and procedures reflect applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directive, regulations, policies, standards and guidance. The procedures can be established for the security policy is general and for particular information system, if needed. The organizational risk management strategy is a key factor in establishing policy and procedures for VA (OI T). c. All users responsible for implementing the policy and procedures outlined VA Directive Handbook 6500, as well as VA National or Contractor ROB will provide copies of the documentation. d. Violations of security policy or procedures will be brought to the attention of management for appropriate disciplinary action and reported in accordance with local and national OI T Media Protection Reporting policies and standard operating procedures. e. Security requirements also apply to all VA or contractor-operated services and information resources located and operated at contract facilities, at other government agencies that support VA missionShow MoreRelatedThe Federal Information Security Management Act2787 Words  | 12 Pages VA Cyber Security Profile Richard David Thomas Caroll CSIA 412 7982 November 30, 2014â€Æ' Introduction. 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