Saturday, December 28, 2019
Essay about Alzheimer’s Disease - 1526 Words
It is said that memory declines as people age, and this can be just a natural part of life. However, in many cases as people grow older, they develop a mental disorder known as Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes problems with memory, thinking, and overall behavior, and progressively becomes a bigger problem. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and is a very common disease in people over the age of 65. This terminal disease puts tremendous stress on the victim and the victim’s family. A cure for Alzheimer’s has yet to be discovered; however, through healthy and constant use of the brain and the aid of certain drug treatments, Alzheimer’s disease can be both naturally and medically prevented. In 1906, a†¦show more content†¦They lose the ability to think rationally and judgmentally, and this is why the disease becomes so awful. Family members have to dedicate their lives to care for the patient, whe n in many cases the patient cannot even remember the name of the person caring for them or what they are doing. The patients themselves are in immediate danger of using poor judgment, and for example, not putting shoes on and going out in the snow or other actions that may prove harmful to them. This disease can be very destructive to the families that deal with it. So what actually causes Alzheimer’s disease? Scientists have deemed that the disease may be genetic. People who have a parent or sibling that had Alzheimer’s can be two to three times more likely to develop it than those with a clean family history. Two kinds of genes have been discovered that are definitive risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. One called Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), increases the probability of developing Alzheimer’s. Scientists have also discovered a very rare gene called a â€Å"deterministic gene†that will undoubtedly lead to the development of Alzheimer’s dise ase, but it is only found in a few hundred families throughout the entire world. ApoE is only a risk gene, so many people that possess this gene, will not definitely develop Alzheimer’s disease. So other risk factors for developing the disease can come from other health problems. Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can damageShow MoreRelatedAlzheimers Disease945 Words  | 4 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive neurological disease; it often attacks the brain tissues causing memory loss of one’s identity and regular behaviors. Statistics indicates that the rate of predicted people to get Alzheimer’s will increase briskly as time goes on. There are currently no cures for such disastrous disease, but there are currently approved treatments available that can help people within the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Once the disease is too far alongRead MoreAlzheimers Disease3170 Words  | 13 PagesThe Role of Caregiving to Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Megan Zann April 27, 2012 Health Psychology Dr. Ackerman Introduction It is normal to periodically forget your keys or a homework assignment, because you generally remember these things later. However, individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease may forget things more often, but they do not remember them again. The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease has dramatically increased because people are living longer. This is a result ofRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease1503 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that gets worse over time. It leads to nerve cell death, and tissue loss throughout the brain. Over time, the brain shrinks dramatically, affecting nearly all its functions. It gradually destroys a persons memory and ability to learn and carry out daily activities such as talking, eating, and going to the bathroom†(What Is Alzheimer’s). Early symptoms include personality changes, memory impairment, problems with language, decision-making ability, judgmentRead MoreAlzheimers Dis ease Essay2414 Words  | 10 PagesAlzheimers Disease Alzheimer’s disease is the disease of the century. This disease is affecting many lives, families, and caregivers. This research presented is to help educate on the topic of Alzheimer’s disease, which many people aren’t aware enough about. Statistics are given to show how extreme this disease is, and how many people it’s affecting in society. Also statistics are presented that give the amount of money being spent relating to Alzheimer’s disease. 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Well, I work in a nursing home with the elderly with this diseaseRead MoreAlzheimers Disease Essay2168 Words  | 9 PagesAlzheimer’s disease or AD is an incurable disorder of the brain that results in loss of normal brain structure and function. In an AD brain, normal brain tissue is slowly replaced by structures called plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The plaques represent a naturally occurring sticky protein called beta amyloid and in an Alzheimer’s brain, sufferer’s tend to accumulate too much of this protein. Neurofibrillary tangles represent collapsed tau proteins which, in a normal brain along with microtubulesRead MoreEssay on Alzheimers Disease 512 Words  | 3 Pagesmajor medical advancements like the world has never seen before, some diseases still continue t o plague the human race and confuse even some of the brightest scientists today. Unfortunately, Alzheimer Disease (AD) is one of them and it affects between 2.4 and 4.5 million people in America. Alzheimer’s is usually diagnosed in people over the age of 65, but in rarer cases people as young as 16 have it. Since it is a degenerative disease, patients develop it with few symptoms at an earlier stage, but thenRead More Alzheimer’s Disease Essay1176 Words  | 5 PagesAlzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease is a disease of the future. With the growing aged population, this disease, which affects primarily the elderly, will become of increasing relevance to the medical profession. Also, the high frequency of Alzheimer’s, and the high cost in labor, money, and material of caring for its victims shall put considerable burden on the society as a whole. Here, however, these issues are not going to be debated. Instead the pathology of Alzheimer’s will be reviewed
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Effects Of Alcohol Dependence On Being Absent From Work
Stress When looking at stress we look at how it will or will not relate to alcohol dependence. Many factors play a role in one’s life that can make for a very stressful time for someone. First one factor to look at is financial stress. According to (Peirce, Frone, Russell, Cooper, 1996) they found that chronic financial stress, the persistent inability to afford the basic necessities of life was positively related to anxiety and then the anxiety was related to drinking to cope. Cope can be defined as the tendency to use alcohol for control of emotional distress. Also reported by (Peirce, Frone, Russell, Cooper, 1996) the unemployment rate has had a positive effect with the risk of potentially abusing alcohol. With looking at stress we also see how the buildup and consumption of alcohol have an effect on being absent from work. There was no significance found with stress in the workplace and the consumption of alcohol (Vasse, Nijhuis, Kok, 1998). There reasoning had more to do with t he effect of social support from others (Vasse, Nijhuis, Kok, 1998). With the financial stress studies have shown that families with an income of $40,000 or lower and those who are on some system of an assistance program have a greater chance for abuse for alcohol (Boardman, Finch, Ellison, Williams, Jackson, 2001). Stress is linked both abuse in both forms physical and emotional (Boardman, Finch, Ellison, et al., 2001). As mentioned above with drinking to cope a study shows that this is trueShow MoreRelatedAlcohol Abuse Within Native American Societies Essay1303 Words  | 6 Pages Unfortunately with them came new items for consumption, alcohol was one of the main ingredients to the internal downfall of Native populations. Native American populations suffer greatly due to the ongoing epidemic of substance abuse and dependence; some things are being done about the problems people are having but in the end will it be enough to heal a nation? 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There was a wealth of information on these terms and there was a great deal of succulent discussion about the long term effects of addiction. Addiction does not happen independently it many people and loved ones are affected by a person’s addiction. Addiction is defined as comp ulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly: persistent compulsive use of a
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Corporate and Business Law Health System
Questions: Produce a report on the functioning of Tribunals and Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems within the English legal system. You are required to visit a tribunal to observe a case and summarise the case together with the decisions of the panel. Outline the strengths and weaknesses of tribunals in the UK (visitors badge or attendance certificate from the tribunal need be attached as evidence). Discuss the importance and types of Alternative Dispute Resolutions available under the English legal system. Answers: Introduction Alternate Dispute Resolution (commonly known as ADR) is referred as a forum, which provides an alternative to solving disputes addressing the regular courts in a country. In fact, the name Alternate dispute resolution is derived from the fact that they provide dispute resolution, which is an alternative to the regular routine dispute solving tribunals called the courts (Ramsbotham, Miall and Woodhouse 2011). Therefore, in short, Alternate Dispute Resolution refers to method or a technique, which helps the parties who are in dispute about a particular thing, can use and come to a common agreement without opting to file a case in the court and use litigation as a means to resolve their disputes. Alternate Dispute Resolution can solve any disputes between disputing parties using various methods and techniques. Some of these techniques are called as Arbitration, Mediation and Adjudication (Merrills 2011). I recently visited an Alternate dispute resolution tribunal in London on 23 February 2016 to observe the working of the said tribunal; the said tribunal was dealing with an arbitration case. The case that was being heard in the tribunal related to a divorce proceeding through arbitration. I observed that every dispute, which can be solved through litigation, could be alternatively solved through arbitration if the parties have an arbitration agreement in place which allows them to take the recourse of arbitration instead of the usual litigation (Cane 2011). I observed that the procedure of the arbitration proceeding starts when a dispute arises and the parties request for the dispute to be resolved through arbitration. The parties then decide a common arbitrator, in the divor ce, case that I visited the arbitrator decided by the parties was a renowned lawyer Mr. William. The arbitrator then called the parties who were Mr and Mrs Ford in the present case for Preliminary meeting in which they represent their case with or without the help of an attorney (Boyle 2011). In the present case, Mr and Mrs Ford were married for twenty long years and belonged to a very elite background from United Kingdom. They were aware that their divorce would create a lot of news and the partition of their property and alimony claim with make headlines (Chong and Mohamad Zin 2012). Therefore, both Mr and Mrs Ford decided to resort to divorce by arbitration. In the present case, Mrs Ford had discovered that Mr Ford was having an affair for about seven years and had a mistress who he maintained with a house and all the other amenities in Italy. Mr Ford in return claimed that Mrs Ford has had severe psychological problems, which have aggravated over the years and due to these probl ems she had becomes impossible to live with due behaviour of doubting every action and step taken by Mr Ford. The arbitrator in the said case did not find any reason to award any interim award and asked the parties to submit their respective claims and pleadings in the next proceeding (Langbein 2012). Mrs Ford claimed that she caught Mr Ford with another woman in her Italy house and Mr Ford was introducing the other woman as his legally wedded wife. Therefore, Mrs Ford alleged that her husband had committed adultery and is seeking for divorce on the grounds of Adultery under the Marriage Act in United Kingdom. She also submits her calculation of alimony, which amounts to $2 million. In the counter claim submitted by Mr Ford, he claimed that his wife had a severe psychological disorder, which had made her medical condition worsen over the years. He submitted Mrs Ford medical records as evidence of her medical condition (Moses 2012). He also claimed that due to her psychological disor der, she assumed facts and made stories in her mind and her claim was a part of such a story, which she has assumed. Mr Ford also submitted an alibi, which showed that he was present in London in an important business meeting on the day his wife Mrs Ford claimed that he was seen in his Italy house without another woman (Fiadjoe 2013). In their response to each other claims, Mrs Ford wants a divorce on the grounds of adultery whereas Mr Ford shows enough evidence suggesting that Mrs Fords claim is unreasonable and due to her medical condition (Mackie and Mackie 2013). I visited the proceeding where the above-mentioned events took place however; I learned that in the next proceeding, the arbitrator will hear all the parties along with reviewing all the evidence which the parties submit. He will then decide the case by giving an appropriate award and stating which party will bear the cost of the proceeding unless it is decided to be equally divided between both the parties (Van Ness and Strong 2013). The Alternate Dispute Resolution case laws are heard in an informal tribunal in United Kingdom. The primary purpose of establishing the same was to give every disputing party an alternative to resolving issues between them without resorting to litigation (Lodder and Zeleznikow 2010). However, when the alternate dispute resolution tribunals became popular many advantages and disadvantages of the same were figured out. The strengths of Alternate Dispute Resolution Tribunals are as follows: Cost Dispute resolution through ADR tribunals can be less expensive than litigation where litigation in a case is time consuming and takes many years to reach judgement. However, cost is always not an advantage in the said case and the same can be a disadvantage in some cases (Stipanowich 2010). Quick Decision the techniques used in solving disputes by the used of ADR follow a very definite and informal proceeding which leads to a quick and speedy decision in solving dispute Fairness As the arbitrators are decided by mutual consent of both parties, the decision is usually fair as compared to litigation. Confidential As the proceedings in ADR are conducted in ADR tribunal, which are not open courts, the proceedings are confidential between the parties (Emsley, Dunn and White 2010). The weakness of Alternate Dispute Resolution Tribunals are as follows: Cost Arbitration can lead an expensive means to solve disputes as when awards are non-binding it leads to further cost of litigation. Location When parties of different countries seek to solve dispute through ADR, the decision to locate a tribunal and the nationality of the arbitrator is a major disadvantage No Appeal Arbitration awards are usually binding and there is no option to appeal like available in litigation Conclusion Therefore, it is clear that one can decide after considering the strength and the weakness of the Alternate Dispute Resolution, if they wish or if they method is suitable to resolve the concerned legal matter a party is involved in. 2 Introduction Alternate Dispute Resolution has proven to be very beneficial in solving civil disputes between parties who are under disputes. Alternate Dispute Resolution is a collection of techniques, which can be used to resolve disputes between disputing parties with the help and guidance of a third neutral and independent individual. The neutral individual in the present case performs the function, which a judge has in case of litigation. The most important benefit of Alternate Dispute resolution is that it lightens the burden of cases that appear in the courts and tribunals in United Kingdom. With the introduction of Alternate dispute resolution, many individuals and companies resort to dispute resolution by the techniques alternate dispute resolution to avail the multiple advantages of the same and to avoid the long-going and costly dispute resolution through litigation (Hodges, Benhr and Creutzfeldt-Banda 2012). As the various method in alternate dispute resolution use informal and simpler procedures to hear and review evidence of disputing parties, many individuals and companies get attracted to the said option available to solve disputes to avoid the formal procedures of litigation. Another benefit to availing the methods of alternate dispute resolution is that the dispute and the names of the parties who are in dispute remain confidential and confined between the parties and the closed door of the alternate dispute resolution tribunal. The proceedings of the alternate dispute resolutions are not conducted in the open courtrooms like that in litigation. Therefore, dispute resolution through alternate dispute resolution is most suitable when a dispute consists of trade secrets and sensitive confidential data, which is of great importance to a particular party. In this case, the feature of confidentiality makes Alternate dispute resolution much more suitable than the regular course to litiga tion for dispute resolution (Petrauskas and Gasiunaite 2012). Another important feature of dispute resolution through alternate dispute resolution is that it provides the disputing parties a good amount of flexibility as the disputing parties can select their own third party who can act in a neutral manner to resolve the dispute between the disputing parties (Hrnle 2012). The decision or the awards passed under the various techniques of alternate dispute resolution are quicker compared to parties who resort their disputes through litigation, which is a very formal, long-going and sometimes unfair method of solving disputes. Various techniques can be used to resolve a case under the Alternate Dispute Resolution. However, some of the most commonly used techniques or methods are Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication and dispute resolution through Ombudsman schemes. Let us look at each of these techniques separately (Van Ness and Strong 2013). Arbitration Arbitration is one of the most commonly used alternate dispute resolution method and it results from a prior arbitration agreement which disputing parties have mentioned in any contract they have entered into to resolve potential disputes. When a disputing parties submits its disputes to arbitration, they mutually decide on a arbitrator and consider his award as binding eliminating the option to take the dispute to litigation unless the case is to enforce the award made by the arbitrator. The arbitrator gives an award based on written evidence. An arbitration proceeding is conducted in an informal manner and is confidential between the parties as it is not conducted in an open court. In the recent years, law has made provisions for parties to resort to courts if the awards, which are binding under the alternate dispute resolutions, are not performed. In such a case, the parties can resort to the court for enforcement of an award which was passed by a alternative dispute resolution tribunal when the said award being binding on the parties (Fiadjoe 2013). Mediation Mediation is a type of Alternate dispute resolution, which is a method to bring the disputing parties to a settlement or a compromise through intervention of a individual who is neutral and unbiased. Mediation is a voluntary method in which the disputing parties mutually decide the neutral person and show the intention to get the advice and use the expertises of the neutral individual to solve their dispute. The mediator in this case has no authority to impose his suggestion or decision on the disputing parties and he is only allowed to assist the disputing parties to figure the issue which have create the disputes between them, help them to figure out alternate solutions to their disputes and guide the disputing parties to arrive at a common settlement which is a win-win situation for both. Adjudication Adjudication is a method of alternate dispute resolution, which consists of resolving disputes, which are related to technically, and engineering disputes. It is a quick, efficient and informal way of solving disputes between disputing parties. The clause of adjudication is generally included in construction and engineering contracts. However, it has a very small frame, which is considered its disadvantages. It is very similar to arbitration and its awards are binding like that of an arbitration award. This method of dispute resolution is becoming popular over the years when companies enter into major and expensive construction and engineering contracts (Moses 2012). Resolution through Ombudsman schemes Many services, which an individual uses in routine life, has ombudsman schemes. Some of these services include insurance, banking and building society services, which provide an individual the option of dispute resolution through their ombudsman services in case a dispute arises. However, a pre-condition to apply to resolve a dispute through ombudsman services is that one must first complaint to the service provider and in case his complain, is not addressed or adhered to, he must choice the option of ombudsman scheme. On submitting a complaint to ombudsman scheme, the ombudsman will review the complain and make a ruling or an award, however, the same is not legally binding. However, when the same case is forwarded in the court for litigation, the Judges take reference of the Ombudsmans ruling before passing their judgement in the said matter. Conclusion Thus, it is evident that there are various methods under Alternate Dispute Resolution, which can be resorted to by disputing parties. Over the years the importance of Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques of resolving legal disputes has emerged as it takes away the burden from the traditional method of disputing resolving. Reference List Boyle, S., 2011. United Kingdom (England).Health Systems Review. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. Cane, P., 2011.Administrative law. OUP Oxford. Chong, H.Y. and Mohamad Zin, R., 2012. Selection of dispute resolution methods: factor analysis approach.Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,19(4), pp.428-443. Emsley, R., Dunn, G. and White, I.R., 2010. Mediation and moderation of treatment effects in randomised controlled trials of complex interventions.Statistical Methods in Medical Research,19(3), pp.237-270. Fiadjoe, A., 2013.Alternative dispute resolution: a developing world perspective. Routledge. Hodges, C., Benhr, I. and Creutzfeldt-Banda, N., 2012.Consumer ADR in Europe. Bloomsbury Publishing. Hrnle, J., 2012. Encouraging Online Dispute Resolution in the EU and Beyond-Keeping Costs Low or Standards High?.Queen Mary School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper, (122). Langbein, J.H., 2012. Disappearance of Civil Trial in the United States, The.Yale LJ,122, p.522. Lodder, A.R. and Zeleznikow, J., 2010.Enhanced dispute resolution through the use of information technology. Cambridge University Press. Mackie, K.J. and Mackie, K. eds., 2013.A handbook of dispute resolution: ADR in action. Routledge. Merrills, J.G., 2011.International dispute settlement. Cambridge University Press. Moses, M.L., 2012.The principles and practice of international commercial arbitration. Cambridge University Press. Petrauskas, F. and Gasiunaite, A., 2012. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Field of Consumer Financial Services.Jurisprudencija,19(1). Ramsbotham, O., Miall, H. and Woodhouse, T., 2011.Contemporary conflict resolution. Polity. Stipanowich, T., 2010. Arbitration: The'New Litigation'.University of Illinois Law Review,2010(1). Van Ness, D.W. and Strong, K.H., 2013.Restoring justice: An introduction to restorative justice. Routledge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Smartsheet Alternatives Project Management †
Question: Discuss about the Smartsheet Alternatives Project Management. Answer: Introduction The direct meaning of management of the project incorporates the bunch of modest for important premises: The management of project is no little errand. The project management has the distinct end and start. It's not the steady procedure. The management of project utilizes different devices to estimate the project track and achievements errands. These incorporate PERT diagrams, Gantt chart and WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Projects every now and again require impromptu assets as opposed to devoted, full-time positions basic in associations. The project management lessens hazard and expands the possibility of accomplishment. Regularly, a triangle, usually called the "triple limitation", is utilized to condense the project management (see Figure 1). The three of the critical components are scope, cost and time. These frame the vertices with the central theme quality. (Haughey, 2016) Benefits of Security In the delivery services provide better efficiency. Customer satisfaction would get enhanced/ increased/ improved While delivery services provide enhance effectiveness Within the project team improved the development and growth Competitive edge and greater standing Provide vast opportunities for expanding the services to the project Better and good flexibility Increased the risk assessment for the project Increase the quality of the project Increase the quantity of the project (Picariello, 2014) Critical Success Factors These factors are important were Quality of the Product, Loyalty of consumer, Penetration of the Market, advertising and financial profit is concerned. These components define collectively the technology market that is fluctuating today. There is requirement for market strategies for the product that are effectively targeted to hopes in the group for creating the new fan base of the customer. The product that is received and marked by the clients is very useful. There are many considers the implementation of application that are related to project after few time that have turned out to important supporters of the accomplishment of such projects. This things mar get incorporates and appear glaringly evident, for instance, important staff individuals by contribution, correspondence and strong testing; thus these are repeatedly underutilized for sparing the time. At some point, projects hold on important things, it is going probably about: Meeting the deadline of the project dates get delayed, disagreement on what project is relied convey upon, dilemma settling problems Project status, prerequisites of the work and perplexity bearing, End clients and colleagues from the purchase of absence, extra anxiety and requests on end clients and colleagues season, especially close to the project completion, On last item that are conveyed from client less of the fulfillment. Examples: Here we are taking example that is based on the cyber security. Thus, the attackers are continuously scanning the unprotected systems, new containing experimental systems or test and exploiting these systems for gaining the control. New system should get PC or laptop that is used rarely, with seriously defenses the information. IBM has applied the Cybersecurity for their organization to protect the data and information attacking. (Hallman, 2011) History of the project management is shown in below diagram. Also, we are highlighting the major develeopments and the main sense of project management began in the 1950s: IT management problems Below are some of the issues for IT management: Global decisions for supply-chain Effectiveness of the security staffing absenteeism Development of career Responsibilities for additional security Managing the security operations for remote things Security office turnover: effectiveness of the security staffing Hiring and selection approaches: effectiveness of the security staffing Adapting levels of staffing: effectiveness of the security staffing Important performance indicators/ executing the best standards practices Planning the strategic Threat assessment Maximizing/ Budget for return on the investment Awareness about promoting employee (Schiff, 2012) Strategy The project management strategy bridges gap among the project member that work and strategies lofty ambitions. Projects without strategies are just like collecting dust from document. Strategy along these lines requires settling on express decisions to do a few things and not others and building a business around those decisions. So, strategy is decision. All the more particularly, strategy is an incorporated arrangement of decisions that exceptionally positions the firm in its industry in order to make economical preferred standpoint and better esteem relative than the opposition. Below we have explained the strategies that are used for Successful Project management: Project scope declaration Non-critical and critical oath establishment Use the compiled information Project should be managed not plan Collaboration efforts rely (Egeland, 2011) Alternatives Below are some of the alternatives that can be used instead of project management: Basecamp this is the household name for the project management. Ruby on Rails was created originally and was used by Basecamp. Below are the functional areas where Basecamp focuses: Reporting Scheduling File sharing Collaboration and Messaging Management of Task (Peterson, 2016) Smartsheet it has similar interfaces as project management and is good for users who spend lot of time in spreadsheet and excel. (Wong, 2017) Reference Haughey, D. 2016, Introduction to Project Management, Picariello, G. 2014, The top ten benefits of project management, Hallman, B. 2011, 10 Key Success Factors For Application Implementation Projects, Haughey, D. 2014, A Brief History of Project management, Schiff, J. 2012, 12 common project management mistakes and how to avoid them, Egeland, B. 2011, 5 strategies for successful project management, Peterson, A. 2016, 6 Basecamp alternatives for project management, Wong, L. 2017, 24 best smartsheet alternatives for project management,
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