Monday, September 30, 2019
Macbeth: Victim or Villan
Macbeth: Victim or Villain William Shakepear’s Macbeth is a tragedy that contains a perfect example of how lust for power can twist one’s thoughts, emotions, and personality. Even the noblest human being can become malicious when faced with the opportunity to gain power. Macbeth, the play’s protagonist, comes face to face with this exact dilemma, causing him to transform from a valiant war hero into a murderous villain. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth’s future is foretold by three witches. The first prediction is stated by the first witch saying, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis†(I. ii. 48)! Thane of Glamis was already Macbeth’s title; therefore the first witch is correct. The second witch predicts that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor. Immediately after the witches disappear, a message comes for Macbeth saying that he will now be the Thane of Cawdor as a result of the preceding Thane’s act of treason. The final prediction made by the witches was that Macbeth would be â€Å"†¦King hereafter†(I. iii. 50. ). At first, Macbeth dismisses the predictions, but because the first two predictions from the witches are correct, Macbeth concludes that the third must be true as well. The prospect of gaining power as king appeals to Macbeth, but he does not yet know how he will become king. Macbeth decides to take matters into his own hands, creating a plot to kill the current King of Scotland, thereby speeding up the time between now and Macbeth’s coronation. The witches’ predictions have already taken root in his brain and, by dwelling on them, Macbeth allows his evil thoughts to grow and flourish. This causes him to carry out his evil deeds along with his wife, Lady Macbeth, who has also become lethal in the pursuit of power. After realizing that he can make himself king, Macbeth concocts a plan to kill Duncan, the present King. Macbeth and his wife decide to kill Duncan when he comes, as a guest, to their castle. At this point, Macbeth can easily change his mind and allow the future to take its course without his interference, but instead, his decision to kill Duncan remains. After murdering Duncan, Macbeth feels a wave of guilt. As the play goes on, Macbeth’s conscience begins to become numb to the idea of taking the life of someone else. The next major character in the story that is killed is Banquo. In the play, Banquo is also given a prediction by the witches: â€Å"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none†(I. iii. 67. ). This means that although Banquo is not king, his descendants will be. Macbeth realizes that this may be a problem later on and it may interfere with him being king. Banquo is also suspicious about how Macbeth is able to become king. He says â€Å"Thou hast is now: King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, / As the weird women promised, and I fear / thou play’dst most foully for ‘t†(III. i. 1-3). With the prospect of Banquo’s descendants becoming king and the possibility that Banquo is suspicious of how he became king, Macbeth decides that Banquo and Banquo’s son, Fleance, must be exterminated. Macbeth hires murderers to kill the two of them as they both go horseback riding. Though Banquo is a close friend of Macbeth, this does not stop him from murdering both Banquo and Banquo’s son in Macbeth’s quest for power. Subsequently, Macbeth returns to the witches to get more information about his future. Macbeth is so concerned about keeping his crown that he willingly goes to the witches so he can figure out which action to take next in order to maintain his power. While there, he is given four more predictions in the form of apparitions. The first apparition, which is an armored head, says â€Å"Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife†(IV. i. 71-72. ). This apparition means that Macbeth should be wary of Macduff because he somehow poses a threat to Macbeth. Macbeth refuses to allow Macduff to be the one that ends Macbeth’s rule as king. Without a second thought Macbeth hires murderers to go to Macbeth’s castle and kill everyone there, but what Macbeth does not know is that Macduff is not in his castle. Macduff is in Engla nd convincing Malcom, Duncan’s son, to send an army to Dunsinain. This is the same army that ultimately leads to Macbeth’s doom. This means that Macbeth has killed the innocent people in Macbeth’s castle for nothing. Macbeth has multiple opportunities to change his mind about his pursuit of the crown, but he still chooses to kill innocent people for his own selfish gain. Macbeth’s judgment is repetitively clouded by his quest for power throughout the novel. His apathy towards his murderous ways makes him a villain in the play. His identity changes from a war hero to a bloodthirsty tyrant. This shows that anyone is capable of becoming evil when given the right motive.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Essay
â€Å"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them†-Ray Bradbury. In the past there were events that affected book writers. People will get together to burn books because they thought it was inappropriate or they were against their literature. Montag is a fireman in a futuristic society who would start fires instead of put them out. After he meets Clarisse a young girl different from all teenagers in that society Montag will find himself doing things he never did before. In Fahrenheit 451 Montag will have a huge change in his life that will make him different from other people. There were people who contributed to that change, people who Montag would never thought of meeting or people he had already knew. Clarisse had Montag analyzing his happiness and questioning himself which caused him to do things he never done before. When Montag and Clarisse were walking Clarisse asked him if he was happy with the life he was living. â€Å"Of course I†™m happy. What does she think? I’m not?†. Montag seems really bothered by the question Clarisse asked him. Montag is positive about his happiness, he knows he’s happy with the life he’s living He knows he’s â€Å"happy†but by someone else asking him that kind of question it doesn’t seem like he is. â€Å"He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of going to knock on her door and ask for it†. Once Clarisse asked him about his happiness he started thinking about it and he knew he wasn’t happy at all. He thinks that Clarisse opened his eyes about it. Montag also feels like Clarisse was the one who took his happiness by asking him that question. Mildred proved to Montag he wasn’t really by the way she acts towards him. She was the one who woke him up and made him do something so he could have his happiness back. Mildred as a wife should listen to Montag and make him feel better. Instead Mildred would totally ignore him and seem careless every time he would say something. â €Å"†I’m hungry†â€Å"Last night†he began. â€Å"Didn’t sleep well. Feel terrible†she said. â€Å"God I’m hungry I can’t figure it†â€Å"Last night†he said again. She watched his lips casually. â€Å"What about last night†â€Å"Don’t you remember††. Mildred doesn’t really listens to Montag He always tries to tell her something but she seems careless about it. He feels like he’s not getting the attention he wants from her. â€Å"â€Å"When did we meet? Where?††¦ â€Å"It doesn’t matter.†She was up, in the bathroom now, and he heard the water running, and the swallowing sound she made. â€Å"No, I guess not,†he said. This demonstrates that all this years of marriage meant nothing to Mildred. By her not remembering how they meet tells that Mildred doesn’t really care about their marriage. Faber encouraged Montag to overcome his fears not by giving him advice but by showing Montag he also feared. Faber was always the type to follow the rules so he wouldn’t get in trouble and face the consequences. Montag didn’t want to be a coward like Faber that’s how he overcame his fears. â€Å"For a little while I’m not afraid. Maybe it’s because I’m doing the right thing at last. Maybe because I’ve done trash thing and don’t want to look the coward to you†. Faber has never made a change in his life because he has always been afraid of the consequences. He tells Montag that he has to face his fears which make him feel like he’s doing the right thing for once. â€Å"â€Å"Mr. Montag you’re looking at a coward. I saw the way things were going a long time back. I said nothing. I’m one of the innocents who could have spoken up and put when no one would listen to the ‘guilty’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Faber is telling Montag that he never had the courage to stand up in what he strongly believes its right. He categories himself as a person who’s afraid by the consequences. In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Clarisse, Mildred and Faber had Montag doing things he never did before. They had him questioning, making him realize and encouraging him to get over his fears. He was doing things he never saw himself doing before in his life. Even though those things he do had its bad consequences he never felt that good about himself. Many people won’t confront their fears because they’re scared of the consequences but once people they overcome those fears there will be nobody who will stop them to do what they think it’s right. WORK CITED Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Simon and Shuster paperbacks; New York, 2012
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Anthropology 101 Research Paper
Komron Sabbagh Prof. Rowe Anthropology 101 March 25, 2013 Elderly Human â€Å"Y†Chromosome The unearthing and examination of a tremendously infrequent African American â€Å"Y†chromosome goes back in time with regards to the most recent common ancestor for the â€Å"Y†chromosome ancestry to 338,000 years ago. This period exists even older than the age of the most eldest known structurally contemporary human fossils.University of Arizona geneticists have revealed the most ancient known hereditary subdivision of the human â€Å"Y†chromosome  the genetic factor which determines the male sex. The new differing pedigree, which was discovered in a male human being who presented his DNA to â€Å"Family Tree DNA†, a company which concentrates on DNA investigation to locate family roots, separated from the â€Å"Y†chromosome tree before the very first presence of physically current individuals in the record of fossils. These effects are p rinted in the American Journal of Human Genetics.Michael Hammer of the University of Arizona’s department of ecology and evolutionary biology stated that, â€Å"Our analysis indicates this lineage diverged from previously known Y chromosomes about 338,000 ago, a time when anatomically modern humans had not yet evolved. This pushes back the time the last common Y chromosome ancestor lived by almost 70 percent. †Dissimilar to the added human chromosomes, the common â€Å"Y†chromosome doesn’t barter heritable information with other chromosomes; this makes it a lot more straightforward and scientists can truly discover familial associations amid modern ancestries.If two â€Å"Y†chromosomes transmit an identical mutation, it is most likely since they divide a communal forefather at some particular period in the precedent. The further mutations which differ amongst two Y chromosomes, the farther back in history the mutual antecedent existed. Initially , a DNA sample acquired from an African American existing in South Carolina was succumbed to the National Geographic Genographic Project. When none of the hereditary indicators used to dispense ancestries to identified â€Å"Y†chromosome consortiums were found, the DNA sample was guided to â€Å"Family Tree DNA†for organizing.Fernando Mendez, who is a postdoctoral scholar in Hammer's laboratory, controlled the attempt to investigate the DNA sequence, which comprised of over 240,000 base pairs of the Y chromosome. Hammer claimed that â€Å"the most striking feature of this research is that a consumer genetic testing company identified a lineage that didn't fit anywhere on the existing Y chromosome tree, even though the tree had been constructed based on perhaps a half-million individuals or more. Nobody expected to find anything like this. At around 300,000 years ago; this was the period of time in which the Neanderthals are thought to have fragmented from the famili al human descent. It was not until more than 100,000 years in the future that functionally recent humans seem to be in the fossil record. They vary from the more antiquated forms by a more frivolously constructed skeleton; this includes a lesser face pushed underneath a tall forehead, the lack of a cranial ridge and slighter chins. Hammer stated that the recently exposed â€Å"Y†chromosome dissimilarity is tremendously occasional.Through the use of great databank explorations, his group ultimately was capable of discovering a comparable chromosome in the Mbo, which is a populace living in a petite region of western Cameroon in the sub-Saharan part of Africa. â€Å"This was surprising because previously the most diverged branches of the Y chromosome were found in traditional hunter-gatherer populations such as Pygmies and the click-speaking KhoeSan, who are considered to be the most diverged human populations living today.Instead, the sample matched the Y chromosome DNA of 1 1 men, who all came from a very small region of western Cameroon,†Hammer explains. â€Å"And the sequences of those individuals are variable, so it's not like they all descended from the same grandfather. †Hammer restraints against prevalent notions of â€Å"mitochondrial Eve†or â€Å"Y chromosome Adam†which propose that all of humanity was derived from precisely one couple of individuals that lived at a particular point in human biological evolution. There has been too much emphasis on this in the past,†Hammer says. â€Å"It is a misconception that the genealogy of a single genetic region reflects population divergence. Instead, our results suggest that there are pockets of genetically isolated communities that together preserve a great deal of human diversity. †Nevertheless, Hammer explains that, â€Å"It is likely that other divergent lineages will be found, whether in Africa or among African-Americans in the U. S. and that some of t hese may further increase the age of the Y chromosome ree. †He further clarifies: â€Å"There has been a lot of hype with people trying to trace their Y chromosome to different tribes, but this individual from South Carolina can say he did it. †The investigation originated by the mutual labors of a private business, the â€Å"Family Tree DNA,†the struggles of a resident scientist, Bonnie Schrack, and the research proficiencies at the UA. â€Å"Human Y Chromosome Much Older Than Previously Thought. †ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 04 Mar. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Response paper - Essay Example On the other hand, the swing style involved well structured, energetic, and danceable. Whereas swing music appeared to feature coordinated big crew arrangements, bebop music highlighted inventiveness. Characteristically, a topic would be presented collectively at the opening and the end of every piece, with coordinated solos based on the chords of the song. Hence, most parts of a song in bebop style tended to be improvisation, the only connections keeping the work together being the core harmonies played by the rhythm segment. Bebop musicians also used various harmonic devices unlike in sing jazz. The harmonic advancement was experience first during a performance by Charlie Parker, Cherokee. While bebop combo comprised of trumpet, saxophone, piano, drums and double bass, swing used a powerful rhythm section of drums and double bass, brass instruments at times stringed instruments (Erenberg, 2000). During this era, a period involved certain situations of slavery and post-liberation institutionalized racism. The styles depicted a created culture drawn from both the European and the African cultures. The changes were attributed at the fact that the old jazz was an American invention, and therefore, they wanted something that was more African (McDonnel & Cooper, 1998). The two types of music, Bebop and Swing, are much related and in most cases, they are difficult to separate and tell apart. Both styles are part of jazz music that started with an African music and ragtime. Both were started by one person who had strong inspiration and influenced other people to use similar styles in their music. In swing, it was Louis Armstrong whereas in Bebop it was Charlie Parker in conjunction with Dizzy Gillespie. In both swing and Bebop, the instruments making up the bands were same. They consisted of piano, bass, drums, trumpet and saxophone (Ake, 2010). The success of swing era came in 1942 when a recording ban was led by an American Federation of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
2 - Assignment Example This device uses a simple board which has images of what the patient encounters daily (Langwith, 2011). So the patient can just point on the images and you understand what he/she is referring to. Safety of a cerebral palsy patient is very important this is because they are very vulnerable to falling. For them to fall it is involuntary therefore no blame can be placed to them therefore it is vital to ensure their safety is guaranteed. Whenever they are ensure they are ensure there are no dangerous objects near them like knife. It is known that safety cannot be 100% guaranteed but one has to do his level best to ensure that the patient is safe. Communicating with patient will help by letting him know dangerous object that he can try to avoid. Above all the patient should have someone to monitor him all time this will make him feel safe and loved. Cerebral palsy patient are normally affected by chest infections especially pneumonia. According to (Gregory, 1981) it is because they are less active thus don’t exercise the lungs to clear phlegm. As a control measure the patient should be given annual influenza vaccine beside the other vaccines he receives on
Strategy in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategy in Action - Essay Example Based on the situations that face the managements, it is essential for the managers to emulate an organizational style that effectively meets the needs of their company. Some of the notable organizational styles includes pre-bureaucratic, bureaucratic, functional, divisional and post-bureaucratic. Strategic management on the other hand, involves systematic collection of all the processes undertaken by a firm and aligning them with the vision and the mission of an organization. This aim of this paper is to indicate that organizational structure must be considered as part of strategic management. According to Nag et al (2007) there are three major processes that are involved in strategy formation. These include situation and competitor analysis, setting objectives and implementing the objectives. After a strategy is formed, it undergoes evaluation process that involves all the aspects of a strategy the affect an organization. Additionally, the suitability and the feasibility of the str ategy are determined by use of the available or new human resources. During the stage of strategic implementation, three key steps are involved. The first one is organizing. Organizing entails making organizational as well as functional changes to ensure that factors that will led to the success of a strategy are put on board. The second step is resourcing. During the resourcing stage, the management comes up with the budget and the capital expenditure as well as the human resources responsible for overseeing the implementation of the strategy. Organizational strategy entails the plan that indicates how an organization will utilize the available resources to achieve the preset goals. It is vital to note that for any firm to be successful, it should come up with a vision and mission as well as objectives that are smart, measurable, accurate, realistic and timely. For any company to achieve its plans, it is essential for managers to ensure that both the structure and the strategy are combined together. Most importantly, any strategy that is undertaken by an organization must be divided into smaller tasks that are allocated to each of the employees based on their skills and the experience. In the contemporary business atmosphere, most of the firms aim at improving efficiency, creating synergy, enhancing strong team work and reducing the total organization costs by revising their structures. Even though this is achievable in most cases, it is not always possible (Heckscher and Donnellon, 1994). As earlier mentioned, for any strategy to be implemented, it should be evaluated. Companies that lack skilled personnel to undertake strategic implementation and evaluation have an option of hiring qualified personnel to undertake the process. Alternatively, the managers can hire the services of consultants who are experts in the filed of strategic management and leadership. In the two scenarios, there must be changes in the structure of human resources department to avoid conflict of goals. Connection between a strategy and structure Essentially, organizational structure is not the organization chart that depicts the flow of authority but it entails the people, position, technology and procedures that make up the organization. Most importantly, a structure indicates how all pieces and the procedures works or does not work together. This implies that it is vital for the structure to be
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Determination Of Nitrate Ion In Treated Wastewater Effluent Lab Report
Determination Of Nitrate Ion In Treated Wastewater Effluent - Lab Report Example The possible causes of errors may result from wrong or inaccurate readings made in the spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer is in use to measure the intensity of red color produced when nitrate reacts with the acid, sulfanilic and N- naphthyl ethylenediamine. The lack of calibration of the equipment causes errors in results. The equipment may record a reading higher or below the one expected. Errors result from measurements done by using flasks and pipettes. When experimenters fail to monitor the readings properly, the final value of concentration will be affected.  For example, observers of volumetric readings should look at the lower meniscus to prevent these errors. Such errors will affect dilution and dissolving of solids in solutions (Woody 12). The possible causes of errors may result from wrong or inaccurate readings made in the spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer is in use to measure the intensity of red color produced when nitrate reacts with the acid, sulfa nilic and N- naphthyl ethylenediamine. The lack of calibration of the equipment causes errors in results. The equipment may record a reading higher or below the one expected. Errors result from measurements done by using flasks and pipettes. When experimenters fail to monitor the readings properly, the final value of concentration will be affected. For example, observers of volumetric readings should look at the lower meniscus to prevent these errors. Such errors will affect dilution and dissolving of solids in solutions.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Rise of the Tablet PC in the U.S. Market Essay
The Rise of the Tablet PC in the U.S. Market - Essay Example carriers like AT&T Inc., Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel Corp. and T-Mobile USA (Kharif). The United States tablet PC market is in a growth succession and has became very trendy and a great competitor for computer companies, and by 2015, tablet users are anticipated to develop from an expected 26 to 82.1 million. The market is presently dominated by Apple Inc., yet they will shortly have a new contestant challenging them to come down off their thrown thanks to China’s second-largest manufacturer of mobile-phone gear, ZTE Corporation, publicized its plan to uncover an Android tablet in the U.S. before the end of 2011. Apple’s tablet, the Ipad 2 achieved a market share of 75% in September 2011, leaving only a 25% market share for its rivals. Android based tablets, like the notorious Ipad, will soon be eligible for purchase for a surprising $499 which will get the attention of a lot of tablet lovers, yet there is other competition and brands to consider when this new Android gadget launches because the tablet can be found at Dell, Hewlett Packard, Gateway, Ace r, and other well-known computer and electronic distributors, so a really competitive attitude and business strategy will have to be in place for Apple to stay at the top of the list of the world’s preferred company to buy tablet computers and other Apple made products and services. Despite ZTE’s current success and future plans, one of the greatest aspects about Apple Inc. is that they really strive hard to satisfy their customers because they are not only a leader in making fine PC equipment, yet they provide exceptional 24 hour customer service, have many different certifications and employment opportunities all over the world for anyone interested in becoming employed at their company, and their corporations are in place throughout the globe along with millions of products sold at national and international stores. However, ZTE, based out of Shenzhen, feels that they will rise to the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Riverview Regional Medical Center Research Paper
Riverview Regional Medical Center - Research Paper Example takeholders are impacted by revenue losses, such as with the closing of the Women’s Pavilion dedicated to obstetrics, that impact potential job security. Another group of stakeholders are the nurses that must now comply with the Nurses First philosophy of patient care. Nursing proficiency and visibility as a primary point of contact now makes them responsible for enhancing (or hindering) brand reputation. Job role changes impact issues such as motivation and performance when compliance to change practices is demanded internally. The Federal government represents yet another stakeholder involved with RRMC. Changing or otherwise deteriorating economic conditions pose a risk to RRMC for revenue production in the event that Federal allocations are slashed to fulfill budget needs. Since the Federal government gains taxation revenues from successful business models, this branch of the government has a vested interest in sustainability for RRMC. Shareholders holding common stock in Health Management Associates are also important stakeholders. Stock issuance and valuation represent potential funding opportunities to improve operations, engage in strategic expansion, or procure important service-related assets. Therefore, operational efficiency and strategy development will greatly impact the financial portfolios of these stakeholders. Currently, stock value of HMA is only $10.55 per share (Yahoo! Finance, 2013). Finally, a sixth stakeholder at RRMC is William J. Schoen, the chairman of the board at the facility. This position is regulated by corporate governance laws related to ethical and moral businesses and those outlined in the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Schoen is an accountability figure in the event of improper business practices and must also answer to shareholder inquiries about managerial performance and strategic direction. There are risks associated with compliance for this important, highly-visible stakeholder. The most important target market are local
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Childrens literature Essay Example for Free
Childrens literature Essay Reading is one of the most important lifelong activities. Young children are connected with reading and books long before they actually know how to read. It starts when a child has the first book in his hand or when parents read to him from a book. It is a wonderful way for young children to spend time together with their parents. The interaction that is going on between a child and parent when they are reading together has some important components. One of them is predictabilityâ€â€as these activities usually occur on a regular schedule and follow a regular pattern of steps. Playfulness is evident as these activities are done for fun. Language is used to construct meaning and share ideas. The child gets opportunities to lead the activity, the parent is modeling language and reading behavior and together they develop their own jargon for many ideas. In this way parents intuitively use the lab method to teach their children about language, print, and books (Daniels, 1994, p. 37). A child understands that a book is connected with something pleasant for him and his important adults, something that makes them feel good. He understands the meaning of the word for an object long before he can say this word. Later he starts to understand that there are pictures and words in books and that they have some meaning. This is first step in developing reading abilities and love towards books. The joy of reading and love of books is crucial for each childs development it is measured not only in school success but also in meaningful social interactions. This has been a decade of technological advances. From iPods to electronic readers children are bombarded with electrical images and stimulations. But the surprising truth is that even with all the advances in electronics and gadgetry, reading to children and having them read is still one of the most important skills to give a child. Reading to a child can promote a child’s cerebral and emotional development. While any positive interaction between parent and child is helpful, reading is always a sure fire way to gain a positive foothold into a child’s life. Books open doors to new ideas, cultures and concepts. By reading to young children a parent helps instill a love of books in children and helps them want to read more. The internet is a great learning resource for children as well as adults but a good reading ability should come first and foremost. Without a strong reading capability a child is unable to use the internet to its full potential. The Parent’s Role in Fostering a Love of Reading A parent is a partner in the life of his or her child. Parents can instill a love of books and delight in wordplay, develop pre-reading skills and help children become accomplished independent readers. Listed below are several ways to incorporate a joy of reading in a child. †¢ Read to the child every day. Start as early as possible. Books on tape can also be utilized. †¢ Sing nursery rhymes and children’s songs. †¢ As early as possible help the children obtain a library card. †¢ Treat books as though they are special. †¢ Give books at Christmas, birthdays and as rewards. †¢ Let the child make picture books by cutting out pictures from magazines or pictures they colored and glue them into homemade books. †¢ Make sure the child sees the parent reading. It doesn’t have to be a book; reading newspapers, magazines, or even the back of a cereal box can provide an example. When reading aloud, read with expression and excitement. †¢ Give the child opportunities to write even if it is unreadable. †¢ Let the child tell a story that the parent writes down. When it is completed let the child illustrate the story. †¢ Let the child pick the story for story time. †¢ Let the child help parents cook following a recipe card or cookbook. Books Help Children Develop Vital Language Skills Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children. Not only is it necessary for survival in the world of schools and (later on) universities, but in adult life as well. The ability to learn about new subjects and find helpful information on anything from health problems and consumer protection to more academic research into science or the arts depends on the ability to read. The more children read, the better they become at reading. Its as simple as that. The more enjoyable the things they read are, the more theyll stick with them and develop the reading skills that theyll need for full access to information in their adult lives. Reading should be viewed as a pleasurable activity as a source of entertaining tales and useful and interesting factual information. The more young children are read to, the greater their interest in mastering reading. Reading out loud exposes children to proper grammar and phrasing. It enhances the development of their spoken language skills, their ability to express themselves verbally. Reading, by way of books, magazines or websites, exposes kids to new vocabulary. Even when they dont understand every new word, they absorb something from the context that may deepen their understanding of it the next time the word is encountered. When parents read aloud to children, the children also hear correct pronunciation as they see the words on the page, even if they cant yet read the words on their own. Reading Can Open Up New Worlds and Enrich Childrens Lives As mentioned above, reading opens doors doors to factual information about any subject on earth, practical or theoretical. Given the wealth of available resources such as Internet, libraries, schools and bookstores, if children can read well and if they see reading as a source of information, then for the rest of their lives they will have access to all of the accumulated knowledge of mankind, access to all of the great minds and ideas of the past and present. It truly is magic ! Through books, children can also learn about people and places from other parts of the world, improving their understanding of and concern for all of humanity. This, in turn, contributes towards our sense that we truly live in a global village and may help us bring about a more peaceful future for everyone. This can happen through nonfiction but, perhaps even more importantly, reading novels that are set in other places and time periods can give children a deeper understanding of others through identification with individual characters and their plights. Through stories and novels children can vicariously try out new experiences and test new ideas, with no negative consequences in their real lives. They can meet characters who theyll enjoy returning to for comforting and satisfying visits when they reread a cherished book or discover a sequel. Books also give kids the opportunity to flex their critical thinking skills in such areas as problem solving, the concepts of cause and effect, conflict resolution, and acceptance of responsibility for ones actions. Mysteries allow children to follow clues to their logical conclusions and to try to outguess the author. Even for very young children, a simple story with a repetitive refrain or a simple mystery to solve gives a confidence boost. Children can predict the patterns and successfully solve the riddles. Children are influenced by and imitate the world around them. While a steady diet of violent cartoons may have a detrimental effect on childrens development, carefully chosen stories and books can have a positive influence on children, sensitizing them to the needs of others. For example, books can encourage children to be more cooperative, to share with others, to be kind to animals, or to respect the natural environment. Reading Can Enhance Childrens Social Skills Although reading is thought of as the quintessential solitary activity, in certain circumstances reading can be a socializing activity. For example, a parent or grandparent reading a story aloud, whether from a traditional printed book or from an ebook, can be a great opportunity for adult and child to share some quiet, relaxed quality time together away from the rush and stresses of the business of daily living. They share a few minutes of precious time, plus they share the ideas that are contained in the story. In addition, older children can be encouraged to read aloud to younger ones as a means of enhancing their relationship. At school or at a library story hour, books can bring children together and can be part of a positive shared experience. For some preschoolers this may be their primary opportunity to socialize and to learn how to behave around other children or how to sit quietly for a group activity. Make the most of this experience by encouraging children to talk about what theyve read or heard. Reading Can Improve Hand-Eye Coordination It may sound funny, but ebooks can be a way for children to improve their fine motor skills and their hand-eye coordination, as they click around a childfriendly website or click the backward and forward buttons of online story pages. They may also be picking up valuable computer skills that theyll need in school and later in life. Reading Can Provide Children with Plenty of Good, Clean Fun Ive saved the most important point for last. Reading can provide children with endless hours of fun and entertainment. All of the pragmatic reasons above arent at all necessary to justify readings place in childrens lives. Stories can free up imaginations and open up exciting new worlds of fantasy or reality. They allow children to dream and may give them a good start on the road to viewing reading as a lifelong source of pleasure; so read to your young children every day. Inspire your older children to read. Give them access to plenty of reading material that theyll enjoy and discuss it with them. Sample everything traditional printed books and ebooks on Internet, classic childrens novels and fairy tales, as well as more modern stories. If a child wants to hear the same story over and over again, dont worry about it. Children take comfort from the familiarity and predictability of a beloved story that they know by heart. Theres no harm in that. Reread old favorites and, at the same time, introduce your children to new stories. Your childs mind and heart have room for both. So Reading Really Does Matter After All There are so many ways in which reading continues to be both a vital skill for children to master, and an important source of knowledge and pleasure that can last a lifetime. Nurture it in your children. Make the most of all the resources that are available and waiting for you: printed books, online books, magazines and so forth. Encourage follow-up activities involving creative writing skills and the arts, as well, so that your children can reflect upon or expand on what theyve absorbed and, at the same time, develop their own creativity. As you help your kids appreciate the magic of reading, youll find that theres a whole wonderful world full of childrens literature out there that you can enjoy too.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Terrorism: A Global War
Terrorism: A Global War TERRORISM Now a day the world became a global village due to rapid scientific development. But the major issue through out the world is terrorism. The word ‘terrorism has its different sense. It is necessary to know what Terrorism is and why it is generated. Initially the terrorism belongs to one area, between certain groups, between few races and religions. But now there are no barriers for terrorism. This is the resent trend of terrorism. The main reasons for the generation of Terrorism is extremism, Patriotism, Regionalism as well as Racism. People may become terrorists if they have been unjustified in their personal issues also. It is not possible to give clear-cut meaning of Terrorism, but it can be said that embracing Terrorism will be the destruction of Country, State, people etc As per the Aims of Terrorists on global level are concerned, they want to destroy right to live, freedom and safety, which are regarded as the basic fundamental rights. Destroying the basic values of a democratic society is also another objective. Terrorism should be controlled and must be fought on all stages and by all the players of society: organizations, political players, economic players, and civil and military structures. For that there must be coordination among each other to combat this global threat, which questions our freedom. The Terrorism became a moving target, terrorists activities can be commenced for all sorts of reasons abstractly at least, for none at all other than to promote revolution or to express disgust. The terrorists act generally occurs out of grievance and aggravation, real or imagined, religious, political, economic and personal. Terrorism or the threat of terrorism, can involve weapons of mass destruction, or it can consist of measures of massacre domination and intimation directed on individuals, at a group or class or on all the inhabitants of a region or state. Initially the terrorism was limited to one opponent but now they are trying to see with global vision. The supporters of their opponents are also targeted. The LTTE a terrorist organization primarily is waging guerilla war against the Sri Lankan government, but also assassinated Indian Prime Minister for supporting Sri Lanka. The Talibans not only were against the Christianity but also shown their animosity against Buddhist statutes. Even there were factions among the same religions, which is taking number of lives of the same religion. Terrorists Network: As the world became global village, the technique used by the terrorists also became sophisticated. Crimes have been committed by utilizing Internet for easy transformation of data, which is affecting public. Bomb blasting through remote control, Mobiles, etc became the normal practice of the terrorists. A terrorist is identified by the means employed by him and not by the goal. That means the goal may be right but the way used to achieve the goal by adopting illegal means is wrong. That amounts to terrorism. The major aggression of the terrorist was to distress World Trade Center which took place on 11th September 2001 in USA. It was a shock to the world which left a bad memory in the modern history where more than 5000 people lost their lives. After occurrence of major global horror and dangerous incident to the existence of peace on 11th September 2001 several governments took measure through acts. The USA government took serious note about Terrorism on international level, and other countries also worked for the safety of general public, conducted convention and discussed over the issue of terrorism. Later on, the USA with the combination of alliance and with the acquiescence of UNO attacked on Iraq to squash the terrorists showing some proofs against the peace; conclusively the leader of Iraq, President Saddam Hussain has been sentenced to death. Precautionary measures have been taken on international level to tackle the problem of terrorism. It was stated in the European Summit meeting in Berlin, that the United States and the European Union have the same aim of global cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Nations should get together on a global level and act for security of them selves and world at large. This should be done without disturbing others sovereignty and personal freedom. Impact of Terrorism It is revealed that some countries are perpetuating Terrorist on the name of Religion, Race etc. At present, the most wanted Terrorist is Osama-bin-ladin. Several efforts have been made to detain him; so many persons have been slaughtered stating that they belong to Osama. U.S.A warned other countries not to protect him and raised voice against terrorism. So many legislations have been passed in UNO to trounce terrorism all over the world. A seminar on â€Å"Regional and Global Terrorist Threats: The way Out†recently held at CRRID, Chandigarh in association with the M.L.Sondhi Institute for Asia-Pacific Affairs involved participants from CIS, Israel, Pakistan, Nepal and India. One of the participants questioned the concept of the global war on terror, since each manifestation can be traced to particular and local political causes as in Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Northern Ireland, Kashmir and Palestine. Perhaps it is more a â€Å"global†than a global phenomenon, with international technologies and methodologies applied to local situations. Hence the suggestion is that nations cannot take each terrorist organization as a different one. Even though they are different they are interlinked and mutually supportive. So a concreted international effort can only eradicate terrorism totally. The EU and the fight against terrorism: The security measure were reinforced by the EU since September 11th,2001. they have made more stringent efforts after the attacks on Madrid in 2004, and London in 2005. A new strategy was developed and adopted at the European level. It has appointed a coordinator to fight against terrorism. This strategy has 4 themes: Prevention: consists of avoiding individuals from indulge towards terrorism by tackle the major cases which lead to the recruitment of terrorists and radicalization. Protection includes protecting citizens by reducing vulnerability in the fact of attacks. Perusal concerns directly to the terrorists themselves both inside Europe and outside Europe. It concerns preventing communication, planning, movement, disruption of support networks and strict acts on monetary polices preventing access to finance and equipment. Reaction concerns the fire fighters directly. This is the last step and once predictor ad prevention has failed, obviously the next step will be reaction. Civil protection in European level is covered by a Community mechanism, which was created in October 2001. As of now there are thirty countries i.e., 25 European countries and other countries like Iceland, Bulgaria, Norway Liechtenstein and Romania are grouped under this mechanism. Under this mechanism there are few measures and guidelines that the commission has set up. They mostly look forward for mutual assistance in sharing information through better communication. This mechanism keeps the members in attention and make sure that they will act in any emergencies. Policies and Legislations: Anti-terrorism legislations were passed at international level with the aim to tackle terrorism. It includes specific amendments allowing the state to avoid its own legislation when combating terrorism-allied crimes under the grounds of necessity. Since 1934 the foremost Agenda on International level was Terrorism, with the establishment of League of Nations and even with the establishment of United Nations in the month of June 1945. The UN General Assembly implemented the Global Counter-Terrorism strategy on 8th September 2006. There are some more related international conventions which were enacted to counter terrorism are U.K Terrorism Act, 2006, Australian Anti-Terrorism Act, 2005, Terrorist and disruptive Activities (prevention) Act, Military Commissions Act of 2006, SAFETY Act. Special measures taken to safeguard the public Several international organizations and even governments of the countries are making enough efforts to safeguard public from terrorism. Resolutions such as 1267, 1269, and 1333 of United Nations Security Council condemned the acts of international terrorism and asked the member nations to draft relevant laws to control it. Even Security Council 1368s resolution also was taken aftermath of September 11. It states terrorism as a threat to international peace and security. The measures generally focus on the implementation of co-operation and support activities among the nations. The measures should not be so coercive and must not constitute threat. There should be quick search and rescue activities by the forces. After the event of 11th September 2001 in USA special measures were taken by the foreign countries to safeguard the general public in order to achieve Charter of the UNO against terrorist attack in USA as well as Humanitarian Measures based on relevant resolution passed by the United Nations. Later on an Anti terrorism bill passed in the United States which provided aid to the families of Public Safety officer who were injured or killed in terrorist attack. Overview of the relevant case laws: NEUREMBERG TRIAL 96 FRD.69 (1946) United State Vs. Abu Marzook 2006 W 25008 (N.B.ILL) The brief facts of case law Nuremberg Trail: Twenty Germany Nazi leaders and six organizations committed genocides during the Second World War. They were prosecuted as war criminals. The evidence proved that they committed with common planning and conspiracy. The Nuremberg Tribunal was established after the Second World War to try the war criminals of many. The trial started on 20-11-1945. Judgment: The Nuremberg Tribunal gave its judgment on 30-9-1946. It found that all the accused except three were the guilty of criminal offences and genocides. It acquitted those three, and imposed death sentence for ten accused, awarded punishment of transportation for life to 3 accused and awarded imprisonment for a long period to four accused. The Tribunal also found that out of six organizations, only tow organizations (the Reich Cabinet and the General Staff and High Command) were not guilty and the remaining four organizations were guilty. Principles : The Tribunal rejected the defenses of ‘nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege (There is no crime more punishment except in accordance with law) and act of State. The Tribunal observed. The fact that a person who committed an act, which constitutes a crime under international law acted as the head of the State or responsible government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law. Implication of terrorist attacks in recent days: With the recent developments number of universities and research agendas are adding terrorism as topic and lot of ‘think thanks are into that work. Still up to the September 11 incident the people all over the globe were not particular about the terrorism except form nations like India, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Algeria, Israel and few more which were facing it form many decades. â€Å"After 9/11 it became impossible, even for the most sheltered ivory-towered academic, to deny the reality of terrorism. The hijacked airliners were deliberately flown into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, killing an estimated 3,000 civilians.†Many conventions and declaration proclaimed a transformation of the world. But American responded negatively and continued the established approaches, polices trends etc after 9/11. September 11,2001, attacks shown the vulnerability of the Super power. But it responded and demonstrated that America remains exceptional in its capacity to deploy vast reso urces and destructive assets on a global scale. Immediate actions against the Taliban regime, reveled it as a hegemonic power. It bounced back well than every one expected. It is a process of removal of its opponents all around the world and calling them as a threat to global threat. It used the situation well for its own uses on the name of ‘war against terrorism. The world is afraid of the word terrorism. The general public, nations ranging from developing to developed are not in a position to hear the term terrorism at least. The terrorist organization are taking this as an advantage and trying to create more chaos among the public. Initially they used the media as a tool to communicate their demands but with the more accessibility they are using it as a tool to create more confusion among the pubic. They are even hacking confidential documents of government, which became a major concern to them now. People were upset with the terrorism. This is one of the aims of terrorism . Terrorists were doing their activities from several decades but now they came into a global arena. This order to control global terrorism nations also started a ‘war against Terrorism under the leadership of America. This became a global phenomenon now. Now we entered into a permanent state of emergency, which is now called ‘war on Terrorism. The attacks of terrorist now are very difficult to under stand. Intelligence authorities are failing to trace the information of attacks. They are ending in doing the aftermath analysis, which tells about the failure, the death toll and the lapses. To defend the terrorism there are two methods like anti-terrorism and counter terrorism. The antiterrorism is dealt with the lawful steps, which can be taken by the government with the special legislation and also martial law. The later one is the aggressive one and which talks about the armed methods. These include assassinations, arbitrary reprisals on the terrorists. â€Å"Terrorism is, among other things, a weapon used by the weak against the strong.†The world is entering the 21st century with lot of hope and improvement it had gone through the last centuries. These will be accompanied with the terrorism, which has the power to question the existence of peace and tranquility. EU measures after September 11. The new laws had lot of impact upon the immigrants, non-citizens and asylum seekers lives. In order to mitigate the more effect on those EU took enough safe guards and kept citizens and non-citizen in same line. We know that there remains a scope of suspicion and rejection of non-citizens in wide manner. After September 11, 2001 the stringent immigration polices and harsh asylum has fostered the potential nexus among all the groups. This was reveled after the attacks on Morocco and Saudi Arabia. Every country has strengthened its judiciary and police administration after September 11,2001. Apart from that the nations havent progressed much. The focus was mostly shifted in making stringent laws against the immigration laws and non-citizens, which even made the condition worse than before. Numerous attempts are going on to combat terrorism on International level, in this regard, mostly United Nations playing a significant role to eradicate the terrorists acts. On the other hand, the Security Council has also making efforts in countering terrorism through various norms passed by the UNO to squash the illegal acts of the terrorist. Further the UNO extended its assistance with the Member of USA and opened a new phase in their counter-terrorism efforts by agreeing on a global strategy to counter terrorism. The strategy adopted and launched on 19 September 2006 by the common agreement of the world with equivalent strategic approach to fight against terrorism. In September 2005 Summ it a strategy builds on the unique consensus to strengthen the role of the United Nations to condemn terrorism in all its forms to combat terrorist felony. Following measures taken against Terrorism 1. During the past years the Republic of Cyprus not faced any terrorist activities which threat to the country, so they doesnt consider it. Even in the presence of two military bases of Britishes and the Turkish livelihood of the northern part of its territory. In the opinion of the Cyprus govt. terrorism is not based on any religion. 2. Institutional Framework The Ministry of Foreign affairs has a role in the general coordination and transmission of information though it is indirectly involved in the measures of counter-terrorism. Conversely, (MOKAS) Customs and Excise Department) are eagerly in cooperation for the adoption and implementation of the provisions of United Security Council. The Cyprus policy against terrorism at international level has been formulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in coordination with European Union and U.N. Twelve protocols and conventions are contracted by the Republic of Cyprus which is signatory to squash the terrorists nuclear act terminating of the negotiations and the implementation of the Comprehensive Convention against International Terrorism. Cyprus is totally agreed to the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1371 (2001) to combat terrorism. The fifth report of the same was submitted on 2nd August 2005. Measures in the European Union: The Cyprus consents the objectives of the Counter-terrorism strategy and supports the European Union to combat terrorism. The main objectives of the strategy are, to protect citizens and their infrastructure, to trauma terrorists network and to stifle the terrorist attacks. The public policies should be so good enough that they can serve the purpose of controlling the terrorism and also safeguarding the public safety. All the advancement we made in our civilizations is questioned by the terrorism. So government should be fulfill the basic guidelines of police then only our development will have perfect meaning. References: 1. Countering the New Terrorism. Ian O. Lesser , Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt , Michele Zanini . Rand. Santa Monica, CA, 1999. Pp 85. 2. International instruments to counter terrorism, United Nations. International instruments to counter terrorism, United Nations December,22,2007. 3. Letter to a Frenchman on the Present Crisis (1870) by Mikhail Bakunin Letter to a Frenchman on the Present Crisis (1870) by Mikhail Bakunin,22,2007. 4. Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, Afghanistan and beyond. Mary Buckley, Rick Fawn Routledge. : New York. 2003. Pp 25. 5. Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, Afghanistan and beyond. Mary Buckley, Rick Fawn Routledge.: New York. 2003. Pp: 52. 6. Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction. Charles Townshend. Oxford University Press. Oxford, England. 2002. Pp 1. 7. Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction. Charles Townshend . Oxford University Press. Oxford, England. 2002. Pp: 114.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Essay --
Heat Transfer Through Extended Surface 1. Objective To determine the temperature distribution and heat flow along the extended surface and comparing the data with theoretical analysis 2. Equipment Required Heat transfer service unit Extended surface heat transfer accessory Data logging accessory 3. Theory The term extended surface is commonly used to depict an important special case involving heat transfer by conduction within a solid and heat transfer by convection (and/or radiation) from the boundaries of the solid. Extended surfaces are used to increase the surface area and to increase the total rate of heat transfer. A temperature gradient exist between two different temperature surfaces for heat transfer. The temperature distribution along the fin or pin must be known to determine the heat transfer from the surface to its surroundings. Plate fins are mostly used in aircrafts, cryogenic and other industries. By considering the insulated tip extended surface the temperature distribution in terms of hyperbolic function expressed as ÃŽ ¸/ÃŽ ¸Ã¢â€šâ€™ = Cosh[m(b-x)]/ Cosh(mb) (1) Where, ÃŽ ¸ = T(x) - T∞ (â °C) ÃŽ ¸Ã¢â€šâ€™ = To - T∞ (â °C) To = fin base temperature (â ° C) T∞= free stream fluid temperature (â °C) b = fin height (m) x = coordinate (m) m = (4h /k d) ½ (1/m) h = heat transfer coefficient (W/m ² â °C) k = thermal conductivity of fin (W/m â °C) d = fin diameter (m) The heat transfer, Q, for a pin fin is found using the relation Q = (h P k A) ½ tanh(m b) (2) Wh... ... 4.5In = 0.1125m Tx = 45.56 â °C At x = 6In = 0.15m Tx = 44.17 â °C 5. At 16V, To = 47.2 â °C , T∞ = 22.78 â °C Heat Transfer Q = √(hPKA) (To - T∞) tanh(mb) Q = √0.0422 Ã'… (47.2 – 22.78) tanh( 9.01 Ã'… 0.1524) Q = 4.413 W At 25V, To = 67.7 â °C , T∞ = 22.78 â °C Heat Transfer Q = √(hPKA) (To - T∞) tanh(mb) Q = √0.0422 Ã'… (67.7 – 22.78) tanh( 9.01 Ã'… 0.1524) Q = 8.1178 W Result 1.The Heat transfer through the fin at supply voltage 25V is approximate double to the heat transfer at supply voltage 16V. 2.As the value of x increases value of Tx decreases continuously. For 16V, For 25V, Conclusion From the experimental result it is shown that as the distance increase from the heat source temperature decreases. Graphs also shows the continuous temperature decrement in the positive x direction.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Poly Canyon Essay -- Descriptive Nature Essays Observation
It is a sunless morning shrouded in mist. The clouds look ominous with the threat of rain. It is quiet, for no creatures are awake yet, not even the hikers. The air is crisp and smells fresh after a night covered in the ocean fog. A Eucalyptus grove stands at the trail entrance with a deliciously pungent greeting that carries through the air. Along the trail as the foliage gets thicker, it is evident that Mother Nature knows the autumn season has arrived. Leaves have begun to turn the fall colors and drop to the trail floor. Even the poison oak has participated in autumn and looks colorful and festive. Golden Eucalyptus leaves litter the trail like sparkling, perfume-infused flecks of gold. The effect is magical. It is the perfect atmosphere to begin our ascent of Poly Mountain. Turning off the beaten path, we made our way single file and marching like army troops, up the steep trail leading to a sloping canyon filled with wonders. There, upon the bluff, stood a pair of deer staring blankly at us as we snapped furiously with our cameras to hold this moment forever. Just as soon as the deer had appeared through the mist, they vanished. As the trail weaved higher and further away from civilization, birds, squirrels and deer emerged from their warm nests, burrows and dens. Bird songs fluttered through the air and more deer scampered down the trail heading to isolated meadows to fill their bellies with the delicious vegetation that Poly Canyon has to offer. Poly Canyon, located directly behind Poly Mountain, is filled with flora. Some is abundant like the Yucca Plant and poison oak. There are also some less abundant species that cover the hills. The Coastal Live Oak trees are gentle gi... ...e. It was the perfect moment; serene and natural. Nobody wanted to leave. After being in such a high state, going back down the mountain into the real world was deflating. As we descended down to the â€Å"Poly P†and to the campus below, reminders of civilization became more evident. Plastic bottles littered the trail. Pillow cases from the â€Å"P†were strewn all through the Yucca. Corroded barbed wire lined the gate back to the real world. We came across a water tank embedded in the hill, surrounded by fences and warning signs. Patches of Star Thistle littered the path and grabbed at our feet. The asphalt of the parking lot was ugly and covered the ground like a blanket of death for all the plant life on the hills. This â€Å"welcome†back to civilization made us yearn to climb back up the stairs to our heavenly view and escape civilization once again. Poly Canyon Essay -- Descriptive Nature Essays Observation It is a sunless morning shrouded in mist. The clouds look ominous with the threat of rain. It is quiet, for no creatures are awake yet, not even the hikers. The air is crisp and smells fresh after a night covered in the ocean fog. A Eucalyptus grove stands at the trail entrance with a deliciously pungent greeting that carries through the air. Along the trail as the foliage gets thicker, it is evident that Mother Nature knows the autumn season has arrived. Leaves have begun to turn the fall colors and drop to the trail floor. Even the poison oak has participated in autumn and looks colorful and festive. Golden Eucalyptus leaves litter the trail like sparkling, perfume-infused flecks of gold. The effect is magical. It is the perfect atmosphere to begin our ascent of Poly Mountain. Turning off the beaten path, we made our way single file and marching like army troops, up the steep trail leading to a sloping canyon filled with wonders. There, upon the bluff, stood a pair of deer staring blankly at us as we snapped furiously with our cameras to hold this moment forever. Just as soon as the deer had appeared through the mist, they vanished. As the trail weaved higher and further away from civilization, birds, squirrels and deer emerged from their warm nests, burrows and dens. Bird songs fluttered through the air and more deer scampered down the trail heading to isolated meadows to fill their bellies with the delicious vegetation that Poly Canyon has to offer. Poly Canyon, located directly behind Poly Mountain, is filled with flora. Some is abundant like the Yucca Plant and poison oak. There are also some less abundant species that cover the hills. The Coastal Live Oak trees are gentle gi... ...e. It was the perfect moment; serene and natural. Nobody wanted to leave. After being in such a high state, going back down the mountain into the real world was deflating. As we descended down to the â€Å"Poly P†and to the campus below, reminders of civilization became more evident. Plastic bottles littered the trail. Pillow cases from the â€Å"P†were strewn all through the Yucca. Corroded barbed wire lined the gate back to the real world. We came across a water tank embedded in the hill, surrounded by fences and warning signs. Patches of Star Thistle littered the path and grabbed at our feet. The asphalt of the parking lot was ugly and covered the ground like a blanket of death for all the plant life on the hills. This â€Å"welcome†back to civilization made us yearn to climb back up the stairs to our heavenly view and escape civilization once again.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestley Essay -- Drama
How has watching a production of ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestley enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play? Refer to themes and characters in your analysis. ‘An Inspector Calls’ – J.B. Priestley ===================================== Twentieth Century Drama Coursework ---------------------------------- Task: How has watching a production of ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestley enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play? Refer to themes and characters in your analysis. Following my reading of ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestely, I went to the theatre to see Daldry’s production. I found that watching the play on stage massively enhanced the script and furthered my understanding of the play. The use of scenery, sound, lighting, special effects, the actors and their actual movement about the stage all emphasised Priestley’s moral message of the play, which he felt was so necessary to express. The play ‘An Inspector Calls’ was written by J.B.Priestley in the winter of 1944-1945, when Priestley, as explained in his biography by Vincent Brome, had â€Å"an idea about a mysterious inspector visiting a family... before the (second world) war.†The entire play was written â€Å"at top speed,...†and finished within a week. Even though the play was written in 1945, it was set in 1912 and written on a basis of Priestley’s early influences in life. His childhood home was a place where socialist ideas thrived and he had a real experience of working class life through numerous visits to his grandparent’s house in narrow backstreets behind a mill factory. J.B.Priestley was very interested in politics, but could not agree completely with the policies of any one political party. One of the main reasons for him writing ‘An Inspector Calls’ was to put the labour party into authority. He was a socialist and based his views and actions on compassion, the sort of compassion that the Inspector wants to see in those he questions in the play. Brumley, where the play is set, is a large manufacturing town in the Midlands. In 1912 nearly 15 million people lived in large towns and cities. Most people worked in manufacturing industries, mining, transport and trade. England had huge social divisions, based largely on wealth and income. Priestley replicates this scenario when first describing t... ...outside of his safe world, inside of the house, to answer it. This signifies that he cannot escape reality and must face up to his actions. Finally, in order to show the that morals and meanings of the play are still relevant for a modern day audience, in Daldry’s production, the house lights are switched on for the Inspector’s speech and the core message of the play he has to deliver. Even though you may be watching how the Birlings have misbehaved, this is a reminder to the audience that no one should behave as they did and always face up to their responsibilities, which is the message Priestley wanted to convey in his play of â€Å"An Inspector Calls†. To conclude, I found that watching a production of â€Å"An Inspector Calls†immensely enhanced and furthered my understanding of the play, in many ways as explained and analysed thoroughly in this essay. Although Priestley’s ideas were noted when reading the play in class, I felt they were conveyed more emotionally had much more meaning when acted. All plays are supposed to acted in order convey the meanings of them in this way and I found Daldry’s production created that emotion and meaning extremely effectively.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Evil: Mark Twain and Higher Animals
From The Damned Human Race by Mark Twain Mark Twain is a central figure in American literature. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, his finest work, is the story of a journey down the Mississippi by two memorable figures, a white boy and a black slave. Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in 1835 and was raised in Hannibal, Missouri. During his early years, he worked as a riverboat pilot, newspaper reporter, printer, and gold prospector.Although his popular image is as the author of such comic works as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Life on the Mississippi, and The Prince and the Pauper, Twain had a darker side that may have resulted from the bitter experiences of his life: financial failure and the deaths of his wife and daughter. His last writings are savage, satiric, and pessimistic. The following selection is taken from Letters from the Earth, one of his last works. It has been under the title The Damned Human Race and has been printed in numerous essay anthologies.Did todayâ⠂¬â„¢s newspaper feature headlines about people fighting somewhere in the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa)? Most likely, it did. In the following selection, Mark Twain concludes that the combative and cruel nature of human beings makes them the lowest of creatures, not the highest. With scathing irony, he supplies a startling reason for humans’ warlike nature. The Damned Human Race Mark Twain I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the lower animals (so-called), and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man.I find the result humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that the theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals. In proceeding toward this unpleasant conclusion I have not guessed or speculated or conjectured, but have used what is c ommonly called the scientific method. That is to say, I have subjected every postulate that presented itself to the crucial test of ctual experiment, and have adopted it or rejected it according to the result. Thus I verified and established each step of my course in its turn before advancing to the next. These experiments were made in the London Zoological Gardens, and covered many months of painstaking and fatiguing work. Before particularizing any of the experiments, I wish to state one or two things which seem to more properly belong in this place than further along. This, in the interest of clearness. The massed experiments established to my satisfaction certain generalizations, to wit: 1.That the human race is of one distinct species. It exhibits slight variations (in color, stature, mental caliber, and so on) due to climate, environment, and so forth; but it is a species by itself, and not to be confounded with any other. 2. That the quadrupeds are a distinct family, also. Th is family exhibits variations (in color, size, food preferences, and so on; but it is a family by itself). 3. That the other families (the birds, the fishes, the insects, the reptiles, etc. ) are more or less distinct, also. They are in the procession.They are links in the chain which stretches down from the higher animals to man at the bottom. Some of my experiments were quite curious. In the course of my reading I had come across a case where, many years ago, some hunters on our Great Plains organized a buffalo hunt for the entertainment of an English earl. They had charming sport. They killed seventy-two of those great animals; and ate part of one of them and left the seventy-one to rot. In order to determine the difference between an anaconda and an earl (if any) I caused seven young calves to be turned into the anaconda’s cage.The grateful reptile immediately crushed one of them and swallowed it, then lay back satisfied. It showed no further interest in the calves, and n o disposition to harm them. I tried this experiment with other anacondas; always with the same result. The fact stood proven that the difference between an earl and an anaconda is that the earl is cruel and the anaconda isn’t; and that the earl wantonly destroys what he has no use for, but the anaconda doesn’t. This seemed to suggest that the anaconda was not descended from the earl.It also seemed to suggest that the earl was descended from the anaconda, and had lost a good deal in the transition. I was aware that many men who have accumulated more millions of money than they can ever use have shown a rabid hunger for more, and have not scrupled to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their poor servings in order to partially appease that appetite. I furnished a hundred different kinds of wild and tame animals the opportunity to accumulate vast stores of food, but none of them would do it.The squirrels and bees and certain birds made accumulations, but stopped wh en they had gathered a winter s supply, and could not be persuaded to add to it either honestly or by chicane. In order to bolster up a tottering reputation the ant pretended to store up supplies, but I was not deceived. I know the ant. These experiments convinced me that there is this difference between man and the higher animals: he is avaricious and miserly; they are not.In the course of my experiments I convinced myself that among the animals man is the only one that harbors insults and injuries, broods over them, waits till a chance offers, then takes revenge. The passion of revenge is unknown to the higher animals. Roosters keep harems, but it is by consent of their concubines; therefore no wrong is done. Men keep harems but it is by brute force, privileged by atrocious laws which the other sex were allowed no hand in making. In this matter man occupies a far lower place than the rooster. Cats are loose in their morals, but not consciously so.Man, in his descent from the cat, has brought the cats looseness with him but has left the unconsciousness behind (the saving grace which excuses the cat). The cat is innocent, man is not. Indecency, vulgarity, obscenity (these are strictly confined to man); he invented them. Among the higher animals there is no trace of them. They hide nothing; they are not ashamed. Man, with his soiled mind, covers himself. He will not even enter a drawing room with his breast and back naked, so alive are he and his mates to indecent suggestion.Man is The Animal that Laughs. But so does the monkey, as Mr. Darwin pointed out; and so does the Australian bird that is called the laughing jackass. No! Man is the Animal that Blushes. He is the only one that does it or has occasion to. At the head of this article we see how three monks were burnt to death a few days ago, and a prior put to death with atrocious cruelty. Do we inquire into the details? No; or we should find out that the prior was subjected to unprintable mutilations.Man (w hen he is a North American Indian) gouges out his prisoners’ eyes; when he is King John, with a nephew to render untroublesome, he uses a red-hot iron; when he is a religious zealot dealing with heretics in the Middle Ages, he skins his captive alive and scatters salt on his back; in the first Richards time he shuts up a multitude of Jew families in a tower and sets fire to it; in Columbus’s time he captures a family of Spanish Jews and (but that is not printable; in our day in England a man is fined ten shillings for beating his mother nearly to death with a chair, and another man is fined forty shillings for having four pheasant eggs in his possession without eing able to satisfactorily explain how he got them). Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. It is a trait that is not known to the higher animals. The cat plays with the frightened mouse; but she has this excuse, that she does n ot know that the mouse is suffering. The cat is moderate (unhumanly moderate: she only scares the mouse, she does not hurt it; she doesnt dig out its eyes, or tear off its skin, or drive splinters under its nails) man-fashion; when she is done playing with it she makes a sudden meal of it and puts it out of its trouble. Man is the Cruel Animal. He is alone in that distinction.The higher animals engage in individual fights, but never in organized masses. Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and with calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out, as the Hessians did in our Revolution, and as the boyish Prince Napoleon did in the Zulu war, and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel. Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country takes p ossession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the ages.There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed. Man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who enslaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another. In our day he is always some mans slave for wages, and does that mans work; and this slave has other slaves under him for minor wages, and they do his work. The higher animals are the only ones who exclusively do their own work and provide their own living. Man is the only Patriot.He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other peoples countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns, he washes the blood off his hands and works for the universal brotherhood of man, with his mouth. Man is the Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion, several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and cuts his throat if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven.He was at it in the time of the Caesars, he was at it in Mahomet’s time, he was at it in the time of the Inquisition, he was at it in France a couple of centuries, he was at it in England in Mary’s day, he has been at it ever since he first saw the light, he is at it today in Crete (as per the telegrams quoted above) he will be at it somewhere else tomorrow. The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out, in the Hereafter. I wonder why? It seems questionable taste. Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to dispute. Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the Unreasoning Animal. Note his history, as sketched above. It seems plain to me that whatever he is he is not a reasoning animal. His record is the fantastic record of a maniac.I consider that the strongest count against his intelligence is the fact that with that record back of him he blandly sets himself up as the head animal of the lot: whereas by his own standards he is the bottom one. In truth, man is incurably foolish. Simple things which the other animals easily learn, he is incapable of learning. Among my experiments was this. In an hour I taught a cat and a dog to be friends. I put them in a cage. In another hour I taught them to be friends with a rabbit. In the course of two days I was able to add a fox, a goose, a squirrel and some doves. Finally a monkey. They lived together in peace; even affectiona tely. Next, in another cage I confined an Irish Catholic from Tipperary, and as soon as he seemed tame I added a Scotch Presbyterian from Aberdeen.Next a Turk from Constantinople; a Greek Christian from Crete; an Armenian; a Methodist from the wilds of Arkansas; a Buddhist from China; a Brahman from Benares. Finally, a Salvation Army Colonel from Wapping. Then I stayed away two whole days. When I came back to note results, the cage of Higher Animals was all right, but in the other there was but a chaos of gory odds and ends of turbans and fezzes and plaids and bones and flesh not a specimen left alive. These Reasoning Animals had disagreed on a theological detail and carried the matter to a Higher Court. One is obliged to concede that in true loftiness of character, Man cannot claim to approach even the meanest of the Higher Animals.It is plain that he is constitutionally incapable of approaching that altitude; that he is constitutionally afflicted with a Defect which must make such approach forever impossible, for it is manifest that this defect is permanent in him, indestructible, ineradicable. I find this Defect to be the Moral Sense. He is the only animal that has it. It is the secret of his degradation. It is the quality which enables him to do wrong. It has no other office. It is in capable of performing any other function. It could never hate been intended to perform any other. Without it, man could do no wrong. He would rise at once to the level of the Higher Animals.Since the Moral Sense has but the one office, the one capacity (to enable man to do wrong) it is plainly without value to him. It is as valueless to him as is disease. In fact, it manifestly is a disease. Rabies is bad, but it is not so bad as this disease. Rabies enables a man to do a thing, which he could not do when in a healthy state: kill his neighbor with a poisonous bite. NC) one is the better man for having rabies: The Moral Sense enables a man to do wrong. It enables him to do wro ng in a thousand ways. Rabies is an innocent disease, compared to the Moral Sense. No one, then, can be the better man for having the Moral Sense. What now, do we find the Primal Curse to have been?Plainly what it was in the beginning: the infliction upon man of the Moral Sense; the ability to distinguish good from evil; and with it, necessarily, the ability to do evil; for there can be no evil act without the presence of consciousness of it in the doer of it. And so I find that we have descended and degenerated, from some far ancestor (some microscopic atom wandering at its pleasure between the mighty horizons of a drop of water perchance) insect by insect, animal by animal, reptile by reptile, down the long highway of smirch less innocence, till we have reached the bottom stage of development (namable as the Human Being). Below us, nothing. Discussion Question: How does Twain use satire in this essay? Be specific and refer to the text along with your explanation. Summary Response Assignment: Write a summary response on Twain’s essay, The Damned Human Race. †¢ †¢In the first part of your paper, the summary, you should objectively (without bias) summarize the essay by discerning only the most significant points Twain makes. Do not include analysis, interpretation, evaluation, or opinion. Simply report the â€Å"guts†of his essay. Use academic, third person voice in this section. In the second part of your paper, the response, comment on Twain’s essay. How do you interpret it? What do you think about it? With which points do you agree or disagree? Why? Evaluate Twain’s essay. Is it effective or ineffective in making his point? Why? Use first person voice in this section because you are providing your own opinion.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Race as a Social Construct
Race as a Social Construct Omi and Winant’s discussion from â€Å"Racial Formations†are generally about race being a social construct and is also demonstrated in the viewing of Race – The power of an illusion. Omi and Winant have both agreed that race is socially constructed in society. Ultimately this means that race is seen differently in different societies and different cultures. Media, politics, school, economy and family helps alter society’s structure of race. In the viewing , also media as well as history seemed to create race by showing how social norms have evolved in different racial groups.For example, â€Å"Rules shaped by our perception of race in a comprehensively racial society determine the presentation of self, distinction of status, and appropriate modes of conduct†(Omi and Winant 20). In other words, people tend to make their own rules for categorizing racial groups. We humans (usually more powerful ones) have set these arbitra ry divisions and then call them real. Race is defined differently within each culture. For example, as explained in the viewing, people in Africa see a person that is white in the United States as black.This because they define their races by socioeconomic status not the color of ones skin. Race is a social construction. And as a social construction, race functions as a source of management that sustains the importance of certain groups and the maintenance of other groups. This concept only becomes reality when people behave in ways that perpetuate subordination. Race should be expressed as a concept but unfortunately people misuse race. Race has now replaced the older concept of culture.As a concept race came to be defined by superficial attributes like hair type and skin color. â€Å"Film and television, for example, have been notorious in disseminating images of racial minorities which establish for audiences what people from these groups look like, how they behave and who they are†(Omi and Winant 23). Race is just an idea and or a biological myth. According to the viewing , humans don’t differ much genetically. Actually humans are genetically the most similar species. Why are humans so genetically alike?Humans have not existed long enough and have yet to evolve into various subspecies. â€Å"Race is indeed a pre-eminently socio-historical concept†(Omi and Winant 21). So race is historically made and not biologically. There is nothing real about race, a social construct, unlike a river which is absolute. A river will escist regardless of people thinking, agreeing or accepting that it does exist. Race requires people to collectively agree that it does exist , unlike a river. Although race does not exist in the world in an objective way, it still is relevant in today’s society.It is obvious that race is real in society and it affects the way we view others as well as ourselves. Race is a social construct that is produced by the su perior race and their power to regulate. â€Å"The category of ‘white’ was subject to challenges brought about by the influx of diverse groups who were not of the same Anglo-Saxonstock as the founding immigrants†(Omi and Winant 24). Frankly, ‘white’ was the norm, the others were considered an outcast. The dominant group in society are the one whom created restriction for group membership by defining race as a biological factor. White is seen as a ‘pure’ category†, as stated in the reading (Omi and Winant 21). Those who were ‘black’ were biologically inferior to a ‘white’ person. This is how the color line became about. Because of the color line , race was used to justify the captivity of the vastly growing free ‘black’ population early in United States society. â€Å"Differences in skin color and other obvious physical characteristics supposedly provide visible clues to differences lurking u nderneath†(Omi and Winant 23).The existence of racial ideology helps create racial sterotypes and myths. For example, in the viewing it was pointed out that American Jews reportedly dominated basketball during the first half of the 1900s. However , now it seems as if African Americans dominate the NBA. Concepts like ‘Black athletic superiority’ is the belief ‘black’ people have traits that have been acquired through genetic or een environmental factors. These factors help them excel over all other races in athletic competitions.The theories of racial differences and their possible effect on athletic ability have been noticed since the nineteenth century. More interests were attracted to the subject soon after the 1935 Track Championships, were Jesse Owen’s record breaking performance had shocked white Americans. â€Å"Temperament, sexuality, intelligence, athletic ability, aesthetic preferences and so on are presumed to be fixed and discernib le from the palpable mark of race†(Omi and Winant 23). The dominant group in society has always defined race which sets every other race inferior.Race creates many differences in social status. Status is indicated by race. This can either include or exclude people from more social constructs. This can also prevent or allow certain powers or privileges. Race is a social construct fueled by agreement and acceptance. Throughout history race has been the core of our society. It is vital that people begin to realize that race is and will always be â€Å"an unstable and ‘de centered’ complex of social meanings constantly being transformed by political struggle†(Omi and Winant 26).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Connecting New Urbanism And Sustainable Development Environmental Sciences Essay
Before the set up of the analytical model, it is a must to analyze the correlativity between the sustainable development, new urbanism, garden metropolis construct and new town construct. So the survey can be more specific and meaningful. First it discuss about the connexion between new urbanism and sustainability. Second, it discuss the about the connexion between the sustainable development and garden metropolis construct. For the following portion, the survey methodological analysis which includes the analytical model, informations aggregation methods and the justification for the indexs and choice of instance survey will be delivered as below. Besides, for easiness of illustration, a flow chart of the survey attack is shown in Figure 1.Connection between new urbanism & A ; sustainabilityThis is a demand to place the relationship between the new urbanism and sustainability by analysing how to societal, economic and environmental sustainability can be achieved through the rules of new urbanism. It can be a strong mention in measuring the sustainability of New Town development in Hong Kong.Social sustainabilitySocial sustainability can see as the four elements. There are societal inclusion, societal equality, societal coherence and societal stableness. Different land usage would be brought different lodging mix in a community. It would convey people from different background and it assist accomplish societal inclusion. Besides societal inclusion can set up harmony civilization in a community. The low-income category can bask a comparable life environment as the rich people do. Besides the bing broad scope of lodging types can convey occupation chances ; it should guarantee hapless can acquire a occupation from it. All in all, Social equality should be achieved by guaranting an equal distribution of benefit and resources. Social coherence is the engagement of citizens in societal life. By the creative activity of walkers friendly environment and unfastened infinite can supply topographic point for societal assemblage and promote interaction. Besides historical and cultural heritage should be good preserved. As a consequence a sense of belonging would be established. Social stableness is critical to supply a harmoniousness environment to occupants. Urban safety is a must in advancing societal stableness. Safety can construe as low offense rate and unemployment rate.Economic sustainabilityEconomic sustainability can be achieved by striking a balance between the production and the ingestion of a community. In other words, to supply a ego contained community to accomplish the economic sustainability. For the production, the lodging mix within the town will convey different type of occupation chances, such as retails, commercial and industrial. So that the different type of people can happen a suited occupation within the town in order to hike the concern. Besides from the point of views of occupants, it can decidedly salvage transit disbursal and the commutation clip. For the ingestion, most likely, as the new town have a distance to the metropolis Centre. It should supply shopping installations for the occupants. It increases the ingestion and boosts the economic system of the new town. Government besides plays a dominant and of import function when sing the sustainability of a new town. For illustration, plan a threshold population to back up the economic feasibleness of the public theodolite system. Besides authorities should supply different supports to hike the concern environment and chances.Environmental sustainabilityEnvironmental sustainability could be achieved by environmental protection, resources preservation. A good planned new town can to the full use and efficaciously utilize the land and can forestall urban conurbation and protect environmentally vulnerable country. For illustration, by supplying sufficient green belt can supply more unfastened infinites for recreational land usage. On the other manus, it can besides advance resources conversation. High denseness development is the characteristic of new town development. High denseness of development favours the public conveyance system. By the debut of environmentally friendly conveyance can decidedly diminish and command air pollution. Besides a good planned public conveyance system can promote occupants to cut down the usage of private auto, consequence in conserving resources cut down dodos fuel ingestion. Furthermore, with a different types of land us within new town, people can run into their demands within new town. They did non necessitate to go to the metropolis Centre. It is decrease the commutation clip. Besides, it encourages cycling and walking within the town, so that it can accomplish the environmental sustainability.Connection between Sustainable Development & A ; Garden City ConceptAs said, fundamentally, sustainable development means to run into the demands of nowadays without consisting the ability of the hereafters coevalss to run into their ain demands and accomplish the balance in the environment, economic system and society. On the other manus, garden metropolis is the beginning of new town construct ; its aims are self-contained and balanced development. With the aims of garden metropolis construct, it should concern with the three countries. In this chapter, it will province out the connexion between the sustainable development and garden metropolis construct.Socia l AspectFor societal sustainability, it chiefly deals with the issues of societal life and sufficient community installations to keep a self-contained community. For community installations, as discuss, garden metropolis construct concern about the sufficiency of community installations, infirmaries, constabulary station and fire Stationss, to keep to self-contained community. On the other manus, sufficient community installations can heighten the societal sustainability of new town. The end of garden metropolis is to develop a balanced town in the facet of economic, societal and environment. The proviso of green belt as an border is utile in supplying a high criterion life environment. Furthermore, the original end of new town is to supply a self-contained community and balanced development. So that occupants can bask higher populating standard. On the other manus, sustainable development negotiations about the quality of life which the construct is similar to new town construct and garden metropolis construct.Economic AspectHarmonizing to Garden City Concept, it proposes production and ingestion should be in the same topographic point. Besides, by be aftering different types of land usage within the town, for illustration, commercial land usage ; it can supply different employment chances to local occupants. It can heighten the economic sustainability and carry through the end of self-containment. Harmonizing to the theoretical account of Garden City, it clearly shows the form, sequence and location of different land utilizations. Community installations are located at the chiseled town centre. It can move as a focal point of the community and it can heighten a strong sense of belonging. Besides, harmonizing to the garden metropolis construct, it stated the bound of maximal population. Therefore, this can hold better resources allotment..Environment AspectFor garden metropolis construct, it concerned the life environment to the rural countries. For the new town in Hong Kong, there are many environment steps to command the air pollution, noise pollution and H2O pollution and supply a better life environment. For the sustainable development, all the environment protections should be done in order to supply a pleasant environment for our following coevals. For the garden metropolis construct, the border of the town is surrounded by a green belt. For the new town, saving of green belt and natural environment are besides the major issue, there are plentifulness of green belt and besides organize an border for some of the new towns. It can supply a pleasant and harmony environment. For the garden metropolis construct, it is suggested that the town should be linked with the railroad web. Besides pathway and bike way are well-planned to associate up within the town. For the new town, it besides suggests that the usage of rail-based development, environmental-friendly conveyance for illustration, bikes, so that it can cut down the usage of energy ingestion, heighten the environmental sustainability.DecisionThe outgrowth of garden metropolis construct, new urbanism and sustainable development are indispensable to supply better life environment. After the survey of these constructs, the analytical model can be set to measure the sustainability of new town development in Hong Kong.Analytic modelGiven the significance of new town constructs and popularity of new town, in the first portion of the survey, literature reappraisal about sustainability, new town construct and the Principles of New Urbanism will be by and large reviewed. In the 2nd portion of the survey, new town development in Hong Kong will be illustrated under the same model used in the old portion. For put to deathing a utile rating, a full and clear statement of standards is a must. In order to explicate a typical set of rating standards for new town public presentation in Hong Kong, the pertinence of the rating standards will be based on the Principles of New Urbanism, Hong Kong Planning Standards & A ; Guidelines, and the SUSDEV 21 Indexs. By utilizing the three different criterions, the more accurate and convincing rating can be found. In regard of each identified standard, appropriate measuring yardsticks will besides be determined for bespeaking new town public presentation. In the 3rd portion of the survey, the public presentation of the selected instance, Tai Po, will be evaluated. Tai Po New Town will be analyzed in two degrees. They are the major degree and the micro degree. The rating consequences will exemplify the extent of new towns in accomplishing the aims. Last, recommendation will be given to acquire better be aftering to NDAs.STUDY GOALLiterature ReviewPrimary DataSecondary DatasInterviewHKPSGThe Principles of New UrbanismSustainability Indexs( SUSDEV 21 )New Town Planning start from 1970sEvaluation OF CASE STUDY-TAI PO NEW TOWNMarco LevelFORMULATE A SET OF EVALUATION CRITERIASustainabilityNew Town ConceptNew UrbanismRECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONData CollectionSurveyMicro LevelChart 4.1: Flow Chart of Study ApproachEvaluation Criteria and Evaluation IndexsBy and large, the aim of this survey is to reexamine the sustainability of new town development in Tai. Po. After the literature reappraisal on the old new town plan in Hong Kong, I do bel ieve physical planning is the most cardinal portion and give birth to the development of new town. So to transport out a utile research, it is meaningful to transport out a survey chiefly concentrate on the planning issues. In order to transport out meaningful survey, foremost, it is a must to place all the cardinal issues. Second, from the cardinal issues, it should be able to abstract some indexs from the cardinal issues. Third, the standards should be comprehensive, utile and have supportive grounds to demo the direct linkage between the indexs and standards. After the literature reappraisal, I would wish to utilize the measurement theoretical account that set up by Kan ( 2008 ) as a base. The ground that I choose her theoretical account is that her theoretical account is base on the rules of new urbanism. In her theoretical account, she summarizes all the cardinal points from each degree and identifies all the cardinal issues and put indexs to mensurate it. This is rather similar to my preliminary planning, as I would wish to analyze the sustainability in the position of physical planning. Furthermore, in order to transport out a more comprehensive survey, base on Kan ‘s theoretical account, Hong Kong Planning Standards & A ; Guidelines ( HKPSG ) , 2030 Evaluation Criteria, SUSDEV 21 Indicators will function as a mention and criterion to modify some indexs and standards.MARCO LEVELKEY THEMESEVLUATION INDICATORSEvaluation CRITERIAEnvironmental QualityAir Pollution The sum of pollutant should run into the criterion from Environment Protection Department ( EPD )Environmental Friendly Transport MeasuresNumber of Stations Provided At least one station should be provided for each major vicinity in every new town to let 10-minutes walking trip Resident ‘s Satisfaction Towards Fares of Public Transit The higher the occupants ‘ satisfaction towards the menus of public theodolite, the most sustainable it is Time Required to Travel to City Centre The shorter the clip required to go to the metropolis Centre, the more sustainable it isHigh Density DevelopmentDomestic Plot Ratio A maximal domestic secret plan ratio of 5 should be applied for any new town development in Hong Kong Residents ‘ Satisfaction Towards Built Form and Quality of the Environment The higher satisfaction towards built signifier and quality of the environment, the more sustainable it isPreservation of Green BeltAreas that Zoned Under â€Å" Green Belt †Around 25 % to 40 % of the land within a New Town should be zoned for environmental preservation that needs to accomplish environmental sustainabilityProvision of Open SpaceAreas that Zoned Under â€Å" Open Space †Around 10 % to 15 % of the land within a new town should be zoned for recreational and leisure chase that needs to accomplish environmental and societal sustainabilityWell Defined Town Centre and EdgePresence of Town Centre A town Centre that can run into occupants ‘ day-to-day necessities demands should be provided Presence of Edge Manmade barriers and natural barriers should be provided to make a well defined borderTable 4.1 Key Themes, Evaluation Indicators and Criteria at the Marco LevelMICRO LEVELKEY THEMESEVLUATION INDICATORSEvaluation CRITERIAWalkable and Cyclable EnvironmentUser Friendly Cycling Paths and Bicycle Parking Areas The higher the use of bike waies and bike parking countries per hebdomad, the more sustainable it is Connectivity Between Residential Estates and Neighbourhood Centre Presence of uninterrupted prosaic pavements and prosaic crossings Presence of Bridgess and metrosBalanced Mix Of HousingRatio of Population and Housing Mix A 50:50 split between private and public lodging should be adopted to develop a sustainable new townSufficiency of Various Types of Open SpaceTypes and Areas of Open Spaces Provided Green unfastened infinite within residential estates should be providedMix of Activities and ServicesTypes of Activities and Services Offered Social, educational, retail, medical, cultural and transit activities should be provided within the vicinity Residents ‘ Satisfaction Towards Mix of Activities Provided The higher the occupants ‘ satisfaction degree towards the mix of activities the vicinity, the more sustainable it isCompact NeighbourhoodWalk-to Time and Distance to Transit Stations and Major Shopping Centres Walking clip should be within 10 proceedingss to let easy walking Walking distance should be within 1000m to let easy walkingTable 4.2 Key Themes, Evaluation Indicators and Criteria at the Micro LevelMICRO LEVELKEY THEMESEVLUATION INDICATORSEvaluation CRITERIADistinctive Design of Public BuildingsDesign of Public Buildings in Tai Po New Town Creation of landmarkPreservation of Historical HeritageBeing of Preserved Historical Building and Landscape To look at the ranked historic edifices and the declared memorials in Tai Po New townTable 4.3 Key Themes, Evaluation Indicators and Criteria at the Micro LevelJustifications of Selected New TownRecent old ages, there are several paperss or theses related to the rating of first and 3rd coevals of new town. They are normally making the comparing between the first coevals and the 3rd coevals of new town. In no uncertainty, this is good to hold such theses with the end of doing betterment planning in the hereafter. On the other manus, the clip spread between first and 2nd coevals is comparatively short comparison with others, so it finds that the 2nd coevals of new towns is ever being ignored. There is a deficiency of comprehensive theses to mensurate or reexamine the 2nd coevals of new towns. In order to acquire an overall reappraisal of different coevals of new towns, so that it can complement with other bing rating of new town development between the first and the 3rd coevals. Therefore, it is a must to hold a deep rating of the 2nd coevals of new town. Tai Po is the 2nd coevals of new town. Tai PO New Town, covers a development country of about 2898 hectares for current population of 292 600, is the biggest graduated table along the 2nd coevals of new town ( Civil Engineering and Development Department, 2009 ) . With such sort of graduated table of development, it is utile to carry on an rating in it.Data CollectionData aggregation can be divided into two parts. They are the primary informations and secondary informations.Primary DataSite VisitsSite Visits will be conducted in Tai Po New Town to roll up the primary informations. Besides photos will be taken for a clearer account.SurveiesSurveies will be conducted to obtain occupant ‘s sentiment about the sustainability of their living topographic point. Surveies were carried out on 15th-17th February 2010 from 12p.m to 6p.m. the entire sample size is 100 occupants which live in Fu Ming Sun. A questionnaire has been set for this specific study activity ( See Appendix ) .Interv iewSupplying an alternate beginning to carry on the qualitative information, a societal worker who works in Tai Po Community Center will be interviewed.Secondary DatasDesktop ResearchTo specify the range of survey, the desktop researches chiefly come from the books, diaries from library. To explicate the rating standards and rating of the new town, informations from Outline Zoning Plans, the authorities planning papers and paper, Census and Statistics.DecisionThe methodological analysis can acquire a comprehensive reappraisal of the selected new town.
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