Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol and drugs have been for many years been abused by many people. Alcohol is a depressant that slows the function of the central nervous system. It blocks some of the messages trying to get into the brain which consequently alters a person’s perceptions and emotions.People that I have known overuse alcohol have undergone intoxication. When I meet them on the way they are just staggering, slur their speech because of these effects.Intoxication makes one to be aggressive and angry. Due to this many alcohol users have ended in prison. My neighbor who was alcoholic ended in jail for committing a serious offence of beating his child senseless. He was actually acting out of his own character. The sentence was ten years in prison.Alcoholism can be divided into three main stages namely:Early stage of alcoholism Here a person depends on alcohol to affect their mood. Most people at this level drink for relief from problems. Most people experience gradual increase in tolerance thus increasing the quantity. The body loses its ability to deal with high alcohol levels and as a result it leads to deteriorating body functions.Middle alcoholism stage The need and desire to drink becomes more intense. Their tolerance decreases because of intoxications. A few individuals recognize that there is a drinking problem but they are unable to stop. This stage is characterized by hangovers, blackouts and stomach problems.End stage Alcoholism The alcoholic at this stage has become obsessed with drinking to the extent of excluding all other activities. The mental and physical health of the alcoholic is deteriorating due to the damage of most body organs.The alcoholic will consequently suffer from malnutrition and if the alcoholic continues to dink alcohol will cause the death of the alcoholic in one way or another. These range from suicide, accidents, and damage of body organs etc. Death is the final stage of alcoholisms. (Mar latt &Donovan 2005)I have actually noted through observation that there are adverse effects of drinking alcohol. Most people who are alcoholic experience bad health effects, such as burnt hips.Too much alcohol within a short period of time may cause alcohol poisoning which is characterized by violent vomiting, extreme sleepiness unconsciousness, difficulty breathing, low blood sugar and even death. Alcohol users especially the young people are venerable to risks such as unsafe, unprotected sex resulting to pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases such as the deadly AIDS those results to the end of lives.The alcohol users I have known take risks that they might not normally if they are sober. Most people have been killed in road accidents due to alcohol intoxication that hinders their judgment. Others suffer physical injuries due to falling carelessly.I have tried to drift away from most of my friends who drink since I cannot comply with their irrational behaviors wh en they are drunk. I always fear getting into conflicts with the alcohol users because they are usually aggressive and angry meaning they can injure me at any particular point.Drug abuse has increased in the contemporary world. Different types of drugs are abused exposing the abusers to various risks. Drugs are chemical or substances that change the way the body works. They usually introduced into the body through swallowing, inhaling or injection them. In the brain drugs may affect the normal functioning of the brain.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Contrast Essay: “To an Athlete Dying Young” vs. “Ex-Basketball Player”
Contrast Essay: â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†vs. â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†and â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†share the lives of two very different athletes. Both experience success in their lives, but one dies with his glory while the other lives past his days of glory and works at a gas pump where he is not recognized. The poems discuss the importance of having glory and keeping that glory as long as possible. Through the poems the readers learn the benefits of dying young as well as the consequences of living after one's glory has faded. Where Houseman glorifies the athlete for his achievements and early death, Updike portrays the disappointment of the athlete living past his days of glory and not reaching high standards through out is life. The glory of the athlete in â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†is portrayed as the speaker directly addresses the athlete while the speaker of â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†tell the story of an athlete whose glory is fading. Housman’s speaker directly addresses the athlete through out the poem to give the athlete more encouragement and clearly indicate that it is better to die young. Through out the poem, the speaker stresses the benefits of dying young by addressing the athlete directly as well as showing his honor for the young dead athlete. The speaker knows that the athlete will not see his glory fade since he tells the athlete, â€Å"you will not swell the rout of lads who wore their honors out†(18). The word â€Å"you†puts great emphasis on the line and appeals more to the readers as it directly speaks to the athlete. Since the speaker directly addresses the athlete there is more satisfaction present in the readers. The readers know that the death of the athlete was for his own benefit as now he will be better remembered. While Housman’s speaker directly addresses the athlete to emphasize that dying young will help the athlete’s glory to survive, Updike’s speaker simply tells the life story of an athlete who has lost his glory. As the speaker does not address the athlete directly, the poem seems more monotone than â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†. Through out the poem, the speaker tells the story of Flick as if he was no longer important. Updike uses the pronoun â€Å"he†to emphasize the fading glory of Flick. Flick does not have success in his life anymore as he s either at work at the gas station or â€Å"he hangs around Mae’s luncheonette†(26). In contrast to the pronoun â€Å"you†, â€Å"he†sounds more distant and dull. The speaker of â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†portrays the tediousness of Flick’s life through such pronouns as he does not have the honor and glory he once achieved. Through the way the poem is addressed to the subject, the contrast between Housman’s glorious athlete and Updike’s failed athlete can be clearly distinguished as the readers can see the disappointment that Flick’s life has become as he is not glorified like the young dead athlete. To An Athlete Dying Young†uses imagery to glorify the athlete whereas â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†uses the same technique to show the athlete’s fading glory. Housman uses imagery through out the poem to present the athlete with glory. Through the actions of the townspeople the readers understand the glory and fame the athlete has received after winning the race. He is treated like a hero as the townspeople â€Å"chair [him] through the marketplace†(2) and bring him home shoulder-high. These actions of the townspeople indicate that the athlete is living a life of honor as he is held high above everyone else. More importantly, his honor is not diminished even after he dies. Housman emphasizes that it is better to die young while one still has the glory and honor. For instance, the athlete is remembered by the town as a man who achieved a great title and he is also the only glorious one amongst the dead. He stands out among the dead athletes who died at an old age when they had already outrun their glorious years. However, this athlete dies young while he still has the fame and renown since â€Å"round that early-laurelled head will flock the strength less dead†(26). The strength less dead are the athletes whose â€Å"name died before the man†(20). Housman emphasizes through the imagery that it is better to do while one is still remembered since the glory will stay with him and not fade away. â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†glorifies the athlete through the use of imagery while â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†uses it to emphasize the athlete’s fading glory. In contrast to the imagery used by Housman, Updike stresses the athlete’s fading glory as the athlete has lived past his triumphant days. As â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†begins the poem through the imagery that shows the athlete’s success and his gain of honor, whereas â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†indicates that the athlete’s life is no longer filled with glory. The road leading to the place where he works shares with the readers how meaningless and empty the athlete’s life has become as the road â€Å"runs past the high-school lot, bends with the trolley tracks, and stops, cut off†(2). Flick, the subject of the poem, has had his years of glory when he played for his high school since he had the skills and talent to break records. He had extra talent that made him become one with the basketball and handle it like no one else could as â€Å"his hands were like wild birds†(18). Although Flick had his glorious years, unlike the athlete in â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†Flick’s glory does not last because he now â€Å"checks oil, and changes flats†(20). â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†emphasizes that it is better to die young while the glory is still with the athlete and the subject of the poem does die; on the other hand, â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†portrays the life of an athlete who has lived past his days of glory and is no longer remembered with honor. Housman tells the readers that dying young will guarantee that the name does not die before the athlete whereas Updike shows the athlete whose name has already faded and he is still alive. The final lines of the poem emphasize that Flick still dreams of being among the best at basketball, but he longer can as he failed to uphold the glory as he imagines himself in front of â€Å"bright applauding tiers†(29). In contrast to â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†, the imagery used in â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†emphasizes the athlete’s fading glory as he has lived beyond his days of success. Furthermore, the tones of the poems differ greatly as â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†has a praising tone while â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†has a very neutral, discouraging tone. In â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†the speaker seems envious of the young dead athlete through the way he addresses him. As the speaker tells the athlete that he is a â€Å"smart lad, to slip betimes away from fields where glory does not stay†(10), the readers know that it was better for the athlete to die and not see his glory fade. The praise in the speaker’s voice is emphasized since he addresses the athlete as â€Å"smart lad†. This phrase creates a more light-hearted and encouraging tone since the speaker shows that dying young is not sad, but it is more beneficial for the athlete for he will still have his glory. On the other hand, the tone of â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†is less enthusiastic and it does not encourage the athlete. The speaker degrades the athlete as he tells the readers that Flick â€Å"never learned a trade†(19). In contrast to â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†the speaker does not praise the athlete as he compares the athlete to his high school days of glory and how he is not the same anymore since he did not pay attention at school. The athlete’s failures are more apparent in the poem than his success; thus, the poem has a monotonous tone. Where the speaker praises the athlete through the tone in â€Å"To An Athlete Dying Young†, the speaker in â€Å"Ex-Basketball Player†develops a discouraging tone. Housman glorifies the athlete for his achievements and dying early with his honor while Updike does not give credit to the athlete for his accomplishments, but shows his disappointment in the athlete's fading glory. The poems share the benefits of having glory, but also emphasize that once the glory fades, the athletes' names are fading. The success of the young dead athlete is remembered by everyone as he dies when he is still in his moment of glory, while Flick lives past his glorious days and his name is only faintly remembered. The contrast between the poems is emphasized through the way the speaker addresses the athlete, imagery, and tone. Housman and Updike stress the way glory can fade and change an athlete's life while also telling the readers that dying young helps to be remembered with the glory still within the athlete.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Importance in accurate bac identification-microbio Essay
Importance in accurate bac identification-microbio - Essay Example It leads us to identify whether the microorganisms are pathogenic? Which type of infection do they cause? What is the route of transmission? What pathological conditions does it cause with in the living body? These all questions can only be answered by the correct identification of microorganisms. The diseases can never be cured until the microorganism is recognized. It also enable us to prepare suitable media for the growth of specific specie there can study their characteristics easily. After identification, we can determine the mode of action of certain pathogenic microorganisms. It may also help us to design certain drugs against them. These drugs have mode of action respectfully to the pathogen for example, the pathogen causing GIT infection, the drugs used will be considered more effective if it is administered orally. It not only enables us to create preventive measures against epidemic or pandemic infections but also help us in determining the way of their administration into the body. Today the major arising problem in the world of microbiology is the mutations that are taking place in the genetic makeup of microorganism. These mutations enable the microorganisms to become resistant against certain drugs. The resistant power of infectious organisms may also arise due to the improper route of administration, which does not provide significant immunity but results in the enhancement of pathogenicity of microorganisms by the exposure of certain drugs in the amount less than the required doze. Because of the identification of certain microorganisms at specie level, today we are able to compete with them and even can defeat this little creature. We can design antibiotics, drugs antiserums, toxoids, vaccines etc. due to the identification today we are able to reduce the infectious diseases at a remarkable rate (Collier & Haburchak,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Tree of the Wooden Clogs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Tree of the Wooden Clogs - Essay Example More specifically, this tackles Olmi's and his movie's ability to share history and the impact that it has created to his viewers. More so, this answers the following questions: "The Tree of Wooden Clogs" is a movie which theme is focused with the peasants' experience during the 18th century, when tenant farmers worked for landlords under feudal relationship. Work, then is very important. It serves as the totality of these farmers' lives. Different household scenarios are shown in this movie. Scenarios, which some will still be familiar because they are still happening today, and scenarios which people of today's generation will consider as unthinkable. Typical farming activities such as the growing and harvesting of crops, and breeding and slaughtering of animals are shown in this movie. Moreover, typical housewives' such as washing of used clothes from dusk until dawn, taking care of the children (despite lack of proper food). There are also scenes wherein a child was shown walking several miles just to attend school, and one wife is shown being advised by a priest to give her son to some orphanage because she cannot maintain providing her son with proper food, clothing and education. These are the scenes that could either break the hearts of the viewers or make them feel bored and weary for they will think that it tells nothing but hardship and pains. The Unfolding of History History can be told by sharing all the success and victories of one personality, hero or group of people who have defended a country or who have provided a big impact to the majority of the populace. In this movie, the other part of life is being highlighted. Important personalities or heroes are not that important because what has happened and how that happened is what matters the most. This movie is a good venue or modern people like us to have a clearer picture of how it is to live during the olden times. This give the whole idea that life before is not just pure wars, territorial fighting, political indifferences, nor battles between race and skin color. This movie give us an idea that life itself was a big battle for the many farmers in Italy before. Because of this, this movie is able to reach a larger number of audiences. Though it talks mainly of what is happening in Italy, many other nations would be highly interested to watch this for this movie is disclosing some information which is not normally disclosed and discussed upon. In subtle yet powerful words, scenes and actions, a certain part of Italian history has been told through this move. And the director and writer of this movie should be highly applauded. The authors and writers of this move are not known historians. They are not even part of the history they have been disclosing, but do we need to be that way first before we can share something that we know of about history. Anybody can put history into writing. Anybody has the right to share what has happened
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Shakespeare and Taming of the Shrew Research Paper
Shakespeare and Taming of the Shrew - Research Paper Example During her reign, the British monarchy expanded to the rest of the world particularly in North America. The expansion to North America was made possible by voyages by people like Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake. Other accomplishments during her reign included the victory of play rights called Shakespeare over the Armada of Spain. Despite the fact that many accomplishments were attained during the reign of Queen Elizabeth that led to the emergence of Britain to be in the economic forefront, her reign was also full of assassinations. Some of the assassinations were genuine while others were made up so as to accuse the queen falsely (William, 67). Among the claims included whether or not she was virgin and the level of influence she received from her outhouse council. There are several factors that triggered Queen Elizabeth to marry. One of them was the small pox disease that she contracted in the year 1562 (Elizabeth, 2). This disease almost made her die. This disease piled a new fervor for her to get married. The powerful proceedings of parliament also had messages that the queen should get married so as to be in line with the traditions of the British. According to the British traditions, the queen needed to be married for several reasons including succession issues. These factors mounted pressure on her to get married. Further, debates were also geared to the person she would marry (Beem, 19). Most of the people of England were unsure whether the queen would marry a foreigner or a subject. This is because the person the queen was to marry had to handle issues of domestic and international stability and not just a matter of succession. Queen Elizabeth marriage was very important as she had witnessed marriage lessons from her sister Mary went through because of a hurried marriage to a Spanish King called Phillip II. Because of these factors, it forced a marriage petition to be raised by the House of Commons so that more pressure can make the queen to ma rry. These were attempts to caution Queen Elizabeth of the consequences that would result if she did not choose a husband with a lot of wisdom. The major fears of the people were civil war's miseries that could arise. However, House of Commons acknowledged that an alliance involving foreign powers being created through the institution of marriage was deemed to be advantageous. For instance, marrying Philip II could have helped British be more stable in matters of peace consultations with France (Guy, 15). Nonetheless, the issue of being subjected to the French foreign yoke was also foreseen. The best candidate that was considered to be the queen’s husband, Edward Courtenay had died abruptly leaving no suitable substitute to marry Queen Elizabeth. This left Queen Elizabeth with a hard task to solve. The queen had no option, but to devise a way she was going to barrage pressure of getting a husband to marry (Guy, 90). She exploited the masculine prejudice that existed around he r. In the process, Queen Elizabeth made a serious mistake by considering Levine. One reason is that the queen’s virtues were far much better than the person she had considered as her husband. Many people were amazed by her decisions. Bishop Quadra commented that the queen had many devils within her and it the devils that may have influenced her choice of Levine. The bluffing tactic of the queen made her attain
Friday, July 26, 2019
Identify an organization(public or nonprofit) in the grater NYC area Essay
Identify an organization(public or nonprofit) in the grater NYC area and conduct an analysis - Essay Example all to provide humanitarian help by 300 volunteers who were made up of health practitioners: doctors, nurses and other employees who added value to the course (Suen, 2002). The founding principal of this organization is that; all people of whatever gender, race, religion or political inclination, have a right to medical care irrespective of their geographic location. Volunteer members of MSF remain true to their professional code of ethics in the execution of their humanitarian functions and are not inclined to any powers whatsoever, be they economic, political or religious. Besides the above specifics as contained in the n charter, MSF has guiding principles that define its unique operational model. Accoirding to Suen (2002), below are the fundamental doctrines that define this non-profit entity: Medical Ethics: The organization’s actions are fundamentally medical. In this regard, MSF works within the confines of ethical codes in medicine with the core purpose of providing care that does not harm individuals or victim groups. The members, therefore, respect patient autonomy, confidentiality and their right to enlightened consent. Despite their patients being in desperate need, these medical codes are always observed and patient dignity is always upheld. Their cultural and religious beliefs are respected as MSF strives towards the provision of superior quality medical care to all patients in need. Independence: MSF offers assistance to any country in need after an independent assessment of the population’s needs. The organization, therefore, works extremely hard to enjoy the power to freely move among the population to evaluate their medical needs and take full control of their aid. To achieve this power, MSF has a policy of receiving a small portion of their donor funding from governments and other intergovernmental institution. Involving governments make it easier for the organization to work freely even in areas of dangerous political
Biography on Andrea del Verrocchio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Biography on Andrea del Verrocchio - Essay Example However he won a place among the most competent and well known and excellent artists that seemed to be accepted and known as to be masters on their fields of works. He was young when he studied science and geometry. Be a goldsmith on his early years, he mastered the field over other older goldsmiths. In San Maria del Fiore at Florence, he worked for a cup which was very well-known to all goldsmiths. The cup’s body was designed by abstract shapes, and images of leaves and animals. In 1477, Verrocchio was known to all through his merits and reputation. He was then employed to work for the altar of S. Giovanni. He was asked by the art of merchants to do silver works for the altar. Thereafter, he acquired much appreciation and reputation. Meanwhile, at Rome, the Pope’s chapel’s silverworks were destroyed and they do not have yet those large apostles on around the altar of the chapel until Verrocchio was sent for them by Pope Sixtus to work on the silverworks for the Pope’s chapel. Verrocchio was an excellent goldsmith and he has done several well-known silverworks that were used by influential people on his time. However, Verrocchio decided to leave his being a goldsmith to try sculpture when he saw ancient statues that were sculptured excellently at Rome. One of such was place by the Pope at Lateran, the famous bronze horse. Accordingly, he abandoned his being a goldsmith. He left his silverworks and then he took up sculpture and began by carving little bronze figures and began casting little bronze figures. His trial being a sculpture immerged to excellence when his bronze-works were admired by fellow sculptures and several people in Rome. Verrocchio was encouraged by this; he then decided to work figures out of marble. His very first work using marble was done for a sarcophagus of a rich man’s wife. The rich man found the tomb excellent and considerable; the rich man was then encouraged by influential people to place his wifeâ €™s tomb in the open space of Minerva. Upon his return to Florence, he brought with him his earned money, fame and honor. He was inspired by the admiration and much appreciation by the people for his works. Thereafter, he did some marble-works for Madonna in S. Croce. It was then placed above the tomb of M. Leonardo Bruni' of Arezzo. Verrocchio also did metal replicas of the heads of Alexander the Great and of King Darius. The heads were like a fancy head whose character was emphasized though crests and armor design. The metal heads, admired by Lorenzo de' Medici, was later sent to the king of Hungary, Matthias Corvinus. Verrocchio, having earned a reputation and much admiration as an excellent master on different fields, made the tomb of Giovanni and Piero di Cosimo de' Medici in San Lorenzo. As years passed, Verrocchio realized that he could not be higher than what he has in his sculptures and his previous works; though he was admired, his thirst for much appreciation and r eputation prevails. He was thinking that he has not excelled because of some comparisons among the accepted masters and other rivalries among his fellow sculptures. By this, he turned his time and eager attention to painting. To start with his painting, Verrocchio did some sketches of a battle of nude figures which he later plans to do in a wall but with colors. He also made some cartoon characters, and made some pictures as model. At Venice, Verrocchio made
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Internet Service Providers Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Internet Service Providers - Dissertation Example In the long-run, making it legal to allow ISPs to charge premium rate for â€Å"priority services†will open new business opportunity for ISPs to earn more money which eventually can be spent on further improvements on their existing Internet infrastructure or the need to build new fibber networks (BBC News, 2010; Blodget, 2010). On the contrary, there are also a large group of people and business organizations who will be negatively affected by implementing differential pricing on Internet services. For this reason, there are a lot of individuals who are against making it legal for ISPs to offer different levels of Internet services based on what the customers are willing to pay for. By allowing the ISPs to offer low market prices for poor quality Internet services, ISPs will have the edge to convince more people to pay more money for faster Internet access. It means that the end-customers will have to shoulder a large amount of money for using more Internet bandwidth (Blodge t, 2010; Jarvis, 2010). Two-speed internet aims to charge premium prices on content makers and customers who are willing to pay more for â€Å"fast lane†access (BBC News, 2010). ... s on YouTube or improve the current Internet services offered Google will negatively affected once the two speed internet connection is implemented (Jarvis, 2010). As a result, the number of audiences these online advertisers are targeting may eventually shrink. Net neutrality is referring to the principle wherein â€Å"data transferred through Internet services are treated with equal priority†(Stair, Reynolds and Reynolds, 2010, p. 275). It means that ISPs are obliged to collect equal payment from each of the Internet users regardless of whether or not the end-users are using more or less bandwidth. Implementing the two-speed Internet policy or differential pricing in UK can lead to the end of the Internet. Since it will be costly on the part of the Internet users to pay for Internet services, the overall expected Internet traffic will decrease. As a result, the business of content providers and online advertisers like Google and Facebook are expected to become less effectiv e. This is the primary reason why Google and Facebook are strongly in support of net neutrality for landline and wireless networks (Maisto, 2010; McCarthy, 2010). Q.2 Discuss the extent to which it is valid and useful to treat all â€Å"data†as being equal in the context of it being transferred across the internet. Net neutrality serves as a guide in terms of preserving the users’ freedom to have access to an open Internet. In other words, the context of net neutrality requires all data being transferred across the Internet should be treated equally provided that these data are legal. As explained by Andersen and Gray (2008, p. 289), net neutrality requires all ISPs to avoid promoting discrimination among its customers by offering speed-up or slow-down access to Web-based contents. Morley (2008,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Machinations of International Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Machinations of International Trade - Essay Example The UK has not ratified the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Convention)2 which places the UK in an anomalous position vis-à -vis its primary trading partners, often leading to pressure to accept the law of a contracting party that is a signatory to the Convention3. This has led to a marked difference between the approach in international trade law to contract termination and buyer remedies under the Convention, in contrast to the position under CIF and FOB contracts, where the role of documents is paramount to obligations of the trading parties4. Firstly, with regard to the certificate of origin, under CIF contracts, the part of the seller’s primary obligation is to ensure goods, deliver them to the shipping company and arrange for freight of goods5. Arguably most important is the bill of lading, which is essentially a transport document and covers movement by sea and constitutes documents of title and evidence as to who has the title, which is vital to obligations under CIF and FOB contracts6. If a bill of lading is consigned to a named party, they are known as â€Å"straight consigned†7. Moreover, bills of lading can be categorized according to the mode of transport specified under the contract8. For example, marine bills of lading cover shipment by sea and can be issued by the shipping company, captain or master of the vessel or party acting as agents for the carrier9. Alternatively, the â€Å"received for shipment†bill of lading pieces of evidence receipt of goods by the issuer, however, does not evidence that goods are en route10. Finally, â€Å"shipped on board†bills of lading constitute evidence.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Clifford thinks Pascal and James are wrong Essay
Clifford thinks Pascal and James are wrong - Essay Example This needs explanations: if we believe in God and God exists, we remain innocent; if we believe in God and God does not exists, we still remain innocent; if we do not believe in God and God does not exist, we can’t be sure that we remain innocent as we can’t know for sure if God exists; if we do not believe in God and God exists, we are guilty. Thus, it is better to believe in God, than not to believe and therefore, according to Blaise Pascal, everybody should believe in God. The William James has a similar point of view. He also states that we should believe in God and waiting for evidence is not right for humans. Waiting for any evidence to decide if to believe or not may lead us to much losses. According to the philosopher, if a man hesitates to propose to a woman waiting for evidence that she is his ideal, he risks to lose her as she may accept the proposition of someone else. The same is with religion and belief. James states that those people who believe may enjoy the life of religious people and those who do not may lose this chance. Blaize Pascal and William James are sure that people should believe in God. William Clifford can’t agree with them. It does not mean that this philosopher states that we should not believe in God, but he call us to involve some doubt and states that it is necessary as it is our duty. He provides an example to explain why: a ship-owner had an old ship. He knew that it was old and he also knew that some people were going to have a voyage on its board. He did not have any time or facilities to repair his ship and he preferred to pin his hopes on Providence that would not have allowed people to die. As a result these people died as the ship was broken. This testifies that blind belief in Providence may lead to disaster. â€Å"If a man, holding a belief which he was taught in childhood or persuaded of afterwards, keeps down and pushes away any
Monday, July 22, 2019
Traditional Chinese Culture Essay Example for Free
Traditional Chinese Culture Essay Any business, its survival and development with its own cultural conditions and cultural environment are inseparable. Enterprise culture is the basis of survival, the standard of behavior, a guarantee of success. My article focuses on the traditional culture, Confucianism, Taoism two ideas on the positive role of enterprise culture, but also a brief analysis of the traditional culture of negative impact of enterprise culture. China’s enterprises in creating organization culture should absorb the essence of traditional culture, discard the dross, the traditional culture in building of enterprise culture to play its due role. Enterprise culture refers to the business philosophy, value systems, historical traditions and work style, performance for the whole spirit of enterprise members, common value standards, precipitation of habit, certain moral norms and culture quality. It not only can play the guidance and constraint role to the thought and behavior of staffs, motivate their creativity, enhance the cohesive affinity of enterprise, but also can be more clearly to distinguish this enterprise and the competition, so that it is convenient for consumers to identify enterprise, and then produce identity Enterprise culture is the foundation of the enterprise existing, criterion of performance, and the guarantee of success. The formation of enterprise culture theory began in the 1980 s in the United States. At that time, the whole international economic situation has undergone great changes, Japan in just 20 years, it became the world’s second developed capitalist countries from a defeated country, and became the major competitors of American enterprises, which makes people rethink the phenomenon deeply. After a deep analysis, in the process of enterprise competitions, is the enterprise culture makes Japanese rapid rise, is the enterprise culture plays a major role on Japans economic development. So the western business US-Led opens a wave create enterprise culture boom. When we explore the Japanese enterprise culture, and found that the Japanese enterprise culture was influenced by Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, when Chinese enterprise is creating the enterprise culture and improving competitiveness, in addition to learning and introducing advanced enterprise culture of eastern and western outside, still necessary to learn from Chinese traditional culture in the ideological treasure. Chinese traditional culture on the influence of positive aspect, about the positive influence of Confucianism and Taoism I The positive influence of Confucianism The representative figure of Confucianism is Confucius, Confucius thought often is used by the enterprise. There is a the father of the modern industry who is called Shibusawa Eiichi, he established the enterprise for the whole life, operated hundreds of business enterprise for example, Prince paper, Oriental textile, and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industry, the enterprise has been founded more than one hundred years, they are still prevalent. How does he do the enterprise so well, Shibusawa Eiichi explained by himself, is the analects of Confucius and abacus , it is Confucian moral and interests are the interoperability of pursuit in the production and business operation, also the moral and economy are the one, or call justice, we consider the ethical moral when we aspire interest factors, we aspire interest factors when we consider the ethical moral. Confucian explanation and couterfacture explanation,made Confucian ideas gain the new strength. The analects of Confucius and the thought of Confucianism are very available for the enterprise culture construction in China, this article mainly from the benevolence, faith, justice and harmony several aspects to discuss Confucianism on the influence of the enterprise culture construction in China. The thought of Benevolence Benevolence, kindheartedness, benevolence is the core of Confucius thought, is the essence of the Confucian. the word of benevolence appeared. 109 times in The Analects of Confucius ,had a variety of explanation, one of the most common and the most important explanation is love the people, Confucius answered for several times when Xushen who is his student asked him, did explain: benevolence is intimate . In the business management of enterprise in China need to respect their staffs, understand them, trust and tolerant them, and care about them, thus it is effective that enterprises foster employees Loyalty and trust of employee, if the enterprise must consider employees, it can arouse the enthusiasm of employees fully. The thought of Trustworthiness Trustworthiness is words and deeds are the one, mentioned trustworthiness for many times in The Analects of Confucius; Analects  · government-funded said: people who have no faith do not have to recommend him, The Analects of Confucius ·YanYuan said people who have no faith do not have any space to stand . Faith is a neutral concept, does not contain the class, any person must stress trustworthiness when dealing with people and handling affairs, people who have no faith do not have to recommend him, people who have no faith do not have any space to stand. The enterprise must stress the trustworthiness to make the enterprise success. trust is the positive thought in the Confucian, also is the important model of exchange moral principle in China. It is worth for us to learn and use for reference in the enterprise culture construction today. Because the good faith, externally, first of all, good faith can greatly reduce transaction costs, improve business efficiency; Secondly, the good faith can set a good reputation for the enterprise to develop a broader market space, thus get more benefit. Internally, only on the basis of good faith, the internal enterprise can achieve the mutual trust, the harmonious interpersonal relationship of mutual understanding, then minimize the internal friction, give full play to peoples biggest potential. An entrepreneur with strategic vision should understand these: the enterprise survival is not a day or two days, but the long career. Some enterprise implementation of the principle of bad faith, they will be kicked out the fierce marketing competition quickly. The thought of Righteousness Righteousness is about the moral and socialist. Confucius said, One has not lived in vain if he dies after he is told of the way, the enterprise must set up the correct moral as their action creeds in the cultural construction, and fight for it. Especially, when the righteousness and interest conflict are contradicting, we must keep a clear head and the right values. Confucius said, a gentleman is always moral, vile people just focus on the only gain ( The analects of Confucius, benevolence ), Riches and position without are to me as the floating clouds, he also put forward the thought that Consider righteousness when seeing benefits. Advocate people to do it when seeing the righteousness, sacrifice for justice, pay more attention to the righteousness and be careless benefits, No matter what to do, dont forget the righteousness. Make personal behaviors conform to the righteousness and moral, and dont care about the utility or material interests. In the enterprise culture construction in China, should set up the correct merit as an important content, when making staffs consciously aware that stress justice, should admit that benefit of necessary, when meeting the pursuit of benefit, need to accept the constraint of righteousness. So, can achieve use the righteous to estimate benefits, With a moral to develop interests, adjust and regulate the action that the enterprises in the economic activity, and make the enterprise obey the law, legitimate the business in a correct way to make money, treating making money as a way, not a destination, Consciously let making money associate with the national prosperity and interests, do charity donations for the education, make benefits reward the society, embody the value orientation of traditional Chinese culture. The thought of harmony Confucian culture emphasizes harmony, Confucius said highly summarizes the basic spirit of ritual†harmony is the most precious is the history of several thousand years of interpersonal relationship, national culture, social relations’ traditional principles. Use the way of seeking more common grounds while reserving differences, to coordinate the part of peoples interests and requirements. To achieve the overall coordinating, harmony is the Chinese society long-term stability of the important cultural pillar. The Chinese nation strong cohesion also is the result of the tradition of harmony. For the enterprise culture construction is concerned, the relatively popular approach is using three harmony to manage the enterprise , three harmony s are harmonious people,harmonious objectives, and harmonious benefits, namely, the enterprise management need to make people relationship harmonious, enterprise production and environmental harmonious, the enterprise competition and cooperation get together organically . The Confucian ideas from different aspects in the construction of enterprise culture plays a role, is the enterprise lubricant of operation. Therefore, the enterprise should with extraordinary grand vision, pay attention to absorb excellent Chinese traditional culture reference to educate staffs and develop employees, make them love their work, solidarity and cooperation, the spirit of harmony, the competitiveness of the enterprises can strengthen. II The positive influence of Taoism The representative figure of Taoism is Laozi, Zhuangzi. The respectively writings are â€Å"Laozi â€Å", â€Å"Zhuangzi†. Enterprise culture construction can absorb reasonable nutrition in China. 1. The thought of â€Å"The nature of the Tao, govern by non-interference. †The Taos is the center thought of the Taoist . Laozi said The nature of the Tao, govern by non-interference. means things have its development rule, people should do something according to rules, shall not act just as you please. In applying the enterprise culture construction, firstly, the leader behavior should conform to the natural development rules, and set legal system according to the rules. Secondly, the enterprise should consider its own characteristic and the surrounding environment totally when involving enterprise reform, dont take it for granted. Thirdly, for leaders, should be good at stressing the important issues. the routine affairs are made decentralization to subordinates, so the duty and right are clear, exhaust its power each, leaders seem be at leisure, actually,the work is in the perfect order, it is inaction and without exception 2. The thought of Dialectical to things, dialectical at all things†. This is the Taoist thought and essence. Laozi thought, all phenomena are in opposition to each other, such as new and old, filled with failure, high and low, long and short, fortune and misfortune, and so on, and the opposite relationship is also can be changed. Focus on present enterprise, the market is like the battlefield, there is success,also there is fill, in the face of the fierce competition, the enterprises should have a clear understanding. When the enterprise is in the management difficult period, the enterprise should not be discouraged, through unremitting efforts, have the difficult situation improved and developed in the opposite direction , which is succeed; When the enterprise is in prosperity, also should recognize that the enterprises still exist some problems, which is likely to be hidden, and at the same time, the enterprise competition rises rapidly on barely detectable speed ,the enterprise will fall behind, even may be eliminated carelessly. The thought of dialectical to things to know things, manage the enterprise, is also one of magic weapon that many enterprises win the game to success or avoid arrogance and keep lead. 3. Thought of The beginning of crumbs Laozi thought, all the great things of the world, start from the trifle deeds. He said: The close columns are born in Baekho wood; the platform of nine layers of begins tired soil; A journey of miles begins with a single step. This has a great enlightening significance for enterprise culture construction. Each enterprise has one dream, the constant development and growth. In order to o realize this dream, it will have to start from scratch, however many enterprise doesnt do this, they are anxious for success, expect them to compare blindly, expand the scale recklessly, introduce foreign capital, ignore its own conditions, also regardless of what are the procedure and regularity, result in appearing management difficulty, funds are wasted, the increase in liabilities and so on a series of unhealthy phenomenon. The enterprise of world Top 500 enterprise, Which enterprise is not clear about the history of hundreds of years? Which enterprise does not rise abruptly based on its accumulated strength? Then they achieve the brilliant achievements. Taoism, broad and profound, it educate todays enterprise has dialectical view of success or failure, conform to rules to manage the enterprise in a thought of The nature of the Tao, govern by non-interference. , at the same time, look upon the business enterprise growth in a thought of beginning of crumbs, causes the enterprise to sustainable development. The negative influence of Chinese traditional culture. Everything is split into two, there is no absolute good or completely bad, when seeing the excellent traditional culture, also should see its negatives, here is the simple analysis of the Chinese traditional culture on the influence of negative aspect 1. The doctrine of the mean impartial, the maintenance arts of harmonic fold Wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy them, shoot the bird which takes the lead, these proverbs advise Chinese not to be the worlds firstly will affect the enterprise competition consciousness of first-class , also greatly affect the enterprise internal personnel selection, training and the use. Governor General of Canada, Wu Bingzhis father educated his kids, if you dont want to pick the stars in the sky, so you even the dust of the ground also cant get. In the age of globalization now, the business is more competitive, is full of risk, who is too timid and overcautious, everything is not dare to do it firstly, or competition consciousness is light , no desire to make progress, and do the industry in â€Å"muddle through †mind, Im afraid the enterprise is difficult to live forever. When former general electric CEO jack Welch talk about general enterprise culture, Had one well-known saying is competition, competition, and competition again. 2. How do you view the success or the failure. How to evaluate the person who often fails. No one dares to say that he will never fail. Modern scientific education research indicates that people learn from mistakes, so, to a certain extent, successful people are the failure of more than others. As a modern merchant, must be not afraid of failure, only the person is not afraid of the failture, who would know failure, will distinguish which is the success through failure, which is the failure of forever, so as to avoid the failure in the key problems. In the traditional Chinese culture, the evaluation of a person is often not see who makes it so many things, but more is to see how many he made the mistake, against many people, how many times he has failed. In this standard, the kind of person who doesnt care no fame, only request no faults, the person who takes care of a good relationship is in the ascendant, but the person who has the big momentum, who is careless of the relationship, who plunges into the affairs often suffer more loss. Long-term since, the enthusiasm of employees will be hit, the harm to the enterprise is self-evident. 3. Pay more attention to the history, experience, authority and the thought of ranking. Dont know the ancient, no righteousness. I had passed a bridge more than the path where you had walked . A big officers saying is more virtuous than small officer, as if all the leaders are wiser than subordinates in all the problems . The experience of past, were not completely intact are used to guide todays real life, The experience of the past, were not completely intact used to guide todays real life, many experiences for todays often are only core thought about. Above in the role of thought enterprise culture construction, will only make enterprise feudal breath is strong, it is difficult to develop for the Long time. 4. The trend in thought, to pay attention to the metaphysical of the research, and neglected the physical quest, cause pay attention to traditional culture, neglect art bad tendency. In the Confucian culture dominant, formed a very bad idea: advocating principles, despised the skill, People has always attached great importance to learn the traditional culture. This kind of idea and further encourage the value of intolerance. The idea for the enterprise culture construction, easy to cause the enterprise just talking morality, no material technology pursuit, in science and technology is the first productivity of modern society, ignore technological innovation is dead, must avoid this narrow traditional culture. Overall, as the traditional Chinese culture running in Asian for the thousands of years, is a complex culture on both sides of the body. Speaking from the positive aspects, it plays the positive role in the construction of enterprise culture, is the enterprise culture innovation, the basement to continue to progress; Speaking from the negative aspects, it also can form the block role in the construction of enterprise culture, is a heavy burden of history. We should see the positive aspect, also need to see the negative aspect, take the essence and discard the dross in order to service modern enterprise culture construction.
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