Friday, August 28, 2020
Motif of a Mule in There Eyes Were Watching God free essay sample
The Motif of a Mule In Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, there is a persistent correlation among Janie and donkeys. For the duration of Janie’s life, she has been seen as a trained creature and rewarded like one. The creator utilizes a theme of a donkey to show the jobs that Janie played in every one of her connections and how regardless of her battles, she is in the long run ready to break liberated from her donkey status. Caretaker is the principal character who embedded the donkey status on Janie. In Nanny’s sentiment, white individuals will consistently run the world and give individuals of color all the difficult work to do. She clarifies that people of color are left with the heap and thought about the donkeys. She says, â€Å"De nigger lady is de donkey uh de world so hide as Ah can see†(14). At long last, Nanny simply needs the best for Janie and needs to keep her from turning into a donkey by compelling her to wed the well off land owner, Logan Killicks. We will compose a custom paper test on Theme of a Mule in There Eyes Were Watching God or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Despite the fact that Logan Killicks means well, he didn't offer Janie the affection and sentiment that she wanted. In the long run, Logan starts abusing Janie with work and work; he begins rewarding her like a donkey rather than a spouse. He anticipates that his better half should get a move on and trouble. This is exemplified when Janie won't help Logan with the open air work and she discloses to him that he has his place (the homestead) and she has her place (the kitchen). In answer to this, Logan says, â€Å"You ain’t got no specific spot. It’s any place Ah need yuh†(31). By and large, the theme of the donkey is utilized to depict the job Janie plays in her first marriage. In time, Janie leaves Logan Killicks for Joe Starks, who is by all accounts everything Logan isn't. Initially things appear to be awesome between the new hitched couple; in any case, sooner or later, Joe Sparks starts controlling Janie. Janie’s new spouse doesn’t permit her to have a voice, and he simply needs her to be his delightful trophy wife. In this sense, Janie and Matt Bonner’s donkey are misused in comparable manners. In the novel, Joe Sparks professes to buy the donkey to liberate it from misuse and Janie applauds him for this. Be that as it may, his genuine rationale in purchasing the donkey is to help his notoriety in the network. The donkey is only a prize that Sparks keeps before the store, much the same as the way Janie is set in plain view. In contrast to her other two spouses, Tea Cake doesn't treat Janie as though she is a donkey. With Tea Cake, Janie can split away from the limits put upon her by society and be a person who isn't related with a donkey. Rather than driving her to till the ground as a donkey, or fill in as a presentation like one, Tea Cake treats her deferentially and shows her numerous new things. Her third spouse urges her to be an individual and perspectives her as an equivalent, not as a donkey. Along these lines, the theme of a donkey is utilized all through Their Eyes Were Watching God to show Jane’s character under the prevailing men throughout her life. In every relationship, Janie resembles a donkey in the manner in which she acts and is controlled. At long last, Jane is sufficiently blessed to meet Tea Cake who causes her to break liberated from her limits and be a person.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American Literature Colonial Early National Period Flashcard
American Literature: Colonial Early National Period
Friday, August 21, 2020
Physical Exertion Affect Bone Growth Health And Social Care Essay
Physical Exertion Affect Bone Growth Health And Social Care Essay Smaller bone is hard because of mineral stores of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate (calcium and phosphorus). This bone comprises of firmly stuffed osteons or haversian frameworks and numerous layers with scarcely any holes on this tissue along these lines it is thick and hard. The hard minerals and adaptable collagen makes bone solid. Each osteon comprise of concentric layers of hard mineralized lattice (concentric lamellae). Bones comprise principally of calcium. Calcium is significant it is a cofactor for catalyst work, in keeping up cell layers, in muscle withdrawal, sensory system capacities, and in blood coagulating. At the point when the eating routine doesn't give an adequate measure of calcium, it is discharged from the bones, and when there is an excess of calcium in the body, it is put away during the bones. Nutrient D is significant for legitimate assimilation of calcium in the small digestive tract. Nutrient D is found in nourishments, for example, eggs, milk and other dairy items. Nutrient D structures from a substance (dehydrocholesterol) created by cells in the stomach related tract or acquired in the eating routine. Dehydrocholesterol is conveyed by the blood to the skin, it is changed over to an exacerbate that becomes nutrient D. Skin assists with assembling nutrient D from bright light, which is critical to typical bone development and advancement. The natural substances of bone give it a specific level of adaptability. The inorganic bit of bone is produced using mineral salts, for example, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, calcium fluoride, magnesium phosphate, sodium oxide, and sodium chloride. These minerals give bone its hardness and toughness. The bone got fragile and versatile because of loss of calcium. In rickets condition bones become delicate, fragile because of absence of calcification, causing distortions as pigeon-toes. Without this nutrient, calcium is ineffectively assimilated, and the inorganic salt segment of bone grid needs calcium causing bone disfigurements. In kids, this condition is called rickets, and in grown-ups, it is called osteomalacia. Nutrient An is significant for osteoblast and osteoclast action during typical turn of events. The lack of nutrient A may impede bone turn of events. Nutrient C is required for collagen combination. On the off chance that osteoblasts produce less collagen in the intercellular material of the bone tissue this inadequacy will make bones delicate. Bone adjusts to changing burdens and powers. At the point when muscles increment and become all the more remarkable because of activity, the relating bones likewise become thicker and more grounded through incitement of osteoblasts. Customary exercise keeps up ordinary bone structure. Bones which are not exposed to ordinary burdens, for example, a harmed leg immobilized in a cast, rapidly degenerate. Without practice the bone tissue getting more slender and more fragile (decay). 2. How do the general extents of the noggin and face of an embryo contrast and those of the grown-up skull? The skull comprises of two arrangements of bones: cranial and the facial bones. The weaknesses of a babys skull are regions of not completely solidified bones called fontanels. The bones of the skull are associated by sinewy, malleable, connective tissue during childbirth. The adaptability of these associations permits the skull issues that remains to be worked out and cover as the baby goes through the birth waterway. The fontanels start to close around two months after birth. The biggest of the fontanels, the frontal fontanel situated on the highest point of the skull, doesn't close until 18 to two years old enough. Cranial bones are dainty and marginally bended. During early stages, these bones are held together by a sporadic band of connective tissue called a stitch. As the youngster develops, this connective tissue hardens and transforms into hard bone. The frontal bone and mandible are isolated both ways bones yet meld medially by age 5 or 6. In infant, face is level and the skull is enormous. The cerebrum becomes quicker than the remainder of body meaning the head is bigger than body, and in grown-ups the head is littler than body. The newborn children noggin is large contrasting with its face, have two openings called fontanels, the bones of the skull comprise of four plates that are not intertwined 3. How does the state of the joint effect its capacity to move? A few joints are truly adaptable, permitting development, while others are solid, giving assurance of the inside tissues and organs, however don't allow development. The stringy joints are generally relentless. The three kinds of sinewy joints are stitches, syndesmoses, and gomphoses. Stitches give assurance to the cerebrum and are just found in the grown-up skull. They are enduring joints. A syndesmoses joint is where the bones don't contact one another and are held together by sinewy connective tissue. A gosphosis joint is made out of peg and attachment. A synarthrosis joint is unflinching. An amphiarthrosis joint is somewhat mobile. A diarthrosis joint is an openly versatile joint. The portable joints comprise of three principle parts: articular ligament, a bursa (joint case), and a synovial (joint) pit. Useful Category Auxiliary Category Model Synarthrosis (enduring joints) Sinewy Stitch Gomphosis Cartilaginous Synchondrosis Between bones of grown-up skull Among teeth and jaw Epithyseal ligaments Amphiarthrosis (little development) Sinewy Syndesmosis Cartilaginous Symphysis Between the tibia and fibula Among right and left open bones of pelvis Between contiguous vertebral bodies along vertebral segment Diarthrosis (free development) Synovial Elbow, lower leg, ribs, wrist, shoulder, hip Kind of Joint Kind of Movement Model Planar Skimming Joints among carpals and tarsals Pivot Flexion and augmentation Elbow, knee, and lower leg Turn Pivot Atlantoaxial joint (among first and second vertebrae) Condyloid Snatching and adduction Wrist joint Seat Flexion, augmentation, metacarpal snatching, adduction Carpometacarpal joint (between bone of thumb and carpal bone of wrist) circumduction Ball-and-Socket Revolution, snatching, adduction, circumduction Shoulder and hip joints 4. For what reason is articular ligament significant? The articular ligament covers and secures the bone closures. The articular ligament additionally goes about as a safeguard. The articular case encases the joint structure. Articular ligament is an exceptionally sorted out avascular tissue made out of chondrocytes inserted inside an extracellular network of collagens, proteoglycans and noncollagenous proteins. Its essential capacity is to empower the smooth verbalization of joint surfaces, and to pad compressive, tractable and shearing powers. The articular ligament is a layer of hyaline ligament. Hyaline ligament has probably the most reduced coefficient of erosion known for any surface to surface contact. The synovial liquid and ligaments make joint developments erosion free. Contextual analysis: Broken leg Boss Complaint: 14-year-old young lady conceded with a messed up left leg. History: Nicole Michaelson, a 14-year-old young lady, was skiing when she fell and broke her left leg. As she fell, her left leg got captured under the body of another skier who ran into her. A X-beam uncovered that the crack was a compound, tibial-fibular break just underneath the knee. The X-beam likewise uncovered a torn meniscal ligament in the knee over the break. The young lady stayed in the emergency clinic for 14 days in light of a disease of the leg in the territory of skin breakage. Her immobilized leg was casted after the disease died down. She stayed in a full leg-length cast for 3 months, after which the upper bit of the cast was evacuated and she was permitted to begin bearing load on the leg. The bones at last recuperated, yet the young lady kept on having left knee expanding (water on the knee) and agony exacerbated by strolling. Arthroscopic assessment of the knee uncovered a meniscus that was as yet torn a half year after her physical issue. Questions 1. What does the term tibial-fibular crack mean? It is a crack of both the tibia and fibula in the lower leg beneath the knee. 2. What is a compound crack? At the point when crack happens, there is growing because of injury and draining tissues. A compound break is the place the messed up bone closures penetrate and distend through the skin. This reason contamination of the bone and neighboring tissues. The way toward reestablishing bone is done through three techniques: shut decrease, open decrease, and footing. 3. For what reason was her physical issue bound to get tainted than a normal break of the leg? Nicole has an open/compound crack where the wrecked bone closures puncture and jut through the skin. This can cause contamination of the bone and neighboring tissues since the skin is regularly colonized with microscopic organisms. The diseases of bony tissue are hard to treat. 4. Portray the tiny highlights of bony tissue that help long bones withstand parallel worry without breaking. The sidelong pressure put on Nicoles left tibia and fibula causing: 1. Extending/tearing as an afterthought inverse of the effect The hard neckline withstands destroying by vertically masterminded packs of extreme collagen in the extracellular framework of bone. This collagen is arranged in a spiraling vertical example in which the strands in every lamella are opposite to those in nearby lamellae. 2. Pressure of the bone in favor of effect The hard neckline have a weight on horizontal effect. It withstands the weight/stress/squashing by intense hydroxyapatite gems in its extracellular framework. These hydroxyapatite gems fill in as weight-bearing columns for the bone. They organized in layers inside the osteons (Haversian frameworks) of minimized bone. The center territory (medullary cavity) is loaded up with red and yellow bone marrow. The extreme reduced bone isn't required in the center in this way compressive and removing powers drop each other in mid-manner through the bone. 5. Portray the tiny highlights of the rigid tissue that help long bones withstand compressive powers without breaking The hard neckline of long bones assists with supporting the heaviness of the body and
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
New Step by Step Roadmap for Writing Research Papers
New Step by Step Roadmap for Writing Research Papers Our writers will always check your order to ensure there are no grammatical errors in your Art essay or any portion of the Art paper to be certain your needs are happy. Register online with us through our site and you'll be in a position to have a glimpse of a totally free sample or an illustration of our latest writing. When you've already decided what topic you are going to be writing about, the following thing you ought to pay attention to is the reach of your paper or what you're going to be including in your discussion. You need a certain number of words, pages, and you've got to get it all done by a certain date! A Startling Fact about Writing Research Papers Uncovered Reading a research paper can be difficult enough, but besides the challenges of writing, experiment design is also an important challenge. In the latter circumstance, such experimental procedures could be independently publishable as the primary focus o f a distinct paper in a journal devoted to methods. It's actually quite simple since you already found all your research. Regardless of what research paper outline you're considering, you will want to think about just how your research is going to be backed up. If you don't possess the slightest clue on how best to compose a research paper outline, it's time you got some ideas. Before you compose a research paper outline there is one significant aspect you must remember which is the problem of capitalization. Once you complete our writing research papers application we'll be in touch for the following steps. As the title of the writing implies you have to conduct the research in the certain region of knowledge. The Characteristics of Writing Research Papers Either way, you're documenting the outcomes of your investigations on a selected topic. The research work considers much time to locate and collect necessary info. Include all the info that you feel is important and relevant. Term papers ought to be the end result of 11-14 weeks of work and activity. Writing a research paper is as critical as performing the true research or experiment itself and can seem to be an extremely daunting job. Writing research papers isn't just writin g in case you have no ideas of what you're likely to write. How to write research papers is a frequently asked question by students and many students are not able to locate decent help by using their research papers when they're writing them. It have become an integral part of all graduate and postgraduate course. The research paper outline draft helps make certain that the student is prepared for his task. Read the very first draft as though you were the professor. If a student would like to really learn and fledge as an individual, attention is what they require in order to give. Students have to compose papers that satisfy instructor's requirement. First, they find it hard to write quality research papers because they do not have enough time. Without the capacity to write insightful, analytical and definitive research papers, they will not want their services. What students should understand is it will become shameful to file your assignment that's full of errors. The Good, the Bad and Writing Research Papers It's difficult for them to find help on the best way to write research papers since there aren't many credible sources out there. Sources are important to support and create the idea you've presented. You need to use legitimate scholarly sources. Get the Scoop on Writing Research Papers Before You're Too Late Furthermore, the paper writer ought to be in a position to compose papers that meet clients' requirement. Read my essay writing service reviews and my guide to selecting the ideal service for everything you want to understand about how to pick the best writing businesses. Most writing companies handle various customers. The custom writing company ought to have an internet system. The Tried and True Method for Writing Research Papers in Step by Step Detail Most companies aren't able to compose academic papers. Undoubtedly, content is important for a research paper but it doesn't imply that you will have the ability to make a good paper unless making your paper error-free. Attempt not to procrastinate, the more time you need to work on the paper the simpler it will be. Writing the Paper There are 3 major parts that you have to divide your paper into. Research paper peer editing may also be helpful for you in the event you need to spot flaws in your paper. Term papers are intended to be scholarly papers. Writing research papers has turned into a challenging undertaking. It has always been a daunting task.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on The Role of the Royal Air Force in World War II
Following the devastation of trench warfare during World War I, early airpower theorist believed strategic bombing could be the new way to win wars and reduced the number of lives lost. Theorist like, Guilio Douhet, Hugh Trenchard, and William â€Å"Billy†Mitchel became pioneers and advocates of strategic bombing. They believed striking the enemy’s troops, war-marking industry, and vital centers would produce a decisive victory. The airpower theory would be a key element to the Allies strategy in Second World War (WW2). Leaders in Britain and the United States believed Germany was a greater threat than Japan. Thus, the airpower strategy of the European theater of operation became the primary focus. Allied airpower was decisive in the European†¦show more content†¦The first priority was to attain air superiority by destroying the Germany aircraft industry and operational fighters. The second priority was to destroy the German electrical power grid, transportat ion networks, and oil industry. The third priority was to provide tactical support for the ground invasion of Europe. The Allied success in the European theater depended on achieving air superiority. They wanted their air forces to have the ability to operate anywhere without opposition. During the early stages of WW2, the air domain was contested space. Neither side had won sufficient control of the air to operate freely. The Allies primary theory was air superiority was a necessity to ensure victory. The air battles of North Africa in early 1943 provided testing, refining, and critical adaptation to reach the superiority objective. The combination of strategic and tactical air forces brought a heavy dose of airpower to bear on German and Italian forces. North Africa became the live fire-training center for AAF air doctrine. In the early stages of North Africa, â€Å"the air arm was woefully ill-prepared to fight a desert war†. However, the willingness of leadership to qui ckly adapt to new environments and enemy strategy allowed the now coalition air force to radically change the war in the Mediterranean. The air war in North Africa highlighted the gap in US air doctrine’s emphasis on exclusive strategic bombing. Tactical airpowerShow MoreRelatedAustralia s Involvement During The Second World War1100 Words  | 5 PagesSecond World War commenced in 1939 to 1945. Australia’s involvement in the Second World War was announced by Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies on the 3rd of September 1939. Roughly one million Australian men and women served the World War passionately guarding its allies. Australia took part in many campaigns during the Second World War in Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, South-East Asia and the Pacific regions. Many notable defence units that were involved in the Second World War: RoyalRead MoreCanada and the Air Force Wwi and Wwii1379 Words  | 6 PagesTraining of Air Force Personnel Canada’s role from WWI to WWII Introduction In the 20th-century Canada in support of its closest ally â€Å"Great Britain†participated in two world wars. These were wars with new technology, specifically the â€Å"fixed wing aircraft†which gave birth to a new battlefield â€Å"the sky†. This changed the tactics of previous wars, the airplane was capable of many duties; ranging from aerial reconnaissance to ground attack to the tactical and strategic bombing, both by day andRead MoreWorld War II : A Brutal And Long War1088 Words  | 5 PagesWorld War II happened during the time that women wanted more rights and wanted to be able to work. So when World War II happened, it created new job opportunities and women were able and willing to work. The war was fought between two alliances that was against each other, â€Å"the opposing alliances are now referred to as ‘The Axis’ and ‘The Allies’. The Axis group consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Allies group c onsisted of France, Britain, the U.S., the Soviet Union, and China. World WarRead MoreWomen During World War II1731 Words  | 7 PagesThe beginning of World War II saw Australians see war on their shores for the first time, as well as having to travelling overseas to fight another war. It required young men to leave their country to fight, this affected the women who were left behind. World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945. World War II was a large world conflict. During this world conflict Australia was under the threat of attack for the first time. When the war started there was a lack of man power on the home front whichRead MoreBritish Perspective On The War Essay1016 Words  | 5 PagesWorld War II, for must people, comes with particular interests or focuses. My interest was on the battle tactics of General Patton, someone I have looked up to since my undergraduate days. However, this rather large volume did a great job of showing me a different focus during this time, the British perspectives on the war and their assessment of the United States prior to America entrance in to the war in 1941. There is voluminous literature for the period 1937-1941 focusing on political, diplomaticRead MoreThe Years 1918-1939, Which Separate World War I From World1545 Words  | 7 PagesThe years 1918-1939, which separate World War I from World War II, witnessed profound changes in how technologically advanced military organizations would fight. In most of the cases, during peacetime, military innovation, and technological developments played an empowering or helping role in advancing profoundly new and more operative ways of fighting. In a narrow and strict sense, such innovative improvements were revolutionary. The technological revolution reached the battlefields and foreverRead MoreCanadian Army, Royal Canadian Air Force, And Canada1023 Words  | 5 Pagessuccessfully capitalized on its physical environment filled with vast and rich amounts of nat ural resources lead the nation to be one of the world’s richest nations. Overall the Canadian Forces consist of the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Canadian Air Force, and Canada Command. All the forces together as a whole are currently ranked 14th worldwide. Canada’s military history stretches as far back as the early 1600’s, which was made up of mainly French settlers. It began when SamuelRead MoreChanging Role Of Women During World War II1434 Words  | 6 PagesChanging Role of Women in World War II When Britain declared war against Germany in 1939, the Australian Prime Minister, Robert Menzies, proclaimed that Australia was also at war. The declaration of war saw Australians respond to another world conflict. On this occasion, Australia itself would be under the threat of attack. World War II would not only require young men to travel overseas and fight but it also significantly impacted the lives of Australian women. The contribution Australian womenRead MoreRonald Reagan on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day Pointe Du Hoc, France987 Words  | 4 PagesNormandy, France, on June 6, 1984. This is the speech I wanted to use for my analytical paper because I have always been extremely interested in World War II and anything affiliated with it. Also, I actually had two grandfathers that served in the Philippines fighting alongside American soldiers as guerilla fighters against the Japanese invaders during the war. President Reagan was the one who presented the speech but to my slight disappointment, he did not actually prepare it himself. The speech wasRead MoreWorld War 2 Paper1057 Words  | 5 PagesCastro, Nazzi 1CA5 I. Introduction For a start, there’s disagreement on when the war started and two common dates for when it finished. In terms of Europe, Russia generally holds that the Great Patriotic War began on June 22nd 1941 with Operation Barbarossa (the German invasion of Russia) while Western Europe uses September 1st 1939, the German invasion of Poland. Both use the date of Germany s unconditional surrender as the end in Europe, but the Western Allies accepted the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Philosophy Of God s Creation - 1625 Words
Introduction In the first lesson the goal was to outline in our thinking that God has created a Beautiful world in which He desires us to worship Him as the creator of all things. In This lesson we will be looking at man who God has created in His image and how Man fell in disobedience to God. We shall also see the wonderful provision and Restoration God has made available to us through the various covenants He has established with mankind since the days of Adam. In the same way that God s creation stands as a source of God in us, we must also face the evil that came as a result of the fall. Genesis 2:7-9 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living†¦show more content†¦_ Isolation - vs 1 - he said to the woman... He first isolated Eve from Adam. He gave them no opportunity to strengthen each Others resolve to choose the good. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward For their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is Alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down Together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not Quickly broken. _ He questioned God s Word motive - vs 13 - Has God indeed said... He then cast doubt on God s word and motives. Did God have a selfish motive for Restriction? God has warned of death. Satan cried, you will not surely die. With the questioning of God s word and motive, two opposing views now stood in Contrast to one another. A choice had to be made. _ He also focused Eve s attention on desirable ends - vs. 6 ... a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. This is very similar to what we call situation ethics. Never mind the fact that the Means to an end involves disobedience to God. Act only on examination of the Supposed results. _ Satan also proposed a mixed good as the end: vs. 5 (TLB) you will become Like Him, for your eyes will be opened--you will be able to distinguish good from evil! How could becoming more like God be wrong? What he isShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Young Earth Creationism1698 Words  | 7 Pagesreferring to â€Å"creationism.†This is primarily due to the fact that the creationists most visible in the public eye during the creation-evolution debate were most likely to hold young earth creationist views. Additionally, the terms â€Å"recent earth†or â€Å"recent creation†have been used to refer to this same position. These terms clearly define their position as one in which the creation of the world occurred somewhat recently, that is, the world is young. However, it obviously doesn t provide us with muchRead MoreProposed Seven Philosophers On The Existence Of God And Their Development Of These Ideas1413 Words  | 6 Pages I will proceed to relate their ideas on the existence of God and their development of these ideas. St. Augustine s epistemology is rationalization. In his argument for the existence of God, he is referring to varying degrees of perfection otherwise know as, an Ontological argument. He believed that in pursuing truth, it would lead to the epicenter of all truth, God. Upon his pursuit of truth, he began to further develop his philosophy that all things whether that be knowledge, humanity or theRead MoreJournal Article Critique Of John G Pauline Cosmic Christology And Ecological Crisis Essay1103 Words  | 5 PagesBibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 Introduction The redemptive doors that Jesus Christ opens and gives us as a fallen creation are crucial toward who He is. The sacrifice upon the cross is critical to our association with Jesus Christ. Overlooking the installment of sins upon the cross, Jesus Christ still holds lordship over the universe. Jesus Christ is still God regardless of the possibility that we tend to overlook it. It is His qualities of affectionate love that gives, which allows usRead MoreJohn Locke s Influence On His Epistemology1487 Words  | 6 Pagescalled â€Å"natural philosophy†), a subject that particularly excited him in his late teen years and one that would remain a lifelong interest. In New York he began a notebook of â€Å"Miscellanies,†in which he placed his thoughts on theology and philosophy. By the end of 1723 he had added three more notebooks: â€Å"Notes on the Apocalypse,†â€Å"Notes on Scripture†and â€Å"The Mind†(Marsden 59). We can say John Locke was a ma jor force of behind this growth of Jonathan Edwards , but only the Locke s influence on hisRead MoreLove Is The Theme Of The New Testament1266 Words  | 6 Pagestheme of the New Testament In the New Testament, there are may sentences that talk about†the Love†, â€Å"God is love†,and â€Å"Doctrine of love†. We have sufficient evidences for proving love is the theme of the new testament. Both Paul and christian believers agreed with the idea that they need to try them best to love the Lord. This love is from inside of each believers. â€Å"Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatestRead MoreChristian Worldview And The Secular Worldview Of Account1245 Words  | 5 Pagesthey experience in their lives. A worldview defines the basis of how an individual interprets reality. A person s worldview would help establish one s principles by how they judge right from wrong, and it s their guide for everyday living. A person s worldview shapes the way individuals interact with the world. Worldview plays a significant role when it comes to est ablishing one s moral opinions such as religious beliefs, marriage, politics, social structures, environmental concerns, educationalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Short Article On Being An Atheist 1714 Words  | 7 Pageswe will be looking at his article â€Å"On Being an Atheist†. In his article, McCloskey examines many Christian arguments for the existence of God. McCloskey not only says that Christians are wrong in using these arguments but he critically analyzes them from the view point of a devout atheist. While H. J. McCloskey gives his strong beliefs on the existence of God and reason behind evil being in the world, a Christian can still stand firm in their beliefs because of supporting evidence. McCloskey oftenRead MoreThe Theory Of Evolution Of Creationism977 Words  | 4 Pagescan be explained by natural laws without the initiation or intervention of God. A person who believes in the biblical model of creation is viewed by some non- believers as a naive, narrow-minded religious fanatic who is not willing to look at the observable evidence with an open mind. Because the evolutionary idea of origins has been so widely accepted by the scientific community, many people have reasoned that the creation model should be completely rejected without fairly examining its claims. EvenRead MoreEssay on Boethius and Platos God1026 Words  | 5 Pagesan architect creator theological entity. The importance of the Demiurge in this paper is to compare and contrast him with Boethiuss God in The Consolation of Philosophy. Anicius Boethius was a Roman philosopher who was born in or around 480 AD. He was, like Plato, very interested in politics. According to Victor Watts, who translated The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius was a member of the family, gens Anicia, who converted to Christianity in the fourth century. Boethius was involved in a consulshipRead MoreThe Natural Law Theory Essay examples1037 Words  | 5 Pagesonly be obtained by following the natural law theory. God created a set of laws as a supreme guide for humans to live life, like any law these laws were created to ensure wellbeing for everyone. The laws he created are the civil law, the natural law and the divine law God created them from a law much superior than the rest, one which only God himself has the knowledge of, the eternal law. Humans actively participate in the eternal law of God by using reason in conformity with the Natural Law to discern
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Introduction to Management Welfare Innovativeness
Question: Describe about the Introduction to Management for Welfare Innovativeness. Answer: Overview The present study emphasizes on the values of motivation of employees engaged in multifarious tasks of professional, corporate, administrative as well as welfare innovativeness. The organizational practices are exceedingly influenced by associated members who endeavor to uphold the prestige of the company. The term, Motivation refers to the drive of groundwork to inspire the diverse categories of personnel with the pragmatic manifestation of knowledge, commitment, assurance, in addition to communicating abilities for managing and supervising the discreet functions linked with the organization. The accomplishments of developmental schemes of undertakings correlated to the production, dispensation and treating of products and services to dissimilar endpoints for the societies serve the significant aspects of motivation (Armstrong, 2010). It replicates the conduct and assertiveness with positive outlooks that deliver elementary values of interfaces of personal and professional settlemen t. The characteristics of awareness of the social, physical, moral, ecological and technical platform constructs the initial step toward motivation. The national or universal glamour and cultural traditions embraced with attentive attitude through the substantial approaches and structures throw graceful penetration on the demonstration of acquaintance and understanding of the working phenomena in a specific institute (Chai, 2010). Rewards and Assessment system: Motivation of workforces illustrates vigorous role in the intensification of accumulative efficiency of the society. The Supreme businesses in global marketplace implement classification of rewards and assessment system for encouraging the workforces so as to realize the objectives and purposes of the association. The method of conferring recompenses for the outstanding management of staffs at the workplace motivates the personnel to a prodigious level. The principles of awarding the individuals not only supports to improve the abilities and talent of teams but also benefits the association to execute a healthy and perfect ideology of the brand assessment and appearance in worldwide market. It drives without expression that the enactment of the enterprise hinges on how the forces reveal their drudgery as well as bring about their mission and commitment with unsurpassed actualities and aptitude (Machado, 2015). Nevertheless, it is correspondingly prominent that mutually assessment and rewards structure generate rational stage of clash amid the staffs for a short period; however it organizes to mark an inordinate sense in encouraging the workforces for fabricating the desired operational panache. Cultural impression: The American in addition to European or other racial effects have wonderful impact on the Asian republics. The eastern impingement is progressively assuming the western circles of decision of vision and epitomes to authenticate the indispensible faces and requests of existence in technological domain. The HRM dogmas of the working section of Larsen and Toubro obligate to breach the spells of appropriateness to detect the innermost potentialities plus talents to inject the promises of the males and females who surpass in their relevant careers. The innovative potentials deliver inimitability to measure the faculties buried in their physical and cerebral edges. The state of mind denoting self-responsiveness, self-reliance, besides self-actualization undeniably agree to the priority of intentions to realize the anxieties of the private along with specialized life (Sousa et al. 2012). The pressure and tension is the exciting slice of the schedules existing in the midst of the mundane exertion of personal lifespan. The strains of the sequencers and hysterical burdens generate on top of reassurance to experience exaggerated inspirations of the opportunity of the angle of the altered boulevards of the operational polishes (Sprunt et al. 2014). These individuals are motivated and superintended by the values of societal and psychosomatic essentials of the knowledgeable and balanced observances. The elementary chucks work for the indispensible norms of love, diet, security, confidence besides self-esteem that encourage sowing plus developing the actual traits of up-and-coming profession above and beyond active engagement in life. Maslows Hierarchy of needs (Source: Taormina and Jennifer, 2013, pp- 160) Performance Appraisal: The Distinctive approaches of the supplementary methodologies espoused by the institute to arouse the workforces lie in admiring the bodies for their exceptional performance It is the significant fact as regards the tracking of performance goals at the respective circles of actions needed to realize he aims and amassing the feedbacks of the requisite players by the management of the group. The effective recognition and evaluation structure likewise supports the association to identify and select the gradient of competent recruits of the business. The appropriate grade of experienced staffs aids the society in constructing decision for future progression of the assemblage besides its perception and outlooks. At the side of it, the union also approves the delivery of inducement to workforces for the brilliant and tremendous work performance (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The system of open-handed incentives works as a benevolent method to raise the spirit of confi dence and courageousness to face discreet types of circumstances and in fact molds the personalities The employees tend to effort firmer and stiffer for receiving the inspiration and create remarkable outputs that motivate the other group of employees to contribute blooming concert with prolific activities that enhance the overall growth of the functional ingenuity. This ultimately stages the policy of achieving competitive advantage to have a comprehensive lead over the rival enterprises and hold a secured position within the marketing zone (Olsen and Stensaker, 2013). Motivation of Employees in workplace (Source: Mazenod, 2013) Absence Rate Grievance Rate Resignation Rate Job Satisfaction Performance related Pay Total group Performance Current Performance 101 50 53 264 20 102 Target Performance 100 80 79 95 40 77 The critical estimation of workforces in TCS represents the perceptions of economic accomplishment customer dealings and the in-house expansion. This would lead toward consciousness of objectives using the sustained applications to supplement the capacities and ensure sturdy course of events to influence the tangible pursuits. The specific attempts trace the evolution of measures to fund the policies and competencies to ensure melodious links between the diverse recruits concomitant with the occupational entity (, 2016). Employee Engagement Scores (Source:, 2016) The human reserve managing sectors of the foundations afford resourceful direction and training to nurture the diverse folks to ensure their respect as a deliberate individual in dissimilar avenues of existence. The real-world understanding is similarly indispensible to ripe the inward qualities in addition to the assets of the publics who may ought to have upbeat feature in mounting prolific awareness of the individuals of global appreciation. The intercontinental associations progress over the conduit of proclamation from end to end of the stable institutions of honorable concerns correlated to the worldwide implication of universal standup on culture, refinement, economic status, sociological with governmental impressions, and transnational actions or training programs to outline the delicacy of communication. This consumes a mesmeric upshot on the thinkers who effort to best bit the accommodating interpretations and restrict the undesirable judgments (Humphrey, 2012). Reflective viewpoint: The workers pick up training lessons through wide-ranging involvements of abstract hallucinations that are embedded within the setup and system of labor. The opinion above and beyond the reflection of the associates demarcates the practices of the entities to others so as to ensure a vibrant influence of the individualities of the expansions and the everyday jobs (, 2016). The alleged interpretations of the personnel in advance to accomplishing a precise custom of maneuvers monitor the persons to carry on with strong-minded tactic and the guidance counselor raise the value of the selections of the novices. This as well profits the association to articulate the purposes of the operational program and plan the structure of training undertakings conferring to the desires of the personalities. The propensity in addition to the originality of motivation surges with the know-how level. Reflective cycle (Source:, 2015) References Armstrong, M and Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th ed. London: Kogan Page Limited Armstrong, M. (2010) Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice: a guide to people management. London: Kogan Page Limited Banfield, P. and Kay, R. (2012) Introduction to Human Resource Management, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press Chai, S., Salerno, J. and Mabry, P. (2010). Advances in social computing. Berlin: Springer Chang, C., Tsai, M. and Tsai, M. (2011). The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Organizational Commitments of Organizational Members Influences the Effects of Organizational Learning. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, pp.61-66 Humphrey, A. (2012). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors: The role of organizational identification. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 15(4), pp.247-268 Machado, C (2015) International Human resource Management: challenges and changes Springer Mazenod, A. (2013) 'Engaging Employers In Workplace Training - Lessons From The English Train To Gain Programme'. International Journal of Training and Development 18(1), pp.53-65 Olsen, TH., and Stensaker, I. (2013) 'A Change-Recipient Perspective On Training During Organizational Change'. International Journal of Training and Development 18(1), pp. 22-36. Sousa, C, Filipe Coelho,C., and Guillamon, E. (2012) 'Personal Values, Autonomy, And Self-Efficacy: Evidence From Frontline Service Employees'. Int J Select Assess 20(2), pp. 159-170. Sprunt, E., Nancy, H., and Angela, M. (2014) 'SEG Survey On Dual-Career Couples And Women: The Hidden Diversity Of Dual-Career Couples'. The Leading Edge 33(7), pp. 812-816. Taormina, R J., and Jennifer, H. (2013) 'Maslow And The Motivation Hierarchy: Measuring Satisfaction Of The Needs'. The American Journal of Psychology 126(2), pp. 155-177., (2016). 'TCS: IT Services, Consulting And Business Solutions'. Available in: [Accessed at 26 Sept. 2016]., (2016), Reflective Practice: The enduring influence of Kolbs experimental learning theory Available in [Accessed at 26 Sept. 2016]. Ye, J. (2012). The Impact of Organizational Values on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Public Personnel Management, 41(5), pp.35-46
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Japan Is A Constitutional Monarchy With A Parliamentary Government. Th
Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. The country's constitution was made on May 3, 1947 right when the U.S. took control of Japan following World War II. Under the constitution, Japan has universal adult suffrage with a secret ballot for all elective offices. Which basically means that all legal adults in the country can vote privately. Just like the U.S. their government is made up of an executive branch responsible to the legislative branch and an independent judicial branch. The national parliament, a.k.a The Diet, is made up of (somewhat like the U.S.) two houses: a House of Representatives (lower house) of 500 members and a House of Councillors (upper house) of 252 members. Executive power is given to a cabinet made up of a prime minister and ministers of state. Although, all of those prime ministers and ministers of state have to be civilians. The prime minister must be a member of The Diet, usually in the House of Representatives, and is chosen by his others in that house. The prime minister has the power to appoint and remove ministers, and mostly all have have to be Diet members. Japan's judicial system, which, again, is based off of the U.S.traditions, consists of several levels of courts, and the Supreme Court is the final judicial authority or the court that has the last word in any judicial issue. The constitution includes a bill of rights similar to the United States Bill of Rights, and the Supreme Court has the right of judicial review. Japanese courts do not employ a jury, and there are no administrative courts or claims courts like we have in the U.S. Court decisions are made with legal statutes; only Supreme Court decisions have any direct effect on later issues of the law. Japan does not have a federal system. It mostly depends heavily on the central government for help. Governors of regions in Japan(like the 50 states in the U.S.), mayors of large cities or towns, and state and city wide assembly members are popularly elected for four-year terms. In the lower house of the Diet, 300 members are elected in single-member districts and another 200 members are elected on equally in 11 regions of the country. Lower house members serve for four years, or until the prime minister changes the Diet, basically, whichever comes first. In the upper house, 152 members are elected in regional districts, while 100 are elected in nation-wide balloting. Upper house members serve for six years. The lower house is the more powerful of the two parliamentary houses. If the upper and lower houses cant agree on the choice of prime minister, the lower house takes charge, and budgets and treaties can be passed only with action by the lower house. Japan is a multiparty democracy that has experienced great stability in the postwar period. From 1955 until 1993, the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) ruled Japan without interruption. During that period, the main opposition party in the Diet was the Japan Socialist Party (JSP), which relied heavily on Japan's labor unions for support, and which in recent years has experienced a sharp decline in popularity. In 1993, a multiparty alliance took control without the LDP. However, the LDP was returned to power in June 1994 in an unpredictable alliance with the JSP and a small party, the Sakigake. In January, 1995 the LDP reclaimed the prime minister's chair, when Ryutaro Hashimoto replaced his JSP alliance partner, Tomiichi Murayama. Currently the largest parties in the parliament are the New Frontier Party and the Democratic Party of Japan, formed in 1996; all political parties except the Japan Communist Party (JCP) support the security alliance between the United States and Japan.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Determining Your Level of Fitness Essay Example
Determining Your Level of Fitness Essay Example Determining Your Level of Fitness Essay Determining Your Level of Fitness Essay First of all, determining your level of fitness will help you determine the best exercise program for you. It is nota good idea to Just Jump on a treadmill and run for 1 hour non-stop. Pushing yourself too hard from the very beginning can cause you to give up (out of exhaustion and pain) and, even worse, can cause you to infure yourself. Second, it helps you see your progress! Just like weighing before you start a diet, keeping track of your level of fitness will help you see progress as you go along. Even f its small, seeing any bit of progress will help keep you positive and on the diet and exercise program instead of giving up. Its all about personal safety. When I started working out in high school there were students who could run for hours on the treadmills and not even break a sweat. Meanwhile after 30 minutes on an elliptical I had successfully wrecked my legs and couldnt walk without pain for weeks. If you are overweight or have not worked out in a while it is a great idea to build up slowly. Make sure you stretch before you work out to avoid hurting yourself, drink a lot of water and do not overdue it. If you have difficulty breathing stop immediately. Checking in with a doctor or professional trainer before you start a fitness program in generally a good idea too. Your muscles will get stronger and stronger and you will be able to do more so you must be patient. There are many websites were you can learn some good stretches and if you Join a gym or YMCA they can help you start! Good luck!
Monday, February 24, 2020
European House Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
European House Price - Essay Example The paper tells about the recession, which took shape in the USA in 2008 and shook the whole world. The European economy followed the same principles like that of the US. The banks in Germany, the biggest economy in the European zone, offered loans to subprime people much like that of the US and suffered the consequences. The subprime people were unable to pay the loans and the economy was engulfed in recession. The recession had a tremendous effect on the European economy as a whole. The inflation culminated to a record high and the global turmoil resulted in the loss of jobs and closure of organizations. During the second quarter of 2008, the growth of the European economy contracted to 0.2%, which is the worst in the history after the EU was created. This was in sharp contrast to the first quarter of the year when the European economy had a growth rate of 0.7%. Why did the economy suffer such a setback? This was mainly due to the bad performance of Germany whose economy suffered f or the first time in four years. England experienced rise in the inflation rate and slow growth of the economy. In fact, all the countries over the continent of Europe were plagued by the problem of inflation and low economic growth. The banks stressed on the fact that fighting inflation is their main agenda, which will help in recovering the economy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) had predicted after the housing bubble burst in the US that the condition in the Europe is far from satisfactory. The body had predicted slow growth in the economy and rise in the inflation.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
India- Socio- Cultural Variables Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
India- Socio- Cultural Variables - Essay Example During the last century while the world's population grew three fold, India population grew four fold. This increase could have been much more if the government of India had not adopted population control measures for the last three decades. Spread over an area of around 3.3 million square kilometers, it is the seventh largest country in the world. India is the world's largest democracy with a population nearly four times that of the United States. Indian government has adopted the British Parliamentary system with valuable inputs from USA and European governments. Population density is an indication of population concentration. It is defined as the number of persons per square kilometer. Official census figures of government of India indicate that the population density of India in 2001 was 324 persons per square kilometer, which indicates that now 57 more people live in a square kilometer area in the country than the number that lived a decade ago. In 1901 the density of India was as low as 77 and this steadily increased from to reach 324 in 2001. The cause of worry for the Indian government is that this increase is not matched equally by the increase in healthy food, diet and other resources. Per capita income in India is approx. INR 12500 i.e. approx. $290. Contrast this with the per capita income of US, which is more than $40000, while US population is less than one fourth of India. Such disturbing figures give rise to discontentment amongst the masses. If we look towards India as a market, it is indeed a very attractive market. Because, market needs customers - the more the merrier. Of late this market of more than a Billion people has been attracting MNCs in good numbers. If per capita income is less here then cost of production is also less so goods and services are priced accordingly. Indian government is also in the facilitating mode to Investments from abroad. Therefore from the investment point of view I'd give it 7 out of 10. Age Profile and Employment Scenario: Though official poverty figures have been coming down sharply e.g. the figures indicate that poverty ratio came down from 36% in 1993-94 to 26% in 1999-2000, yet a large number of educated youth remain unemployed. The population of India is estimated to be 1.4 billion (1,400 million) by the year 2025, and youth will form the majority of the population. With this problem in sight, the tenth five-year plan targets that gainful and high-quality employment will be provided to the majority. Unlike some of its neighbors, education level in India has been quite good. Engineering and Management graduates from Indian Institutions have left their mark in many international companies. The Pentium chip of Intel had the brain of an Indian. Majority of the H1B visa holders in USA are from India. The recent trend of outsourcing ITES towards Indian subcontinent is the testimony for the education level and technical capability of Indian youth. From an Investment point of view, I feel Indian youth wil l prove very helpful. I'll give 9 points out of 10. Entrepreneurship culture Historically, India is not much known as the nation of venture capitalists. Indians preferred to play safe. But the IT bug seems to have converted them into venture capitalists as well. For example, Hotmail was the brainchild of a 25 year old Indian youth Sabeer Bhatia. He made billions by selling it to
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The island or that the island exerts an evil influence on them Essay Example for Free
The island or that the island exerts an evil influence on them Essay Which do you think is more true, that the boys bring evil to the island or that the island exerts an evil influence on them? PLAN: Fear of the unknown, evil exerted upon them, the fear of the unknown makes them believe in the beast, the evil was always in them and because of the circumstances on the island, it takes form as the beast. Lord of the Flies, a William Golding classic, filled to the brim with a meaningful and descriptive story of boys who become stranded on a desert island. Their survival becomes and endless battle among nature, savagery, and The Beast, a fantasy nightmare that manifests itself to become the boys biggest fear. Upon arrival on the island, their confrontation with their situation was blunt, although they did try to appoint a chief, some disagreed with the overall result; and the freckles on Jacks face disappeared under blush of mortification pg. 30. The truth has suddenly been put this boy into his place, who thought he is the most popular on the island, the fact now shows that he isnt. This is a fear, a fear of interrogation, a threat of overpowering and control, and it is this fear that brings the evil to the island. Jacks need to be in control turns him and his followers into savages, and so brings the downfall of their civilisation. After the landing of the dead parachutist, the fear of the unknown begins. They believe that the dead parachutist is The Beast but become too afraid to go and see if it is really a beast; We saw the beast- plain! pg. 122 Sam and Eric both claimed to have seen The Beast, but hadnt confirmed anything. By finishing each others sentences here they show the fear in their voices. This fear is added to the anonymity of The Beast and interpritated as something to be afraid of, and to some, something that can and must be destroyed. The savagery begins. From this savagery comes the hunting of The Beast. Jack demands that they should fight against The Beast putting the idea of an actual beast into the young boys minds, creating an even bigger fear, a fear of the unknown. The more that they think about this beast the more afraid they become, and the more afraid they become the more they think about the beast. Its a vicious cycle with destroyed the entire civilisation on the island. The boys dont kill The Beast because they fail to realise that The Beast is something that they created within themselves, an evil that has been portrayed from the minds of innocent boys, and twisted by the deception of false truth. The island has made the unknown into a nightmare that the boys cant fight.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Comparing Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground :: comparison compare contrast essays
Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground   Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground   Fyodor Dostoyevsky's stories are stories of a sort of rebirth. He weaves a tale of severe human suffering and how each character attempts to escape from this misery. In the novel Crime and Punishment, he tells the story of Raskolnikov, a former student who murders an old pawnbroker as an attempt to prove a theory. In Notes from the Underground, we are given a chance to explore Dostoyevsky's opinion of human beings.             Dostoyevsky's characters are very similar, as is his stories. He puts a strong stress on the estrangement and isolation his characters feel. His characters are both brilliant and "sick" as mentioned in each novel, poisoned by their intelligence. In Notes from the Underground, the character, who is never given a name, writes his journal from solitude. He is spoiled by his intelligence, giving him a fierce conceit with which he lashes out at the world and justifies the malicious things he does. At the same time, though, he speaks of the doubt he feels at the value of human thought and purpose and later, of human life. He believes that intelligence, to be constantly questioning and "faithless(ly) drifting" between ideas, is a curse. To be damned to see everything, clearly as a window (and that includes things that aren't meant to be seen, such as the corruption in the world) or constantly seeking the meaning of things elusive. Dostoyevsky thought that humans are evil, destructive and irrational.             In Crime and Punishment, we see Raskolnikov caught between reason and will, the human needs for personal freedom and the need to submit to authority. He spends most of the first two parts stuck between wanting to act and wanting to observe. After he acts and murders the old woman, he spends much time contemplating confession. Raskolnikov seems trapped in his world although there is really nothing holding him back; he chooses not to flee and not to confess, but still acts as though he's suffocation (perhaps guilt?)In both novels defeat seems inevitable. Both characters believe that normal man is stupid, unsatisfied and confused. Perhaps they are right, but both characters fail to see the positive aspects of humans; the closest was the scene between the narrator of Notes from the Underground and Liza. In this scene he almost lets the human side show, rather than the insecure, closed off person he normally is.
Monday, January 13, 2020
A Crime of Insanity
It’s just another day of class, at least which is what is going through your head. You think schools are a safe place, not a place where you can get shot or killed at. What is going through your mind when you’re their sitting in class? Nothing other than what is going on. But it was all different for these students that day. On December 14, 1994, 26 year old Ralph Tortirici walked into a history class at State University of New York. Underneath his clothes he had a hunting knife and a Remmington 270 hunting rifle with which he took the classroom hostage. One of the hostages said he told everyone to stand up and get to the side of the classroom. Tortirici also told the professor to leave the classroom. He wanted everyone to know he was serious by firing off a round from his rifle and used a fire hose to tie the doors shut. Tortorici told the hostages in the classroom he had a computer chip in his brain and penis and wanted to see the president. If everyone cooperated nobody would get hurt, but 19 year old, Jason McEnaney, rushed the gunman and it discharged. McEnaney was seriously injured, shot in the leg and groin. Once arrested, Tortorici repeatedly said, â€Å"I did what I had to do. †They took Tortorici to Albany Medical Center to be treated for a knife injury he got during a struggle with the students. He also tested positive for cocaine. Afterwards he was released into police custody and taken to the Albany Court jail and charged with multiple counts of kidnapping, aggravated assault, and attempted murder. His lawyer claimed not guilty by reason on insanity. Larry Rosen, presiding judge, had to decide if he was even competent to stand his own trial. His brother Matthew Tortorici said Ralph suffered from delusions for many years. His delusions led to a conspiracy theory that he told his father and Matthew that the cops were out to get him. Ralph was born with a defective urethra and went through a series of operations to fix it. After a while he became convinced that during one of the operations the government had put a tracking device in his body. When Tortorici was 24 years old he went to the University Health Center and complained that a microchip was put in his penis. When X-rays were found negative he was convinced that the doctors were in on the plot. Tortorici turned to drugs thinking they could help him escape and it made his mother concerned. One day she called the medical center concerned that her son was suicidal and that he locked himself in the restroom and was smoking crack. They evaluated Tortorici and he was diagnosed with cocaine intoxication, suicidal ideation, and depression. That is when 10 months later he took the students hostage and since he thought the government put a microchip in his brain he wanted attention and for it to stop. The prosecutors could not find a psychiatrist expert who would testify, no one wanted their name associated with Ralph Tortorici. They wanted to plead the case out and get him sent to a secure psychiatric hospital. Two days into the jury selection Cheryl Coleman found Dr. Lawrence Seigle to become the expert. She started getting onto the Dr about him being a Jew and how she should know him and what he is going through. This was the first time Cheryl Coleman came face to face with Ralph. Ralph claimed that the government had developed sound waves and mind waves to control people’s minds and he was part of an experimental project. He was the Anti-Christ and the trail was his graduating party. If you are not there mentally, it is not fair for you to stand trial. The judge moved forward with the trial without wanting to have another competency hearing. Had the judge held off, and in that time, the prosecutor had no evidence and could have found evidence. Coleman was uncomfortable because a prosecutor’s job is not only to win cases, but to make sure justice is done. On January 3 Tortorici announced he wouldn’t be present for his trial, that he would wait it out in a holding cell in the basement. He thought the court was not just to decide and that the government was behind it and that there were airwaves in the court and everyone knew what was going on and in on it. Ralphs lawyer thought he could win without him being there. Lawyers don’t think if you are right or wrong, they think of winning a trial. Jason McEnaney was the student who rushed Ralph and was shot. One of the jurors passed out when McEnaney was testifying in details about his injuries. Defense had many witnesses and four experts who testified that he was legally insane at the time of the crime he committed. The fact he laid out all the bullets saying he had enough to kill a lot of people. The fact he had the doors tied. The fact he knew the cops were going to be called. The jury never set eyes on him; Ralph was carrying out a mission. Defenses say this case is a case of simple mental illness. He was operating under a delusion from the voices in his head. Sure, he committed these crimes, but he was legally insane. The prosecutors closing sentence closed with a rush of emotion directed at the victim. â€Å"You’re not taking me seriously, Bam! †He knew what he was doing. Eight days of testimony with 31 witness’s, case was handed to jury. By law the judge couldn’t say what would happen if found innocent from insanity. He would spend the same time in prison as in a mental hospital. A month later Tortorici returned to the courtroom to be sentenced, this time he actually entered the courtroom. Before sentence the judge allowed Ralph to speak. He embarrassed himself by the things he said. Tortorici was sentenced 20 to 47 years in prison and sent to Sullivan Correctional Facility in his own cell in the mental facility. Only in prison for 3 weeks, he tried hanging himself in his cell by his bed sheet. Three years passed and an appeal was filed and denied. Tortorici was shuttled between prisons and psychiatric facilities. His family would say he was doing, but he wasn’t. Three weeks later on August 10, 1999, Ralph Tortorici was found dead hanging from his bed sheet in his cell. Prosecutor Cheryl Coleman questioned herself when she found out the news on Tortoricis death. She had convicted him and she was feeling guilty and responsible. She had lost a child herself and felt the pain Ralph’s mother and family must have felt. Was justice done? In my opinion I think Ralph Tortorici should have got help and been sent to an insane asylum under surveillance.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Policy And Procedures For Implementation Of Selected...
SCOPE: a. The policy applies to the MVAMC and related associated with families associated with Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOCs) and all security information that collected, transmitted, used, processed, stored, or disposed of by or under the direction of the staff or its contractors. b. This document is intended to address the establishment of policy and procedures for implementation of selected security controls and control enhancement in the MP, PE or SC family. Policy and procedures reflect applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directive, regulations, policies, standards and guidance. The procedures can be established for the security policy is general and for particular information system, if needed. The organizational risk management strategy is a key factor in establishing policy and procedures for VA (OI T). c. All users responsible for implementing the policy and procedures outlined VA Directive Handbook 6500, as well as VA National or Contractor ROB will provide copies of the documentation. d. Violations of security policy or procedures will be brought to the attention of management for appropriate disciplinary action and reported in accordance with local and national OI T Media Protection Reporting policies and standard operating procedures. e. Security requirements also apply to all VA or contractor-operated services and information resources located and operated at contract facilities, at other government agencies that support VA missionShow MoreRelatedThe Federal Information Security Management Act2787 Words  | 12 Pages VA Cyber Security Profile Richard David Thomas Caroll CSIA 412 7982 November 30, 2014â€Æ' Introduction. 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This study is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Master of Business Administration from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad June 2008 [pic] INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Deemed University) Jhalwa, DeoghatRead MoreAviation Transportation Security Act2424 Words  | 10 PagesAviation and Transportation Security Act Abstract The passage of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) in 2001 changed the way the aviation industry operated and how passengers travel. The ATSA forced the US Government and aviation to change its security culture to ensure protection of passengers and employees from future attacks like those that occurred on September 11, 2001. The ATSA was passed and signed into law in direct response to the security vulnerabilities that surfacedRead MoreRfp Requirement Specifications Sample15459 Words  | 62 PagesCONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW 3 2. OBJECTIVES 3 3. SCOPE OF TENDER 4 4. SCOPE OF WORK 4 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6 6. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 7 7. ESTABLISHMENT OF CONTRACT 7 8. REQUIREMENTS ON STANDARDS PROCEDURES 8 9. SYSTEM SECURITY AUDIT 9 10. EXPERIENCE OF TENDERER 10 11. REFERENCE SITES 10 12. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 10 13. DESIGN OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE 12 14. DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES REQUIREMENTS 14 15. DOCUMENTATION 15 16. QUALITY ASSURANCE
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